English4Formosa 字首字根推廣教材


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Presentation transcript:

English4Formosa 字首字根推廣教材 宗旨: 超高效記憶單字方法完全解密 特色: 快速上手 (20部短片, 不到2小時) 內容: 最高頻的10字首 + 10字根, 讓您輕鬆 快速上手字首字根! 方法: 從10個記憶救星出發, 系統式學習 perfect / prospect / prevent / education / reverse complicated / describe / different / import / access 單字取材來源: 6500基礎核心字彙 http://www.ceec.edu.tw/Research/paper_doc/ce37/4.pdf

1. prevent (v.) 預防 2. reverse (v.) 反轉, 倒退 3. prospect (n.) 展望 超高頻 10 字首 + 10 字根 (上集) @English4Formosa 1. prevent (v.) 預防 ---> pre (之前) + vent (來) ---> 問題來之前預防 2. reverse (v.) 反轉, 倒退 ---> re (回, 向後) + vers (轉) ---> 向後轉 3. prospect (n.) 展望 ---> pro (向前) + spect (看) ---> 向前看 4. perfect (adj.) 完美的 ---> per (徹底) + fect (做) ---> 做得很徹底 5. complicated (adj.) 複雜的 ---> con (一起) + plic (折) ---> 全部折在了一起

1. prevent (v.) keep from occurring Top 10 Prefixes + 10 Roots (Part One) @English4Formosa 1. prevent (v.) keep from occurring ---> pre (before) + vent (come) ---> to take action before the undesired results come 2. reverse (v.) to turn in an opposite position ---> re (back, again) + vers (turn) ---> to turn back 3. prospect (n.) anticipation ---> pro (forward) + spect (look) ---> looking forward 4. perfect (adj.) entirely without flaws ---> per (completely) + fect (do) ---> to do it completely 5. complicated (adj.) complex ---> con (together) + plic (fold) ---> to fold together

6. access (n.) 進入 7. import (v.) 進口 8. education (n.) 教育 超高頻 10 字首 + 10 字根 (下集) @English4Formosa 6. access (n.) 進入 ---> ad (向前) + cess (進行) ---> 可向前進 7. import (v.) 進口 ---> in (在內) + port (攜帶) ---> 往內帶入 8. education (n.) 教育 ---> ex (向外) + duc (引導) ---> 引導到和外面世界接軌 9. describe (v.) 形容 ---> down (往下) + scribe (寫) ---> 寫下來 10. different (adj.) 不同的 ---> dis (分開) + fer (運送) --->分開運送

7. import (v.) to bring in from a foreign country Top 10 Prefixes + 10 Roots (Part Two) @English4Formosa 6. access (n.) admittance ---> ad (to) + cess (go) ---> the right to go inside 7. import (v.) to bring in from a foreign country ---> in (into) + port (carry) ---> to carry goods into a country 8. education (n.) the process of acquiring knowledge ---> ex (out) + duc (lead) ---> lead you to the outside world 9. describe (v.) give an account of ---> de (down) + scribe (write) ---> to write it down 10. different (adj.) not alike ---> dis (apart) + fer (bear) ---> to hold apart

字首 + 字根 = 單字 1. pre 2. re 3. pro 4. per 5. con 6. ad 7. in 8. ex 9. de 10. dis 1A. prevent 2B. reverse 3C. prospect 4D. perfect 5E. complicated 6F. access 7G. import 8H. education 9I. describe 10J. different A. vent B. vert C. spect D. fect E. ple F. cess G. port H. duc I. scribe J. fer 連連看 @ English4Formosa

範例: 字首 per-

23 perceive, perception, perfect, perfection, perform, performance, performer perfume, perish, permanent permission, permit, permissible, perseverance, persevere, persist, persistence, persistent perspective, persuade, persuasion, persuasive 23

# 動詞 (verb) 形容詞 (adjective) 名詞 (noun) 1 perceive perception 2 perform performance performer 3 perfect perfection 4 permit permissible permission 5 persist persistent persistence 6 persuade persuasive persuation 7 persevere perseverance 8 perish 9 permanent 10 perspective 11 perfume

