视频1 9B Unit 3 beautiful nature sights on Earth


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Presentation transcript:

视频1 9B Unit 3 beautiful nature sights on Earth 8A Unit6 natural disasters( earthquake tsunami snowstorm flood drought) 9B Unit1 Moving to Mars 视频2 8A Unit5 Zhalong nature reserve 8A Unit4 wild animals—pandas 9A Unit4 saving Indian tiger 9A Unit5 Hepburn reminded us to protect our… strive for the national civilized city. (写作比赛) 视频3

教学思路 一、watch a video of our nature beauty.(9B Unit3 Do you think our motherland is very beautiful? (present pictures of famous landscape in China) 二、Sadly, we humans did something bad to our earth, our environment was seriously damaged. wenchuan, haidi earthquake, tsunami pollution… watch a video about birds Although we may live on Mars in the future, Earth will be our only home for a long time 三、To our joy, our government has realized the importance of protecting the environment (zhalong, panda Indian tigers Hepburn) 四、strive for civilized city (写作比赛)

The city of Yangzhou is declaring the national civilized city. say no to bad manners Ask the students to show their prepared writings. End with a song: Earth -- by Michael Jackson Thanks Goodbye

中考综合复习 话题整合、句子翻译及写作

Environment and Civilization Theme Environment and Civilization

Teaching aim and demands In this class, we’ll learn sentences about beautiful natural scenes and natural disasters. Write a composition about the environment and civilization. Encourage the students to protect our environment.

The Forbidden City

The Summer Palace

The Great Wall

Tian’anmen Square

Li River

Underground cave

Translattion competition 1

Unless you have a map, you may get lost easily in Beijing. 1.如果你没有地图的话,你很容易在北京迷路 2. 你会被皇帝们过去所用过的家具所吸引。 3. 许多游客一大早聚集在天安门就是为了观看升国旗。 Unless you have a map, you may get lost easily in Beijing. You’ll be attracted by the furniture that the emperors used in the past. Many tourists gather early at Tian’anmen Square so that they can watch the raising of the national flag.

5. 颐和园是建立在天然地形上的一个著名的中式园林 4. 现在紫禁城以一个博物馆向公众开放。 5. 颐和园是建立在天然地形上的一个著名的中式园林 6. 颐和园主要是由一座山和一个人工湖组成的。 The Forbidden City is now open to the public as a museum. The summer palace is a famous Chinese-style garden built in a natural landscape. The summer Palace mainly consists of a hill and a man-made lake.

The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders in the world. 7. 长城是在古代建造的,是为了使北方边境可以得到保护。 8. 长城是世界七大奇迹之一。 The Great Wall was built in ancient times so that the northern border of the country could be protected. The Great Wall is one of the seven wonders in the world.

Guilin lies on the two sides of Li River. 9.尽管一步步爬长城是令人感到疲劳的,但你可以体验到它的美貌和伟大。 10. 桂林位于丽江的两岸。 You can experience its beauty and greatness although it is very tiring to climb it step by step. Guilin lies on the two sides of Li River.

What great fun it is to hire a bike and cycle around Guilin. 11. 除非你亲眼看见,否则你无法想象他们有多么令人惊奇。 12.租一辆自行车围绕桂林骑上一圈,是多么有趣啊! You can’t imagine how amazing they are unless you see them with your own eyes. What great fun it is to hire a bike and cycle around Guilin.

We have only one beautiful home, --------Earth. We must learn to protect it and build a more beautiful world. Sadly, we humans did something bad to our earth, and our environment has been seriously damaged and we have already had some disasters.







destroy the forest

Our earth is so seriously polluted and crowded that we humans have to explore another new world for humans to live in in the future.

explore Mars

explore the moon

Translation competition2

Bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters. 1. 恶劣天气有时引起自燃灾害 2. 一场可怕的地震袭击了四川省 3. 人们惊恐地互相看着 Bad weather sometimes causes natural disasters. A terrible earthquake hit Sichuan Province. People looked at each other in fear.

People ran in all directions after the earthquake. 4. 地震之后,人们四处逃散 5. 当时我被困在石头下面,无法动弹 6. 人们匆忙地搬开石头和砖块去拯救生命 People ran in all directions after the earthquake. I was trapped under the stones and couldn’t move at that time. People were in a hurry to move stones and bricks to save lives.

Thousands of people became homeless because of natural disasters. 7. 由于自燃灾害,成千上万的人变得无家可归 8. 灾区的人们急需食物和医疗队 9. 我们用手机 打110求救 Thousands of people became homeless because of natural disasters. People in disaster areas are in great need of food and medical teams. We called 110 for help with our mobile phones.

Many houses and villages were washed away in the flood. 10. 我们的政府已经认识到污染是个严重的问题并在采取行动减少污染 11. 许多房屋和村庄在洪水中被冲走 Our government has realized pollution is a serious problem and is taking action to reduce it. Many houses and villages were washed away in the flood.

