「臺北市雙語教學的現況與願景」 銘傳大學應用英語系 張武昌教授 2017/06/28.


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「臺北市雙語教學的現況與願景」 銘傳大學應用英語系 張武昌教授 2017/06/28

Bilingual education Bilingual education involves teaching academic content in two languages, in a native and secondary language with varying amounts of each language used in accordance with the program model.

Transitional Bilingual Education This involves education in a child's native language, typically for no more than three years, to ensure that students do not fall behind in content areas like mathematics, science, and social studies while they are learning English. Research has shown that many of the skills learned in the native language can be transferred easily to the second language later. The goal is to help students transition to mainstream, English-only classrooms as quickly as possible, and the linguistic goal of such programs is English acquisition only. In a transitional bilingual program, the student's primary language is used as a vehicle to develop literacy skills and acquire academic knowledge. It is used to develop literacy and academic skills in the primary language

Two-Way or Dual Language Immersion Bilingual Education These programs are designed to help native and non-native English speakers become bilingual and biliterate. The two-way bilingual immersion program has 90% of the instructions in grade K-1 in minority language which is less supported by the broader society and 10% in the majority language . This proportion gradually changes in the majority language until the curriculum is equally divided in both languages by 5th grade. The two-way bilingual immersion program is based on the principle of clear curriculum separation of the two languages of instruction.

Two-Way or Dual Language Immersion Bilingual Education Teachers do not repeat or translate the subject matter in second language but strengthen concepts taught in one language across the two languages in a spiral curriculum in order to provide cognitive challenge(Thomas & Collier. 1997). The languages of instructions are alternated by theme or content area. This type of immersion is required to develop the dual language proficiency, as social language can be mastered in couple of years, but a higher level of competency is required to read social studies texts or solve mathematics word problems, roughly around 5 to 7 years (Collier, 1987).

List of Pros and Cons of Bilingual Education (OCCUPYTHEORY on 18 January, 2015 at 12:00)) LIST OF PROS OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION 1. One Day, It Will Be A Necessary Skill  As the world’s minority language speaking populations continue to rise, children who are taught to speak multiple languages will become a hot commodity on the job market. In certain states and communities, the Spanish speaking population often outnumbers the English speaking population. The Chinese population is also rising steadily, as well as those who speak Hindi languages. The children who are prepared to adapt to this rapidly changing world will be much better equipped to face the problems of the future, as opposed to those who only speak one language.

List of Pros and Cons of Bilingual Education (OCCUPYTHEORY on 18 January, 2015 at 12:00) LIST OF PROS OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION 2. Learning A Second Language Makes It Easier To Learn A Third Once a person has opened their mind enough to take in a second language, it becomes even easier for them to learn a third and a fourth. Becoming bilingual increases a person’s ability to focus on learning new tasks and also triggers increased concentration. Multitasking also becomes much simpler for those who are bilingual.

LIST OF PROS OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION List of Pros and Cons of Bilingual Education (OCCUPYTHEORY on 18 January, 2015 at 12:00)) LIST OF PROS OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION 3. There Are Multiple Personality Benefits  There a plethora of personality benefits to be gained by children who are able to experience a bilingual education. Bilingual education is a great way to enhance your child’s overall working memory. Studies have shown that children who show the ability to handle learning a second language also increase their ability to process new sounds, especially those who use separate languages on a regular basis.

List of Pros and Cons of Bilingual Education (OCCUPYTHEORY on 18 January, 2015 at 12:00)) LIST OF PROS OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION 4. Leads To A More Well Rounded Child While skeptics believe that bilingual education will only serve to confuse a young student, studies prove that learning a second language enhances the mind and provides the student with a much brighter future, making it easier for them to understand and relate to other cultures throughout the world.

LIST OF CONS OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION 1. Bilingual Education Is Quite Costly Schools all across the country are struggling to keep their foreign language programs funded as is. Running a dominant language program is far cheaper than attempting to educate a minority language student. Often, if a student does not have a strong understanding of the language they are being taught, all of the money spent on establishing the program is a complete waste. Spending money on bilingual education programs takes valuable funding away from programs that schools are already forced to cut back on. Physical education and music related programs are consistently falling by the wayside, in favor of foreign language programs that are not proven to be successful. For this reason, many schools have elected to stick with their current dominant language programs.