字首 + 單字 字首 + fu 字首 + 字根 字首 + 艱難字根 persevere permanent perceive = per + ceive persuade = per + sua perform perfect = per + fect perish = per + it perfume permit = per + mit persist = per + sist perspective = per + spect

per- through, completely (穿過, 徹底) = per + fect = completely + do 解釋: through, completely (穿過, 徹底) 記憶救星: perfect (adj.) = per + fect = completely + do = 完美的 (做的很徹底) 進階單字: persist (v.) = completely + stand = 堅持, 持續 perspective (n.) = through + see = 透視, 視野 延伸單字: permanent (adj.) = 永久的, 不變的, 固定的 persevere (v.) = 堅持, 不屈不饒

persevere = per + severe per- 解釋: through, completely (穿過, 徹底) 字首 + 單字 persevere = per + severe perform = per + form perfume = per + fume 字首 + fu permanent 字首 + 字根 perceive = per + ceive perfect = per + fect permit = per + mit persist = per + sist perspective = per + spect 字首 + 艱難字根 persuade = per + sua perish = per + it

其他進階單字: perennial pervious permeate perspicacious perspire pervade perforate pernicious perpendicular

40 含有字首 "pre-" 的字 precaution, precede, precedent, predecessor precise precision predict, prediction, preface prefer preferable preference prehistoric prejudice preliminary premature preparation. prepare preposition prescribe. prescription presence present present present presentation preservation preserve preside presidency president presidential presume pretend prevail prevent prevention preventive preview previous 40

predict the future is The best way to pre- to invent it. before (前) - Alan Kay pre- 解釋: before (前) 記憶救星: prevent (v.) = pre + vent = before + come = 預防 (在發生之前做) 進階單字: prefer (v.) = before + carry = 偏好 precede (v.) = before + go = 在 ... 之前 延伸單字: preview (v.) = 預習 prepare (v.) = 事前準備

字首 + 單字 字首 + fu 字首 + 字根 字首 + 難字根 precaution prepare precede = pre + cede prejudice = pre + jud prehistoric present precise = pre + cis preliminary = pre + lim premature preserve predict = pre + dict preposition = pre + pos preview previous =之前的 prefer = pre + fer prevail = pre + vail pretend prescribe = pre + scribe president = pre + sid preface =前言 prevent = pre + vent presume = pre + sume

reverse = re + vers/vert = back + turn = 回, 向後 + 轉 ---> 反轉, 倒退 紙牌遊戲 UNO 的一張功能牌. 某玩家打出此張牌時, 所有玩家的出牌順序 "回轉" reunion conversation review advertisement reduce pervert reject convert 汽車牌檔裡面的"R", 開車的都知道是倒車檔, 其實它的英文全名就是 "Reverse"

177[1] / 214[2] 177 / 6500[3] = 2.7 % = 82% E4F 字首小檔案: react reaction rebel rebellion recall receipt receive receiver recent reception recession recipe recipient recite reckon recognition recognize recommend recommendation reconcile record recorder recover recovery recreation recreational recruit recur recycle reduce reduction redundant refer referee/umpire reference refine reflect reflection reflective reform refresh refreshment(s) refuge refugee refund refusal refuse refute regard regarding regardless regret regular regulate regulation rehearsal rehearse reinforce reject rejection rejoice relate relation relationship relative relax relaxation relay release relevant reliable reliance relic relief relieve religion religious relish reluctant rely remain remainder remark remarkable remedy remember remind reminder remote removal remove renaissance render renew renowned rental repair repay repeat repetition replace reply report reporter represent representation representative repress reputation request require rescue research reservation reserve reservoir reside residence resident residential resign resignation resist resistance resistant resolute resolution resolve resort resource respect respectable respectful respective respond response responsibility responsible restoration restore restrain restraint restrict restriction result resume retail retain retaliate retire retort retreat retrieve return reunion reveal revelation revenge revenue reverse review revise revision revival revive revolt revolution revolutionary revolve reward reproduce republic republican researcher resemblance resemble resent E4F 字首小檔案: 177[1] / 214[2] = 82% 177 / 6500[3] = 2.7 % [1] 含有字首 re- 的總字數 [2] re 開頭的總字數 [3] 抽樣單字總字數 (取材於大考中心推薦單字)