Thousands of people died of hunger because of droughts. 12. 由于干旱,成千上万的人死于饥饿 13. 我们应该阻止人们砍树,保护森林 Thousands of people died of hunger because of droughts. We should stop people from cutting down trees and protect our forests.

Armstrong is the first human to explore the moon. 14.阿姆斯特朗是第一个探索月球的人 15. 是阿姆斯特朗使全世界的人认识到太空探索是真正可能的 Armstrong is the first human to explore the moon. It was Armstrong who made people around the world realize that space exploration was truly possible.

Earth will be our only homeland for a long time in the future. 16. 目前,我们宇宙飞船太慢,还不能够带大量的人到火星上去 17.人们必须穿特殊的靴子防止他们飘到太空中去 18. 在今后很长一段时间内,地球将是我们唯一的家园 At present, our spacecraft are too slow to carry large numbers of people to Mars. People must wear special boots to stop themselves from floating into space. Earth will be our only homeland for a long time in the future.

Enjoy a song I am a little bird.

To our joy, our government has realized the importance of protecting our environment.

Sichuan Panda reserve

Zhalong nature reserve

Birds live comfortably in Zhalong.

Indian tiger reserve


Strive for national civilized city

Beautiful Slender West Lake

Ge Garden

He Garden

Da Ming Temple

Translation competition3

People are taking actions to protect giant pandas. 1. 如果人们继续砍树,大熊猫将没地方居住 2. 人们正在采取行动保护大熊猫 If people keep cutting down trees, giant pandas will have nowhere to live. People are taking actions to protect giant pandas.

We should encourage people to build more panda reserves. 3. 我们应该鼓励人们建造更多的熊猫保护区 4. 扎龙为野生生物提供食物和住所 We should encourage people to build more panda reserves. Zhalong provides food and shelter for wildlife.

India is one of the few places on Earth where tigers still live now. 5. 中国政府正在积极采取行动保护这些濒临灭绝的鸟类 6. 印度是当今世界上为数不多的有老虎生活的地方之一 Chinese government is actively taking action to protect these endangered birds. India is one of the few places on Earth where tigers still live now.

We should try to build a more beautiful Yangzhou. 7. 通过向我们展示自然的美,赫本想提醒我们应该保护环境 8. 我们应该努力建造一个更加美丽的扬州。 By showing us the beauty of nature, Hepburn wanted to remind us that we should protect the environment. We should try to build a more beautiful Yangzhou.

Ability competition Complete the following passage with suitable words according to the given letters

evelopment With the d__________of human beings, more and more natural resources are being used up, the environment which is important to humans is becoming worse and worse. With the growing number of p__________, the development of factories, forests are d_______, rivers and lakes are polluted. What will we do with so much rubbish, e________ plastic products and construction waste? opulation estroyed specially

But we do can play our part and do something to help i_______ our environment. Just from saving a drop of water, using electricity only when n________, planting more tress, etc. Good environment needs good civilization. Our city is striving for the n______ civilized city, we should just do from ourselves, from our behaviors and e_______ people around us. mprove ecessary ational ducate

Speak civilized words and walk as a civilized person and do civilized deeds. Picking up the waster from the ground, speaking politely, planting more trees, saving our limited natural resource, r__________ our parents and teachers, using less plastic products, riding to school instead of taking a car are all e_________ of civilization. My boys and girls: Are you ready to be a civilized person? especting xamples

try to be a civilized person Writing competition try to be a civilized person

We used to have a beautiful world. However, humans have destroyed our environment and have caused serious natural disasters. Luckily, our government has realized the importance of protecting our environment

Our hometown, the beautiful city Yangzhou is striving for national civilized city this year. Please write a composition according to the knowledge of the environment protection and what we should do from things around us to be a civilized citizen.

Try to be civilized citizens, just from us Beautiful motherland pollute the environment Natural disasters Thousands of people Become homeless Take action to protect our environment Useful expressions

Beautiful Slender West Lake Many tourist attractions Strive for national civilized city Try to be a civilized citizen Just from small things around us Build a more beautiful Yangzhou Today we are proud of Yangzhou Yangzhou will be proud of us in the future

Present the students’ writings Show them the standards of checking Students check their work in pairs and give marks.

作文评分标准 字迹工整,字数够(100个单词左右),内容完整,符合要求,无语法及拼写错误为,句式多样化。(17-20分)A 字迹较工整,字数够,内容完整且基本符合要求,有个别语法或拼写错误。(13-17分)B 字迹较差,字数不够,内容不够完整,语法或拼写错误较多。有以上两点者(10-13分),有以上三点及以上者,(10分以下)C

Enjoy a song Earth Song --by Jackson

Protect our environment Try to be civilized citizens Just from what I am doing

Thanks for your attendance Goodbye