MY Nanning MY Hometown.


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Presentation transcript:

MY Nanning MY Hometown

Nanning borders Vietnam, is neighbor to Guangzhou, close to Hong Kong and Macau, and faces Southeast Asia. This advantageous location makes the city a commercial and communication center, opening China to Southeast Asia.

Two impressions on Nanning what you can see here are all so different! 广西民族文物苑 Guangxi Ethnic Relics Center 扬美古镇 Yangmei Ancient Town

历史 气候 南宁简称“邕”, 元朝泰定元年(公元1324年)始称“南宁”,寓意“南方国土安宁”。1958年广西壮族自治区成立,南宁成为广西首府。 气候宜人,故名“绿城”,

Yangmei Ancient Town (扬美古镇): : An ancient town of thousands of years. Built in the Song Dynasty (960-1279)

扬美古镇 Yangmei Ancient Town

A city of minority group 民族特色 A city of minority group Zhuang is the largest minority group of China. Over 90% of them live in Guangxi. Their history and ethnic culture add charm to the city. As the linking point of the tour route from Guilin to Beihai, Nanning has a lot of attractions to offer.

Guangxi Ethnic Relics Center features relics, folk buildings, ethnic flavor, and folk customs of four minorities, Zhuang, Dong, Yao, and Miao.

Upon entering the central gate, one will see a huge timbal(巨鼓) which is a wonderful achievement of the bronze culture(青铜文化) in ancient China, with a history of more than 2,700 years. There are more than 320 timbals in the centre, among which the Yunleiwen Timbal(云雷纹鼓) is the largest in the world. It weighs around 300 kilograms (about 661 pounds), with a diameter of 165 centimeters (about 65 inches) and stands 67.5 centimeters (about 26.5 inches) in height.

huge timbal(巨鼓) which is a wonderful achievement of the bronze culture(青铜文化) in ancient China

Typical buildings of several minorities can be seen here, such as dwelling houses of Zhuang people, bamboo buildings of the Yao‘s(瑶族竹楼), houses constructed on water by the Miao people(苗族吊脚楼) and finally, the drum-towers of Dong people(侗族鼓楼). Their daily utensils and handicrafts are also displayed in each respective model house. Various folk performances will be shown during festivals. This is where one can fully appreciate the enchanting and unique customs of the minorities of Guangxi.

Guangxi Ethnic Relics Center houses constructed on water by the Miao people(苗族吊脚楼)

Delicious food may be more important 特色小吃 凉茶 卷筒粉 宾阳酸粉 烧烤蚌

南宁市民安逸的小日子 East or west , home is the best. 这里的人们勤劳朴实 这里的人们善良勇敢 这里的人们热情好客 East or west , home is the best.

Welcome to my hometown! Thank you!