The Miracle of Antioxidants HOW TO LIVE IN A TOXIC WORLD


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Presentation transcript:

The Miracle of Antioxidants HOW TO LIVE IN A TOXIC WORLD Taichung, Taiwan 台中,台灣 March 26, 2004 抗氧化的奇蹟 The Miracle of Antioxidants 生活型態與健康 Lifestyle and Health 如何活在有毒的環境下 HOW TO LIVE IN A TOXIC WORLD 雷派克博士 Prof. Lester Packer

自由基的來源 燒烤 Smog(nitrogen dioxide, ozone) 抽煙 smoke Free Radical Sources 燒烤 Smog(nitrogen dioxide, ozone) 抽煙 smoke 環境的化學物質 Environmental Chemicals 氯化物 Halogenated Hydrocarbons 重金屬 Heavy Metals 酒精性飲料 Alcoholic Beverages 抗癌藥物 Anti-Cancer Drugs 劇烈運動 strenuous exercise

Oxidative Stress 氧化壓力

健康狀態與自由基 Clinical conditions and free radicals Cataractogenesis Retinal damage Macular degeneration Sunburn Burns Dermatitis Psoriasis Scleroderma Renal graft Glomerulonephritis Hepatitis Endotoxin liver injury Ulcerative colitis Ischemic bowel 眼 Eye 腎 Kidney 腸胃道 GI 皮膚 Skin 自由基 Free Radicals Heart attack 心 Heart Periodontitis 牙齒 Teeth 關節 Joints Rheumatoid arthritis 血管 Vessels 肺 Lung 器官衰敗Multiorgan failure 腦 Brain Asthma ARDS Hyperoxia Cystic fibrosis Vasospasm Atherosclerosis Trauma Stroke Epilepsy Alzheimer’s Parkinson’s Neurotoxins Dementia Radiation Aging Cancer Inflammatory-immune injury Ischemia-reperfusion injury Diabetes

Human Diseases Avoidable by a Change in Lifestyle 人類疾病可經由改善生活型態而避免 Human Diseases Avoidable by a Change in Lifestyle 避免率 Percent avoidable 100 80 60 40 20 中風 Stroke 心血管疾病 Coronary disease 第二型糖尿病 Diabetes Type 2 結腸癌 Colon cancer - Walter Willett Science 296, 695-698: 2002

蔬果是抗氧化劑和體內抗氧化酵素 礦物質的來源 多酚類 Polyphenols (Flavonoids) Fruits and Vegetables are Sources of Antioxidants and Minerals Needed for Antioxidant Enzymes 維生素C Vitamin C 維生素E Vitamin E 類胡蘿蔔素 Carotenoids 多酚類 Polyphenols (Flavonoids) 硫辛酸,輔酵素 Q10,及其他生物因子 Lipoic Acid, Co-enzyme Q, other Biofactors 硒,銅,鋅,鎂,鐵 Selenium, Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Iron

Dendrobium pompadour This orchid contains flavonoids and anthocyanins.

100,000人心臟病死亡率調查 Death rates per 100 000 population for heart disease By sex, ages 45-65, in 27 countries, 1985 其他心臟病 Other Heart Disease 冠心病 Coronary Heart Disease

Cross Cultural Study of Heart Disease Mortality 心臟病死亡率交叉研究 Cross Cultural Study of Heart Disease Mortality 蘇格蘭 芬蘭 北愛爾藍 德國 丹麥 西班牙 南義大利 法國

歐洲人口研究 European Populations 88,000位護士研究 88,000 Nurses Study Northern Southern 100,000人平均死亡率 Average of Deaths/100,000 people 年齡影響相關風險 Age Adjusted Relative Risk 1.0 99 0.59 366 19-20μM 27-28μM 2.8 208 Vitamin E, Median Intake (IU per Day) for at least 2 years Vitamin E, α-tocopherol Median of Standardized Plasma Values Gey, F., et al, Am J Clin Nutr (1990) M.J. Stampfer, et al., N Engl J Med 328:1445(1993)

測試4 較難 測試3 測試2 測試1 簡單 Milgram, MW, et al Neurobiology of Aging 2002

補充抗氧化劑可避免因老化的老狗發生認知障礙 Antioxidant supplemented diets prevent age associated cognitive dysfunction in old dogs Errors to Criterion (mean) 200 Antioxidants Control 150 100 50 測試 - 1 測試 - 4 測試 - 2 測試 - 3 Milgram, N.W., Zicker, S.C., Head, E., Muggenburg, B.A., Murphey, H., Ikeda-Douglas, C., and Cotman, C.W., Neurobiology of Aging, 2002