re- back, again (向後, 再) = re + vers = back + turn = 反轉, 倒退 解釋: back, again (向後, 再) 記憶救星 reverse (v.) = re + vers = back + turn = 反轉, 倒退 延伸單字: reunion (v.) = 團圓 (再次聚在一起) review (v.) = 複習 (再看一遍) 進階單字: reduce (v.) = back + lead = 減少 reject (v.) = back + throw = 拒絕

collapse colleague collect collection collective collector college collide collision colloquial combat combination combine comfort comfortable command commander commemorate commence comment commentary commentator commerce commercial commission commit commitment committee commodity common commonplace communicate communication communicative communism communist community commute commuter compact companion companionship company comparable comparative compare comparison compass compassion compassionate compatible compel compensate compensation compete competence competent competition competitive competitor compile complain complaint complement complete complex complexion complexity complicate complication compliment component compose composer composition compound comprehend comprehension comprehensive comprise compromise compute computer computerize comrade conceal concede conceit conceive concentrate concentration concept conception concern concerning concert concession concise conclude conclusion concrete condemn condense condition conduct conductor confer conference confess confession confidence confident confidential confine confirm conflict conform confront confrontation confuse confusion congratulate congratulations congress congresswoman conjunction connect connection conquer conquest conscience conscientious conscious consensus consent consequence consequent conservation conservative conserve consider considerable considerate consideration consist consistent consolation console consonant conspiracy constant constituent constitute constitution constitutional construct construction constructive consult consultant consultation consume consumer consumption contact contagious contain container contaminate contemplate contemplation contemporary contemptcontend content content contest contestant context continent continental continual continue continuity continuous contract contractor contradict contradiction contrary contrast contribute contribution control controller controversial controversy convenience convenient convention conventional conversation converse convert convey convict conviction convince correct correspond correspondence correspondent corridor corrupt corruption coherent coincide coincidence 219

con- co-, com-, cor-, col- 219[1] / 232[2] 219 / 6500[3] = 3.3% = 94% E4F 字首小檔案: 219[1] / 232[2] = 94% 219 / 6500[3] = 3.3% [1] 含有字首 con- 的總字數 [2] con- 家族開頭的總字數 [3] 抽樣單字總字數 (取材於大考中心推薦單字) 解釋: together (共同, 一起) 記憶救星: complicated (adj.) = con + plic = together + fold = 複雜的 延伸單字: connect (v.) = 連接 contest (n.) = 競賽 (一起比賽) 進階單字: conversation (n.) = together + turn = 會話 conference (n.) = together + carry = 會議

62 procedure proceed process procession produce producer product production productive productivity profession professional professor proficiency profile profit profitable profound program progress progressive prohibit prohibition project project projection prolong prominent promise promising promote promotion prompt prompt prone pronoun pronounce pronunciation propaganda propel propeller prophet proportion proposal propose prose prosecute prosecution prospect prospective prosper prosperity prosperous protect protection protective protest proverb provide province provincial provoke 62

pro- 62[1] / 72[2] 62 / 6500[3] = 0.95 % = 86% forward (向前) E4F 字首小檔案: 62[1] / 72[2] = 86% 62 / 6500[3] = 0.95 % [1] 含有字首 pro- 的總字數 [2] pro 開頭的總字數 [3] 抽樣單字總字數 (取材於大考中心推薦單字) pro- 解釋: forward (向前) 記憶救星: prospect (n.) = pro + spect = forward + look = 展望 (向前看) 進階單字: proceed (v.) =forward + go = 繼續進行 produce (v.) =forward + lead = 生產, 製造 延伸單字: progress (n.) = 進步 professor (n.) =教授 (向前推動知識)

