/ 1 UNIT ONE HOW DO YOU GO THERE? A Let’s learn 城关镇中心小学 赵紫洁.


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Presentation transcript:

/ 1 UNIT ONE HOW DO YOU GO THERE? A Let’s learn 城关镇中心小学 赵紫洁






plane taxi ship bike bus

This is the railway / railroad. What can run on the railway?




Where can we see subways in China? 从全国的情况来看,已建有地铁或已开工建设地铁的 城市有:北京、上海、广州、天津、大连、深圳、 南京、武汉、重庆、长春等。正式提出希望建设地铁 的城市有:成都、杭州、沈阳、西安、哈尔滨、青岛、 苏州等。

L: I go to school by bike. A: Hi,Liu Yun. How do you go to school? Hello, I’m Liu Yun. I’m 9 years old. I’m a student.

on foot How does she go to school? She goes to school . She walks to school. She goes to school . on foot

by bus by plane by ship by train by bike on foot by subway what can you see? by plane by ship by train by bike on foot by subway

: How do you go to Beijing? :I go to Beijing by plane.

How do you go to ____? I go to ___ by ___ . by ship by plane by car by taxi by bus by bike by train on foot

Excuse me! How do you go to ? I go to by train\plane\ship\……on foot. What\How about you? I go to by ……. the USA Beijing Shanghai

The USA Beijing Shanghai Hainan London Sydney Moscow Xiaoxu Jingning … by bus by train by subway by plane by ship on foot by taxi by bike by rickshaw …

on foot by bus by bike by train 你能中英互译吗? 乘轮船 乘地铁 乘飞机 1.步行 _________ 2乘公交车_________ 3.by ship_________ 4.by subway_________ 5.骑自行车_________ 6.乘火车_________ 7.by plane_________ by bus 乘轮船 乘地铁 by bike by train 乘飞机

C D A E ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) B

by bus by train on foot by bike 1)A:How do you go to school? B:I go there___ _____. 2)A:How do you go to Shanghai? 3)A:I go to the park___ _____. What about you? by bus by train on foot by bike

B A C 请选择正确的答案。 ( )1. --How do you go to the USA? --I go by ______. A. bike B. plane C. subway ( ) 2. My father _________on foot. A.goes to work B.goes to Shanghai C. goes to English ( ) 3.--___________do you go home? --I go by bike. A. What B. Where C. How A C

taxi rickshaw motorbike E-bike