LIST OF CONS OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION 2. Foreign Language Students Do Not Assimilate As Easily  One of the most common criticisms of bilingual education is that it provides foreign language students with an opportunity to avoid complete and total assimilation into the culture where they currently live. In order to fully adapt to the current culture of the country where a person resides, a person needs to make certain sacrifices. Chief among these sacrifices is their dominant language and culture. When bilingual education is offered, it simply serves to widen the cultural gap, as opposed to bridging it. It also becomes more difficult for the student to experience success in other school subjects, such as math or science.

LIST OF CONS OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION 3. Reduces Focus On A Career When a child is made to spend a great deal of time learning a second language, this can hinder their ability to develop the skills that they need in other areas. Teaching a child to be bilingual is an extremely time consuming pursuit and one that can cause a great deal of frustration for both the teacher and the student alike. If a child becomes frustrated with learning, this attitude can spill over into how they relate to other subjects.

LIST OF CONS OF BILINGUAL EDUCATION 4. Lack Of Qualified Teachers One of the main issues that continues to arise in the world of bilingual education is the severe lack of qualified teachers who are able to handle the subject. Quality bilingual education requires a firm, patient, expert teacher who has the time on their hands to take care of all the issues that arise. Unfortunately, these teachers are in very short supply. Many of them are already very busy teaching their normal subjects and do not have the time necessary to add teaching a second language to their already busy schedule. At a point in time when so many teachers’ capabilities are being stretched to the limit and schools are struggling to fill their staffs with qualified educators, the idea of taking talented teachers and assigning them to teach a second language is not something that is universally supported.

Language immersion Language immersion, or simply immersion, is a method of teaching a second language in which the learners’ second language (L2) is the medium of classroom instruction. Through this method, learners study school subjects, such as math, science, and social studies, in their L2. The main purpose of this method is to foster bilingualism, in other words, to develop learners’ communicative competence or language proficiency in their L2 in addition to their first or native language (L1).

complete immersion In complete immersion, almost 100% of class time is spent in the foreign language. Subject matter taught in foreign language and language learning per se is incorporated as necessary throughout the curriculum. The goals are to become functionally proficient in the foreign language, to master subject content taught in the foreign languages, and to acquire an understanding of and appreciation for other cultures. This type of program is usually sequential, cumulative, continuous, proficiency-oriented, and part of an integrated grade school sequence.

partial immersion In partial immersion, about half of the class time is spent learning subject matter in the foreign language. The goals are to become functionally proficient in the second language, to master subject content taught in the foreign languages, and to acquire an understanding of and appreciation for other cultures, but to a lesser extent than complete immersion.

content-based FLES In content-based foreign languages in elementary schools (FLES), about 15–50% of class time is spent in the foreign language and time is spent learning it as well as learning subject matter in the foreign language. The goals of the program are to acquire proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing the foreign language, to use subject content as a vehicle for acquiring foreign language skills, and to acquire an understanding of and appreciation for other cultures.

Claire Bowern (associate professor of linguistics at Yale University and a fellow in The OpEd Project’s Public Voices project who has been researching topics s related to language and society, including bilingualism) To put it bluntly, bilingualism is often seen as “good” when it’s rich English speakers adding a language as a hobby or another international language, but “bad” when it involves poor, minority, or indigenous groups adding English to their first language, even when the same two languages are involved.

臺北市國小實施中英雙語教學可行性評估 明道國小蘇照雅 參考資料 Guthrie, James W (2003). Encyclopedia of education. New York: MacMilliam Reference USA. 陳幼君(2007)。臺北市立公立國民小學雙語教育班實施現況之探討。國立台北教育大學兒童英語教育學系碩士論文。 呂美慧(2012)雙語教育。教育大辭典。國家教育研究院。http://terms.naer.edu.tw/detail/1453900/ 張武昌(2011)。台灣的英語教育:現況與省思。教育資料與研究雙月刊,第69期,頁129-144。 倪用直(2003)。台灣幼兒英語教育現況。現代教育論壇,16。