紅斑--是典型陽光曝曬而 導致的發炎現象 24小時後以最低紅斑劑量 (MED)評估經最少量UV-B 輻射後引起的輕微紅斑

0.75 SSUV劑量消耗人類皮膚角質維生素E含量試驗 A single dose of 0.75 SSUV depletes Vitamin E, α- tocopherol in human stratum corneum 維生素E α-tocopherol ( pmol) Single individual n = 6 Upper arm of six volunteers was sequentially tape stripped after exposure to 0.75 SSUV (left arm, “0.75 MED”). The contralateral site served as a control (right arm, “control”). Significant differences between corresponding SC layers in controls and treated sites are indicated by asterisks. *, p <0.001.

抗氧化網絡 Antioxidant Network 類胡蘿蔔素 Carotenoids 新陳代謝 Metabolism 生物類黃酮 Bio- Flavonoids 榖胱甘肽 Glutathione 維生素C Vitamin C Cycle 硫辛酸 Lipoic Acid 補充品 Supplement Sources Vitamin E 自由基 Free Radicals

蕃茄紅素Lycopene -胡蘿蔔素 Beta-carotene 葉黃素 Lutein

Resonance Raman spectroscopy measures carotenoids in the skin 諾曼光譜測量皮膚中的類胡蘿蔔素 Werner Gellermann Laboratory

大眾身體防禦指數分布圖 Population Distribution of Skin Carotenoids 120 Average American 99 th th Mean: 19,072 95 90 th SD: 8,828 75 th 100 1,375 Subjects 50 th 25 th 10 th 80 5 th Percentile Rankings: 1 st 1st 4,500 Frequency 5th 8,500 60 10th 10,500 25th 13,500 50th 17,500 40 Pharmanex has carefully studied the scanner. We have finished 3 studies, and have 3 more ongoing. These are the results of the first study, which correlates diet and lifestyle habits with skin carotenoids in 1,375 people. This is a histogram, a graph that shows the frequency distribution of different skin carotenoid scores. As you can see, the average American scored about 19,000 units. Most people fall between 10,000 and 35,000 units. Those scoring over 50,000 units have so much carotenoids that their hands turned orange. 75th 22,500 90th 30,500 95th 36,500 99th 48,000 20 1000 4000 7000 10000 13000 16000 19000 22000 25000 28000 31000 34000 37000 40000 43000 46000 49000 52000 55000 58000 61000 64000 67000 70000 73000 76000 79000 Biophotonic Scanner measurement

掃描結果與高效液相分析儀測血清中的類胡蘿蔔素具高關連性 Study Demonstrating a High Correlation Between Human Serum and Skin Carotenoids Toata Skin,Raman Intensity 60,000 40,000 20,000 r = 0.78 p < 0.001 This summer, we finished a third study that showed a strong and significant correlation between the skin carotenoid scored measured by the scanner and blood serum carotenoids measured by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Blood carotenoids are the current gold standard method used in research. This study allows us to predict a person’s blood serum carotenoid concentration with an accuracy of plus/minus 10 % and 95 % confidence using the scanner. Currently, we have 3 more clinical studies ongoing which we expect to show further proof that the BioPhotonic Scanner is a valuable tool to measure antioxidant health status and the effects of LifePak. 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 Total Serum Carotenoids ( m g/ml) Measurements: Serum HPLC, Skin Biophotonic Scanner Courtesy: Carsten Smidt

維生素E和皮膚中類胡蘿蔔素可反映人體的抗氧化狀況 Vitamin E and Carotenoids in skin reflects the antioxidant status in the human body

Antioxidants destroy free radicals 抗氧化劑對抗自由基 Antioxidants destroy free radicals 抗氧化劑共同合作 Antioxidants work together “抗氧化防禦系統 The Antioxidant Defense System” 從飲食或營養補充品持續補充抗氧化劑和微量營養素是必須的 continuous supply of antioxidants and micronutrients from the diet and/or supplements is required 延緩老化,幫助健康的老化 Slows aging, improves Healthy Aging Before speaking about antioxidants, you need to know what free radicals are. They are highly reactive, short-lived molecules inside your body that can damage virtually all important biomolecules inside your cells, including your genetic material, the DNA. Antioxidants, on the other hand, are there to protect the body from this free radical damage, because antioxidants can neutralize or scavenge free radicals. As a result, antioxidants have many health benefits and they can slow down the aging process. There are over 30,000 research studies showing how antioxidants can affect over 50 health conditions, including cardiovascular function, eye health, central nervous system function, skin health and more.