Young Mainland graduates set up own businesses in HK


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Presentation transcript:

Young Mainland graduates set up own businesses in HK

Words and phrases entrepreneur n. ˌ企业家; Someone who organizes a business venture and assumes the risk for it. entrepreneurship n.企业家精神 cuisine n. 《源自法语; 源自拉丁文“厨房”的意思》烹调(法);烹饪(法);菜肴 The practice or manner of preparing food or the food so prepared

subsequently adv. 随后,其后;后来 caliber n. 才干;水准;器量; 口径 a degree or grade of excellence or worth diameter of a tube or gun barrel subsequently adv. 随后,其后;后来 be lured to 被吸引,诱惑 People are lured to real estate because of the quick buck that it promises. 人们往往容易急功近利,被房地产投资的各种快速回报承诺所吸引。

Questions 1.Why does Hong Kong so popular among the mainland graduate student? 2.Can you find some positive factors that inspire the graduate student to set up their own business?

Answers 1. Hong Kong’s draw for Mainland students is the caliber of education it offers at affordable cost, compared with those offered in America or Europe. The Hong Kong government also provides generous scholarships or fellowships to outstanding students.

2. The spirit of HK is entrepreneurship 2. The spirit of HK is entrepreneurship. Many mainland students are inspired by such legendary stories and they want to give a try. The business environment in HK is very transparent and fair. It provide as one of the best platforms to come the business here.

Discussion What do you think of the idea that the graduate student set up their own business?