77 disability disable disadvantage disagree disappear disappoint disapprove disaster disastrous disbelief discard discharge disciple disciplinary discipline disclose disclosure discomfort disconnect discount discourage discover discovery discreet discriminate discrimination discuss discussion disease disgrace disgraceful disguise disgust dishonest dislike dismantle dismay dismiss disorder dispatch dispensable dispense disperse displace display displease disposable disposal dispose dispute disregard dissident dissolve dissuade distance distant distinct distinction distinctive difficulty distinguish distinguished distort distract distraction distress distribute distribution district distrust disturb disturbance differ difference different differentiate difficult 77

dis- di-, dif- 77[1] / 80[2] 77 / 6500[3] = 1.18 % = 96% E4F 字首小檔案: 77[1] / 80[2] = 96% 77 / 6500[3] = 1.18 % [1] 含有字首 dis- 的總字數 [2] dis 開頭的總字數 [3] 抽樣單字總字數 (取材於大考中心推薦單字) dis- di-, dif- 解釋: not, away, apart (不, 遠離, 分開) 記憶救星: different (a.) = dif + fer = apart + carry = 不同的 進階單字: disadvantage (n.) = 不利條件 disagree (v.) = 不同意 延伸單字: disappear (v.) = 不見, 消失 dishonest (a.) = 不誠實的

accelerate acceleration accent accept acceptable acceptance access accessible accessory accident accidental accommodate accommodation accomplish accord accordance according accordingly account account accountable accountant accounting accumulate accumulation accuracy accurate accusation accuse accustom adapt adaptation aggression aggressive allocate allow allowance announce application apply assure abbreviate apparent appeal appear appearance appetite applaud applause appliance applicable applicant appoint appointment appreciate appreciation apprentice approach appropriate approval approve approximate arrange arrest arrival arrive arrogant assault assemble assembly assert assessment asset assign assist assistance assistant associate association assume assumption assurance attach attack attain attempt attend attendance attendant attention attract attraction attractive

ad- a-, ab-, ac-, af-, ag-, an- al-, ap-, ar-, as-, at- E4F 字首小檔案: 95[1] / 109[2] = 87% 95 / 6500[3] = 1.46 % [1] 含有字首 ad- 的總字數 [2] axx 開頭的總字數 [3] 抽樣單字總字數 (取材於大考中心推薦單字) 解釋: to, toward (向著, 使) 記憶救星: access (v.) = ac + cess = toward + go = 接近, 進入 進階單字: affect (v.) = to + make = 影響, 做作 advertisement (n.) = to + turn = 廣告 延伸單字: assure (v.) = 使確信, 使放心 allocation (n.) = 配置, 分配, 安置

122 exact exaggerate exaggeration examination exam examine examinee examiner example exceed excel excellence excellent except excepting exception exceptional excerpt excess excessive exchange excite exclaim exclude exclusive excuse execute execution executive exercise exert exhaust exhaust exhibit exhibition exile exist existence exit exotic expand expansion expect expectation expedition expel expense expensive experience experiment experimental expert expertise expiration expire explain explanation explicit explode exploit exploration explore explosion explosive export expose exposure express express expression expressive exquisite extend extension extensive extent exterior external extinct extract extreme effect effective efficiency efficient effort eccentric elaborate elect election elevate elevator elegant eligible eliminate elite eloquence eloquent emerge emergency emigrant emigrate emigration emotion emotional erase eraser erect erode erupt eruption escape escort evacuate evaluate evaluation event eventual evidence evident evolution evolve 122

ex- e-, ec-, ef- 122[1] / 285[2] 122 / 6500[3] = 1.87 % = 42% [3] 抽樣單字總字數 (取材於大考中心推薦單字) ex- e-, ec-, ef- 解釋: out (外圍, 外面) 記憶救星: education (n.) = e(ex) + duc = out + lead = 教育 (導向外面的世界) 進階單字: exceed (v.) = out + go = 超過 export (v.) (n.) = out + carry = 出口 延伸單字: evaluate (v.) = 評價 (把價值衡量出來) exit (n.) = 出口

debate decay deceive decent decide decision decisive declaration declare decline decorate decoration decrease dedicate dedication defeat defect defend defense defensible defensive deficiency define definite definition degrade degree delay delegate delegation deliberate delicate delicious delight delightful delinquent deliver delivery demand demonstrate demonstration denial denounce deny depart department departure depend dependable dependent depict deposit depress depression deprive derive descend descendant descent describe description descriptive desert desert deserve design designate designer desirable desire despair desperate despise despite destination destined destiny destroy destruction destructive detach detail detain detect detective deter detergent deteriorate determination determine devalue development device devise devote devotion devour 97

