農產運銷學 6. 品牌策略 授課教師:國立臺灣大學農業經濟學系 雷立芬教授


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Presentation transcript:

農產運銷學 6. 品牌策略 授課教師:國立臺灣大學農業經濟學系 雷立芬教授 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」臺灣3.0版授權釋出】

大綱 品牌重要性 品牌權益 相關策略 定位 命名 類型 發展模式 農產品品牌策略個案討論

品牌 Brand is the name, term, sign, or design—or a combination of these—that identifies the maker or seller of a product or service 名稱 標誌 標語、口號

品牌重要性 If this business were split up, I would give you the land and bricks and mortar, and I would keep the brands and trademark, and I would fare better than you. (Former CEO of Quaker Oats) If every asset we own, every building , and every piece of equipment were destroyed in a terrible natural disaster, we would be able to borrow all the money to replace it very quickly because of the value of our brand. (Former CEO of McDonald’s)

品牌權益 Brand equity is the differential effect that knowing the brand name has on customer response to the product and its marketing. Aaker’s brand equity model (1991, 1996) Kelly’s brand resonance model, customer-based brand equity model (1993, 2001, 2003)

Aaker’s brand equity model Consumer satisfaction/ loyalty Perceived quality Association (聯想) Awareness Market behavior (market share, distribution) 提高企業競爭優勢 Customer equity: the value of customer relationships that the brand created.

定位-1 品牌性格 (Brand Personality: the set of human characteristics associated with a brand) Sincerity (down-to-earth, honest, wholesome, cheerful): Dove Excitement (daring, spirited, imaginative, up-to-date): Apple Competence (reliable, intelligence, successful): BBC Sophistication (upper class, charming): Brook Brothers Ruggedness (outdoorsy, tough): Jeep Aaker, J. (1997) “Dimensions of Measuring Brand Personality. “ J. of Marketing Research, 347-356.

定位 - 2 Attributes Benefits Volvo (safety), FedEx (on time delivery), Nike (performance), Lexus (quality) Beliefs and values Godiva, Starbucks, Apple

命名 - 1 Suggest benefits and qualities: True Yoga, Die Hard, Intensive Care Easy to pronounce, recognize, and remember: Tide, JetBlue. Distinctive: Zappos, Yahoo!, Google Extendable: Amazon.com Translatable for the global economy: Exxon (Enco) Capable of registration and legal protection Kleenex, Levi’s, JELL-O, Band-AID, Scotch Tape, Ziploc cellophane, aspirin, nylon, yo-yo, escalator, shredded wheat

類型 Generic product, branded product Manufacturer’s brand (national brand) 宏碁 (Acer), 裕隆 (Luxgen) Private brand (distributor’s brand) Costco (Kirkland), 統一超商 (7 select),愛買 (最划算) Licensed brand Starbucks, MacDonald, Burger King, Subway Co-brand Nike+iPod Sport Kit, Asus-Garmin, Best Western-Harley Davidson

發展模式 既有產品 新產品 既有品牌 生產線延伸 品牌延伸 新品牌 多重品牌

大成長城集團 種雞場 雛雞、飼料 代養戶 飼料廠 速食店 35日 電宰場 量販店 消費者 熟食加工 生鮮超市 外銷

瓜瓜園 消費者 零售 加工 零售 政府輔導 瓜瓜園(品牌)股份有限公司 資本 產品 農民(產銷班) 農會 資本

基本資料 地點: 台南市新化區 核心價值: 用心、創新、安心 成立產銷班與加工站: 1991 品牌圖案: 1992 零售店面: 1993 電子商務: 2003 全國十大績優農業產銷班: 2005 HACCP, ISO22000: 2008 科技農企業菁創獎—績優行銷類: 2010

水稻產銷專區 糧商 稻農 契作 種源 機械化生產 品牌、包裝 消費者認養(預購)

種苗場 其他生產資材供應商 田間生產 機械代耕/代收 碾米廠/倉儲 批發商 加工業者 消費者 零售商

Zespri Group Inc. 果農/股東

版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權圖示 來源 / 作者 4 If this business were split up, I would give you the land and bricks and mortar, and I would keep the brands and trademark, and I would fare better than you. Brandchannel / Quotes of former CEO of Quaker Oats, John Stuart, cited from Interbrand. “Brand Valuation: The financial value of brands” http://www.brandchannel.com/papers_review.asp?sp_id=357 依據著作權法第46、52、65條合理使用。 瀏覽日期:2013/05/23。 If every asset we own, every building , and every piece of equipment were destroyed in a terrible natural disaster, we would be able to borrow all the money to replace it very quickly because of the value of our brand. Quotes of former CEO of McDonald’s, cited from John L. Stanton and Kenneth C. Herbst. 2005. “Commodities Must Begin to Act Like Branded Companies: Some Perspectives from the United States.” Journal of Marketing Management (21) pp.7-18. Quotes are cited from p.9. http://business.wfu.edu/apps/files/faculty/pubs/Stanton%20and%20Herbst_2005_JMM.pdf 瀏覽日期:2013/06/06。 7 Kerri Kuhn and Frank Alpert. 2004. Applying Keller’s Brand Equity Model in a B2B Context: Limitations and an Empirical Test. In ANZMAC 2004 : marketing accountabilities and responsibilities, 29 November-1 December 2004, Wellington, New Zealand. p.2. http://anzmac.info/conference/2004/papers/Kuhn2.PDF 瀏覽日期:2013/04/24。