Culture and Communication


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Presentation transcript:

Culture and Communication Mark Du Ass. Prof School of International Trade Tel:13870087708 ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Introduction (Case study) Cultural communication between Chinese students and American students by CCTV Hope Project for the Poor in an African Country Chinese Students Theme is “Silk Road” A Banner for “Money Collection” American Students Medical care program Education Program Aid for the Poor Truth Power Wealth Wisdom A. B. C. D. 从中央电台2006年初举办的中美大学生文化交流的两道题目来看中美文化差异: 1、节目主持人崔永元给出八个选择项目:中国学生大多数选择“权利和财富”;而美国学生大多数学生选择“智慧和真理” 2、一个援助非洲某个部落贫穷地区:中国学生设计以“丝绸之路”为主题,在非洲宣传中国,并为非洲落后地区募捐;而美国学生提出具体的援助计划:例如,支教活动;医疗援助等具体可操作性的计划。 最后,节目主持人解释说,是由于中美文化差异所造成的。我们要问为什么会造成这种差异呢?如何解释?如何理解? E. Money ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Geert Hofstede's Definition Hofstede defines culture as the "software of the mind" that guides us in our daily interactions. Or "Culture is the collective programming of the mind which distinguishes the members of one category of people from another." ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade What is Culture? The term was first used in this way by the pioneer English Anthropologist Edward B. Tylor in his book, Primitive Culture, published in 1871.  Tylor said that culture is "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, law, morals, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."  ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade Culture: The system of shared beliefs, values, customs, behaviours, and artifacts that the members of society use to cope with their world and with one another, and that are transmitted from generation to generation through learning (p7).(Bates and Plog's ) - 一流企业卖文化;二流企业卖技术;三流企业卖产品。 一流企业文化管人,二流企业制度管人,三流企业用人管人。 Culture is composed of artifacts, sociofacts, and mentifacts ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade Culture: is a shared, learned, symbolic system of values, beliefs and attitudes that shapes and influences perception and behavior -- an abstract "mental blueprint" or "mental code." Must be studied "indirectly" by studying behavior, customs, material culture (artifacts, tools, technology), language, etc. Culture is composed of artifacts, sociofacts, and mentifacts 美国学者本尼迪克特·安德森认为民族主义“是一种特殊类型的文化人造物(cultural artefacts)”,“一旦被创造出来,它们就变得‘模式化’(modular),在深浅不一的自觉状态下,它们可以被移植到许多形形色色的社会领域,可... ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Rousseau‘s model(卢梭模型) ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade What is Culture? Norms/ Standards ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade What is Culture? Geert Hofstede Onion Diagram ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade Cultural Differences Rousseau's model 中国50000年文明,道教最能代表中国文化,因为它能像西方基督教文化一样,能解释世界的起源。 中国文化是“儒释道”的综合体:佛管人的灵魂;儒管人的思想;道管人的身体。灵、魂、体分别由不同的宗教或思想管理。 ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade 丹尼森的组织文化模型 ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade Cultural Differences Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, faithfulness, loyalty, piety and kinship ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade “三教合一” 传统“三教合一”基础上的所谓文化信仰,无疑就是以孔子之道治天下,老氏之道养性,释氏之道修心。 浅谈儒家与道家的(企业文化)管理思想。如果管理者失去了“君子”品格,就成了“狼文化” 易经中的管理思想:“变易”、“简易”、“不易”。即:以企业价值理念不变,去应对变幻莫测的市场变更。 ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade Dimensions of Culture Languages (codes/modes) Verbal Nonverbal Physical Psychological Environment Human Behavior Content Processes Natural Man Made Knowledge Belief Encoding Systems Decoding Thought ©Copy 13-02 Intercultural Business Communication, 3rd ed., Chaney & Martin Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade Dimensions of Culture Pattern Recognition (模式识别) Communication is affected by the way people think, their processes of cognition(认知过程) Culture—the operating environment of the mind– determines how people think. Asians and Westerners think and perceive in different patterns. Semitic(闪族语系的) 闪米特人的概念来自古希伯来人在圣经中对各种族来由的记载,凡文化与语言上跟他们接近的种族即被认为是闪的子孙。 Romance(罗马语,罗曼语) ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade Cultural Theories Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Edward H. Hall Kluckhohn and Strodtback’s Model Trompenaars cultural dimensions Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Power Distance(权力距离) Uncertainty Avoidance(不确定性规避) Individualism vs. Collectivism(个人主义与集体主义) Masculinity vs. Femininity (男性化与女性化) Long-term vs Short-term Orientation Indulgence vs Restrain(放纵与节制) ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade Edward H. Hall High Context vs Low Context Monochronic-Time vs Polychronic-Time P​r​o​x​e​m​i​c​s(空间关系学) ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Kluckhohn and Strodtback’s Model (克拉克洪和斯乔贝克) Type of national culture Traditional – high context Mixed Modern – low context Relation to nature Subjugation Harmony Mastery Time view Past Present Future Human nature Good (Theory X) Evil (Theory Y) Activity Being Containing Doing Relationships Hierarchical Group Individualistic Spatial Public Private ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Kluckhohn and Strodtback’s Model (克拉克洪和斯乔贝克) ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Trompenaars cultural dimensions(强皮纳斯) The seven value dimensions identified were: 1)Universalism versus particularism (普遍主义与特殊主义) 2)Communitarianism versus individualism(集体主义与个体主义) 3)Neutral versus emotional (中性与情绪化) 4) Specific versus Defuse cultures(明确与扩散文化) 5)Achievement versus ascription(个人成就与社会等级) 6)Human-Time relationship and(长期与短期关系) 7)Human-Nature relationship(人与自然关系) 明确的与扩散的 明确文化:个人拥有较大的公众空间,他们乐意让别人进入和分享;同时,他们也有一个很小的严密保护的私人空间,只与亲密的朋友和亲人分享。奥地利、英国、美国和瑞士等。 扩散性文化:私人空间和公众空间在规模上是相似的。委内瑞拉、中国等。 ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade

Mark Du, School of International Trade Homework Assignments Visit Hofstede’s Website and compare any of the two countries’ cultural values. Compare Two Different Company’s Culture, based on Corporate Cultural Model. Impact of belief system on business management. ©Copy 13-02 Mark Du, School of International Trade