E4F 字首小檔案: 97[1] / 128[2] = 75% 97 / 6500[3] = 1.49 % [1] 含有字首 de- 的總字數 [2] de 開頭的總字數 [3] 抽樣單字總字數 (取材於大考中心推薦單字) de- 解釋: down, apart, not (往下, 分離, 不) 記憶救星: describe (v.) = de + scrib = down + write = 描述 (寫下來) 進階單字: defect (n.) = not + make = 缺陷 deport (v.) = apart + carry = 驅逐, 放逐 延伸單字: departure (v.) = 離開, 啟程 depress (v.) = 沮喪 (垂頭喪氣)

illuminate illusion illustrate illustration immense immigrant immigrate immigration impact imperative imperial implement implication implicit imply import importance important impose imposing impress impression impressive imprisonment improvement impulse incense incentive incident incidental incline include including inclusive income increase indeed index indicate indication indoor indoors induce indulge industrial industrialize industry infect infection infectious infer inference inferior inflation influence influential inform information informative ingenious ingenuity ingredient inhabit inhabitant inherent inherit initial initial initiate initiative inject injection innovation innovative input inquire inquiry insect insert inside insight insist insistence inspect inspection inspector inspiration inspire install installation installment instance instant instead instinct institute institution instruct instruction instructor instrument insult insurance insure intellect intellectual intelligence intelligent intend intense intensify intensity intensive intent intention intimacy intimate intimidate into intonation intrude intruder intuition invade invaluable invasion invent invention inventor inventory invest investigate investigate investigation investigator invitation invite involveinward inward 140

in- im-, il-, ir- 140[1] / 204[2] 140 / 6500[3] = 2.15 % = 69% E4F 字首小檔案: 140[1] / 204[2] = 69% 140 / 6500[3] = 2.15 % [1] 含有字首 in- 的總字數 [2] in 開頭的總字數 [3] 抽樣單字總字數 (取材於大考中心推薦單字) in- im-, il-, ir- 解釋: in (在內, 進入) 記憶救星: import (v.) = im + port = in + carry = 進口 (把貨物帶入) 進階單字: invent (v.) = in + come = 發明 imply (v.) = in + fold = 暗指 延伸單字: indoor (a.) = 室內的 interior decorator (n.) = 室內設計師

字根 vent vert spect fect ple cess port scribe fer duc

vent, ven come (來) = pre + vent = before + come = 預防 (在事情來之前) 解釋: come (來) 記憶救星: prevent (v.) = pre + vent = before + come = 預防 (在事情來之前) 進階單字: invent (v.) = in + come = 發明 convention (n.) = together + come = 會議, 習俗 延伸單字: event (n.) =事件 (爆發出來) revenue (n.) = 收入 (賺回來的錢)

14 字根: 字首 + 字根: venture invent invention inventor inventory prevent prevention preventive convention conventional event eventual revenue intervention 14

vert, vers turn, change (轉變, 改變) = re + vers = back + turn = 反轉 (往回轉) 解釋: turn, change (轉變, 改變) 記憶救星: reverse (v.) = re + vers = back + turn = 反轉 (往回轉) 進階單字: pervert (n.) = completely + change = 變態 convert (v.) = together + change = 轉變 延伸單字: conversation (n.) = 對話 (雙方輪轉發言) advertisement (n.) = 廣告 (吸目光, 讓你轉頭看 )

17 字根: 字首 + 字根: verse version versus versatile conversation controversial controversy diverse diversify diversion diversity universal universe university converse convert divert 17

spect, spic look (看) = pro + spect = forward + look = 展望 (向前看) 解釋: look (看) 記憶救星: prospect (n.) = pro + spect = forward + look = 展望 (向前看) 進階單字: respect (v.) = again + look = 尊重, 重視 expect (v.) = out + look = 期待 延伸單字: aspect (n.) = to+ look = 方面, 觀點 inspect (v.) = in + look = 檢查 (往內看)

