Wonderful counselor Almighty God Verse 1 奇妙策士 全能的神 qi miao ce shi quan neng de Shen Wonderful counselor Almighty God 永在的父 和平的君 yong zai de fu he ping de jun Everlasting Father Prince of Peace 他的名 ta de ming 1/9
他的平安 临到我们 直到永远 His everlasting peace is upon us 他的平安 临到我们 ta de ping an ling dao wo men His everlasting peace 直到永远 zhi dao yong yuan is upon us 他的名 ta de ming 2/9
Holy sacrifice Lamb of God Verse 2 圣洁祭品 代罪羔羊 sheng jie ji pin dai zui gao yang Holy sacrifice Lamb of God 被人弃绝 为你和我 bei ren qi jue wei ni he wo who was rejected for you and me 他的名 ta de ming 3/9
On the cross He shed His blood 钉上十架 流下宝血 ding shang shi jia liu xia bao xue On the cross He shed His blood 洁净我们 jie jing wo men to cleanse us 他的名 ta de ming 4/9
Every hour every moment Chorus 每一时 每一刻 mei yi shi mei yi ke Every hour every moment 从亘古到今日 到末日 cong geng gu dao jin ri dao mo ri from the beginning till today until the end 他的名 ta de ming 5/9
你信实使我不致畏惧 主你永远与我同在 Lord You are always with me ni xin shi shi wo bu zhi wei ju Because of Your faithfulness I shall not fear 主你永远与我同在 zhu ni yong yuan yu wo tong zai Lord You are always with me 他的名 ta de ming 6/9
Refuge in times of trouble 患难中的避难所 huan nan zhong de bi nan suo Refuge in times of trouble 失丧中的救赎主 shi sang zhong de jiu shu zhu Redeemer of the lost 他的名 ta de ming 7/9
No other name that we can call on 除了你以外 chu liao ni yi wai There is none but You 没别的名字可呼求 mei bie de ming zi ke hu qiu No other name that we can call on 他的名 ta de ming 8/9
No other name that we can call on Ending 除了你以外 chu liao ni yi wai There is none but You 没别的名字可呼求 mei bie de ming zi ke hu qiu No other name that we can call on 他的名 ta de ming 9/9