Practical writing Section C:.


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Presentation transcript:

Practical writing Section C:

A registration form is often used for someone to register for a meeting, an activity or to check in a hotel. It contains the particulars of the person including his or her title, name(s), birthday, address, ways of contact, nationality, etc.

Title: Miss (Miss/Ms./Mr./Mrs./Dr.) Family name (Surname): Brown REGISTRATION Title: Miss (Miss/Ms./Mr./Mrs./Dr.) Family name (Surname): Brown Given name (Forename): Joan Date of birth: 06 (day) 08 (month) 1968 (year) Home address: No. 107 Selden Street, San Diego, California USA 92101 Tel: (619)-8952387 Fax: (619)-8952386 E-mail: Country of birth: Australia Nationality: American

Title: 称呼,即称先生、小姐,还是夫人, 据此 能确定填表人的性别。 Family name (Surname): 姓 注册表或登记表是日常开会、参加活动或登记住宿时所需填写的一种表格。填写内容一般比较简单,包括填写人的姓名、地址、电话、出生年月等个人信息。在上例中: Title: 称呼,即称先生、小姐,还是夫人, 据此 能确定填表人的性别。 Family name (Surname): 姓 Given name (Forename): 名 Date of birth: 出生年月,按日、月、年的顺序填写。 Home address: 家庭地址。从门牌号码、街道名、城市名、国家名到邮政 编码,按顺序依次填写。 Country of birth: 出生国,即在哪个国家出生。 Nationality: 国籍,即现在是哪个国家的公民。注意: 此处应用国名的形容词形式,如 British, Chinese, French, Spanish,而不是Britain, China, France, Spain。

Surname (Family name/Last name) Give the proper translations to the following Chinese phrases. 工作地址 已婚 签名 家庭地址 出生年月 全名 永久地址 姓 Work address Married Signature Home address Date of birth Full name Permanent address Surname (Family name/Last name)

First name (Given name/ Forename/Christian name) Give the proper translations to the following Chinese phrases. 离婚 性别 姓名略称 年龄 婚姻状况 未婚 名 Divorced Sex Initials Age Marital status Single First name (Given name/ Forename/Christian name)

1. Fill in the following registration form according to the information given below in Chinese. 袁正义先生准备报名参加3月14日—16日在北京召开的国际贸易研讨会(symposium)。他的地址是北京市清华路269号,电话号码为010-56438897,传真号为010-54328890。因为是会员,他只需支付30美元的会务费。他准备周六下午到达,参加周日的研讨会。

Beijing Symposium on International Trade (14–16 March, 2014) Family name: Given name: _____ ( Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr./Prof.) Address: ____________________ Tel: 010-56438897 Fax: 010-54328890 Registration Fee (must be paid by all participants) Members $30.00 __ Non-members $40.00 __ Accommodation Fees(including bed, breakfast, morning coffee, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner) Friday afternoon to Saturday $136.00 __ Saturday afternoon to Sunday $136.00 __ If attending one day only, please indicate which day: Friday __ Saturday __ Sunday __ Yuan Zhengyi No. 269 Qinghua Road, Beijing √ √ √

Webster University Registration Form Summer, 2014 2. The following is a registration form. Read it and then complete the sentences that follow. Webster University Registration Form Summer, 2014 Family Name Jameson Given Henry Street 5th Ave. City New York State Zip Code 10276-0906 Tel (H) (001)314-3212356 Tel (O) (001)314-3232356 E-mail Student ID F201459595

4. If you are in China and Henry is at home, please dial 1. Who filled out the form? Mr. filled it out. 2. Henry lives at . 3. When you are in New York and Henry is at school, please dial if you want to talk to him. 4. If you are in China and Henry is at home, please dial when you want to talk to him. 5. If you want to reach Henry by computer, use . Jameson 5th Avenue, New York City 314-3212356 001‑314-3212356