18 字根: 字首 + 字根: spectacle spectacular spectator spectrum aspect inspect inspection inspector prospect prospective perspective respect respectable respectful respective suspect suspicion suspicious 18

fac, fec, fic make, do (做) = per + fect = completely + do 解釋: make, do (做) 記憶救星: perfect (adj.) = per + fect = completely + do = 完美的 (做的很徹底) 進階單字: efficient (adj.) = out + make = 有效率的 infection (n.) = in + do = 感染 延伸單字: effect (n.) = 影響, 效果 fact (n.) = 事實 (真的有做的事)

20 字根: 字首 + 字根: fact faction factor factory faculty facility facilitate fic 要再找一下 字首 + 字根: artifact manufacture manufacturer defect effect effective infect infection infectious perfect perfection efficient efficiency 20

ple, plic, ply fold (折) = com + pli = together + fold = 複雜的 解釋: fold (折) 記憶救星: complicated (a.) = com + pli = together + fold = 複雜的 進階單字: implicit (adj.) = in + fold = 内斂的 (向內折) explicit (adj.) = ex + fold = 明確的 (向外折) 延伸單字: multiply (v.) = 乘 triple (adj.) = 三倍的

19 字根: 字首 + 字根: apply applicable applicant application fic 要再找一下 字首 + 字根: apply applicable applicant application imply implicit implication reply complement complete complex complexion complexity multiple triple complicate complication explicit simplicity 19

cede, cess, ceed go (進行) = ac + cess = toward + go = 接近, 進入 解釋: go (進行) 記憶救星: access (v.) = ac + cess = toward + go = 接近, 進入 進階單字: recession (n.) = back + go = 後退, 不景氣 exceed (v.) = out + go = 超過, 勝出 延伸單字: process (n.) =過程 precede (v.) = 在...之前

21 字根: 字首 + 字根: precede precedent access accessible accessory fic 要再找一下 字首 + 字根: precede precedent access accessible accessory concede concession exceed excess excessive predecessor proceed process procession recession suceed success successful succession successive successor 21

port carry (攜帶, 運送) = im(in) + port = in + carry = 進口 (把貨物帶入) 解釋: carry (攜帶, 運送) 記憶救星: import (v.) = im(in) + port = in + carry = 進口 (把貨物帶入) 進階單字: report (v.) = back + carry = 報告 export (v.) = out + carry = 出口 延伸單字: port (n.) = 港 portable (a.) = 便於攜帶的

16 字根: 字首 + 字根: passport port portion portable porter airport export fic 要再找一下 字首 + 字根: airport export import importance important opportunity report reporter support transport transportation 16

duc, duct lead (引導, 帶領) = ex + duc = out + lead = 教育 (導向外面的世界) 解釋: lead (引導, 帶領) 記憶救星: education (n.) = ex + duc = out + lead = 教育 (導向外面的世界) 進階單字: induce (v.) = in + lead = 引誘 reduce (v.) = back + lead = 降低 (往下帶) 延伸單字: conduct (v.) = 引導, 帶領 produce (v.) = 生產 (向前帶領)

18 字首 + 字根: conduct conductor productive productivity educate education educational induce introduce introduction produce producer product production reproduce reduce reduction seduce fic 要再找一下 18

scrib, script write (寫) = de + scrib = down + write = 描述 (寫下來) 解釋: write (寫) 記憶救星: describe (v.) = de + scrib = down + write = 描述 (寫下來) 進階單字: prescribe (v.) = before + write = 開藥方 subscribe (v.) = under + write = 訂閱 延伸單字: script (n.) = 劇本 (用寫的) manuscript (n.) = 手寫稿

8 字根: 字首 + 字根: script describe prescribe subscribe description descriptive manuscript prescription 8

fer carry, bear (攜帶, 承受, 生育) = dif + fer = apart + carry = 不同的 解釋: carry, bear (攜帶, 承受, 生育) 記憶救星: different (a.) = dif + fer = apart + carry = 不同的 進階單字: infer (v.) = in + carry = 推斷 conference (n.) = together + carry = 會議 延伸單字: ferry (n.) = 渡船 (攜帶東西或人) fertilizer (n.) = bear = 肥料 (增加果樹生產)

27 字根: ferry 字首 + 字根: confer conference differ difference different differentiate indifference indifferent fertile fertility fertilizer infer inference inferior interfere interference offer offering prefer preferable preference refer referee reference suffer transfer 27

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