雙語教學定義 明道國小蘇照雅 以兩種語言作為教學媒介的教育系統,讓學習者在學齡階段就能掌握母語以外的另一種通用語言,意即雙語教學並非透過語言課程來實現語言教育的目標,而是透過其他科目的學習,來達到幫助學習者掌握兩種語言的目的。 不同國家或地區所謂的雙語教育,其內容也有所不同,如在美國的雙語,指的是英語與西班牙語;加拿大指的是英語與法語;新加坡與香港指的是英語與華文。雙語教學的興起,主要是為了給學習者提供更多的學習機會和使用目的語言的時間和空間。

雙語教學的模式 明道國小蘇照雅 常見的雙語教學主要可分為三種模式 沉浸課程(immersion):在早期的幾年全部以第二語言來教學,如加拿大的法語,學習學生的母語為英語,是社會中的主流語言,為了能精通弱勢語言(即目標語—法語),在學校中完全沉浸在法語的學習環境中,以法語上課,教育環境布置也是法語的字彙與文化,讓強勢語族的人精通自己的母語,也精通另一種語言。研究顯示,學會第二語言並不威脅第一語言。 二元語言浸淫:兩種語言同時作為教學媒介,以學會兩種語言。透過母語學習英語(目標語),使學生能夠精通兩種語言。 過渡式(Transitional model): 母語僅作為學習第二語言課程的過渡性媒介。主要是幫助英語能力欠佳的移民學童提升英語能力,使他們可以融入以英語授課的主流課程中,一旦學生的英語能力足以適應主流的教學環境,即不再使用母語教學,如美國公立學校系統中為幫助移民的ELL課程。

影響雙語教學因素 明道國小蘇照雅 雙語師資 教學成功與否,師資絕對是一個重要的因素。理想的雙語教學是學科教學,而非英語教學。因此,雙語教師不僅必須具備充分的語言能力,更需精通學科知識和文化知識,以及運用兩種語言和傳遞兩種或兩種以上文化的能力。此外,雙語教師還要能夠懂得學生的母語,這樣比較容易了解學生可能出現的學習困難。

影響雙語教學因素 明道國小蘇照雅 雙語環境 研究指出,語言環境是影響雙語教學的重要因素,沒有充分的語言學習環境,大幅限制了目標語言使用的機會的空間與時間,進而影響雙語教學的效果。目前由於英語並非官方語言,政府雖大力推動雙語環境布置等,但畢竟屬於人造環境,在軟性的建置部分—人與使用機會上,卻較受限制。

影響雙語教學因素 明道國小蘇照雅 教材: 教材亦是影響雙語教學的基本要素,實施雙語教學宜選擇如數學、自然等具有較強國際通用性與可比性的科目,進行教學;而人文學科和社會學科,因差異性大,容易產生較大的信息傳遞誤差。

雙北市雙語教學現況—康橋小學 平常一班35人,英語課能力分級,約18~20人一班,低年級分三級;高年級分四或五級 教材使用進口教材


雙北市雙語教學現況—復興小學 每個年級有六個普通班;二個雙語班,雙語班除國語、數學、音樂、書法、聯課活動與游泳以中文授課外,其他均以英語授課。 教材:主要使用進口教材 若從幼兒園即選雙語班,可以不用入班英語考試;後來才轉進雙語班,需先經過考試。每班約30人,雙語班沒有分級。


雙北市雙語教學現況—育才小學 育才三年級課表 英語授課科目、節數與使用教材 英語: 9~10節(美國進口教材,但是三年級學生使用二年級教材) 數學:2 節(新加坡進口教材) 自然與社會各一節(新加坡進口教材) 美勞: 2節(自編) 體育: 2節(自編) 每個年級三個班為雙語班,每班一位中師與一位外師,中師上中文授課科目,外師上英語授課,課程外師兼協同教學,如外師具自然專長則負責該年段三個班的自然,外師都需具有證照 教材選用標準 由curriculum director制定學生能力指標 由授課教師先試用教材主任進班觀課評估教材的適用性 教材試用過後經由討論及訪談教師來評估是否採用

雙北市雙語教學現況—靜心小學 一個年級有三個雙語班(愛、信、義),人數42人 英文課分三組教學 社會、自然、生活、數學等課程,中英語皆有 每班配有一中師一外師一位輔導老師 資料來源:靜心小學家長

雙北市雙語教學現況—靜心小學 資料來源:靜心小學網頁

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