Unit 3 A healthy diet (story time).


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 3 A healthy diet (story time)

说说你所知道的食物和饮料 Brain Storm

What do you like eating / drinking?

I like eating… eat meat 肉,肉类 (不可数名词)

I also like eating… vest vegetables large 蔬菜 (可数名词,通常用复数形式)

Is my diet healthy ? My diet(饮食) Breakfast: some porridge(粥), an egg. Lunch And Dinner: a lot of a few (几个) 几个,修饰可数名词 a little (一点) 一点,修饰不可数名词 Is my diet healthy ?

6下 Unit 3 A healthy diet

some fish, meat, Healthy diet pyramid (健康饮食金字塔) (Calories卡路里) make you fat a little sweet food some fish, meat, eggs, … …good for … make us strong 使我们保持强壮 a lot of fruit, vegetables a lot of rice, bread, noodles, keep us healthy

Listen and circle What food and drinks do they have?

Listen and circle What food and drinks do they have? Rice, bread or noodles. Hamburgers and hot-dogs. C. Fruit and vegetables. D. Meat, fish, milk and eggs. E. Water. F. Sweet food.

Tips:快速浏览课文,划下正确的答案。 Read and Say What food do they like eating ?

Read and Say: Sweet food (甜食) (一次) What food do they like eating? Mike likes eating__________,_________ and ____________. sweets cakes Ice cream Yang Ling likes eating_______ _______, too. But she eats at a time. sweet food a little (一次) Q:What diet does Mike / Yang Ling have? (请快速打开课本,读读课文内容)

Tips:快速浏览课文,划下正确的答案。 Please give Mike/Yang Ling some suggestions! 快来给迈克/杨玲一些建议吧! Tips:快速浏览课文,划下正确的答案。 Retell their diets(试试描述Mike或Yang Ling的饮食) Q:Does Mike have a healthy diet?Why? Read the story and fill in the blanks: Yang Ling name breakfast lunch and dinner problems (问题) a lot of rice some fish some meat some bread milk a little water no vegetables a few eggs(week) some meat some vegetables a little rice a lot of noodles an egg some fruit(day) Hey! Mike/ Yang Ling,You should...

Let’s read.

Read freely Read after one. Read in parts. Read together. (一人领读,另一个跟读) 同桌之间选择一种喜欢的方式读一读。 Read after one. (一人领读,另一个跟读) Read in parts. (分段读) Read together. (齐读)

Open your books, and finish P28 (完成书本二十八页的练习) 1、True and false. 2、Read and write.

Read and judge F T F T F T likes eating cakes. a few eggs every week. a little rice. T

Read and write I like eating . I have a lot of food every day. In the moring, I have some _______ and __________. In the afternoon and evening, I have __________ ,________and _________. I like eating_______, ______ and ________. I like sweet food very much. bread milk a lot of rice some fish some meat ice cream sweets cakes

Read and write I like eating too. In the morning, I have a lot of ________. I sometimes have ______. In the afternoon and evening, I have some ______ and some __________. I only eat a little _____. I also eat a little ___________ and some _____every day. noodles an egg meat vegetables rice sweet food fruit

Say a chant: To be a healthy guard (做一个健康小卫士) Rice and noodles, a lot we need! Vegetables ,fruit, Keep us healthy! Fish and meat, some are good. Cakes, sweets, a little will be better.

Health is wealth! Eat healthy food! Have a healthy lifestyle! 拥有健康的生活方式! Health is wealth! 健康 就是 财富!

Design your healthy diet (设计一份你自己的健康饮食表) I like eating... For breakfast, I have ... For lunch and dinner, I have... I also have… So I (don’t) have a healthy diet.

Homework: 1 Read the text freely and recite it.(读背课文) 2 Say something about your healthy diet,and write it down.(描述一下自己的饮食,并将它写下来)

Thank you. Bye-bye!