Christian brotherly love and forgiveness


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Presentation transcript:

Christian brotherly love and forgiveness 從腓利門書 認識 基督徒的弟兄相愛並赧免 Christian brotherly love and forgiveness

腓利門書的特點 The features of the book of Philemon 1. 是保羅四本寫給個人書信的最後一本 Philemon is the last of the four epistles of Paul addressed to an individual 2. 寫給在歌羅西教會的弟兄 To the saints and brothers who are in Colosse 3. 全文僅334字

腓利門 Philemon 1. 名字的意思是”友情” Means “Friendship” 2. 歌羅西教會的長老 He was an elder of the Church in Colosse 3. 太太亞腓亞,兒子亞基布 Apphia might have been his wife, and Archippus, his son 4. 阿尼西母 - 有益處的 Onesimus - Useful, profitable

Outline of the Book of Philemon: 腓利門書大綱 Outline of the Book of Philemon: I. 為著腓利門的愛心和信心感恩的禱告 Prayer of thanksgiving for Philemon’s love and faith (1-7) II. 保羅為著阿尼西母的代求 – 奴僕重生為弟兄The petition of Paul for Onesimus – A slave is born again as a brother (8-16) III. 保羅對腓利門的勉勵 – 讓弟兄在新人裡被接納 The encouragement of Paul to Philemon – To receive a brother in the New Man (17-25)

信主之人在基督裡蒙赦免,好像腓利門書裡的故事一樣 The forgiveness that the believer finds in Christ is beautifully portrayed by analogy in Philemon 1. 阿尼西母從前犯錯得罪虧負人 Onesimus is guilty of a great offense (11,18) 2. 保羅因愛為他代求 Paul is moved to intercede on his behalf (10-17) 3. 保羅放下自已權利 Paul lays aside his right (8)

作了阿尼西母的代替,承擔他一切的虧欠And becomes Onesimus’s substitute by assuming his debt (18,19) 5. 籍著腓利門恩慈對待,阿尼西母被恢復並擺在一個新的人際關係裡 By Philemon’s gracious act, Onesimus will be restored and placed in a new relationship (15,16) 6. 對照這一個例子,我們好像阿尼西母 In this analogy, we are Onesimus

7. 保羅在腓利門前的辯護,從某方面講,好比基督在父神面作中保的工作 Paul’s advocacy before Philemon is parallel to Christ’s work of mediation before the Father 阿尼西母因律法被定罪,卻因恩典得救Onesimus was condemned by law but saved by grace 主要我們赦免弟兄,好像保羅要腓利門赦免阿尼西母 The Lord asks us to forgive brothers as Paul asked Philemon to forgive Onesimus (太Matt.18:23-35)