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Main content Case: Introduction to Web Marketing Web Marketing Tools 主要内容 引例: 网络营销概述 网络营销工具 网络营销方法 Web Marketing Methods

Case: 引例:

Key Points Marketing and Web Marketing concepts Tools and methods for Web Marketing Web Market research Web Marketing management 本章要点  市场营销与网络营销的概念  网络营销的方法及工具  网上市场调研  网络营销管理

Introduction to Web Marketing Generality of Marketing The marketing is an important function in the enterprise management, and is the enterprise’s window. The concept model of marketing can be seen in Fig. 9-1. 网络营销概述 市场营销 市场营销的含义 营销是企业管理的一个重要职能, 是企业对外的一个窗口。 市场营销的概念模型如图9-1所示。

Introduction to Web Marketing Generality of Marketing Need, Desire and Demand Market Utility, Cost and Satisfaction Exchange, Transaction and Relationship Product Marketing and Marketer 网络营销概述 市场营销 市场营销的含义 需要、欲望和需求 市场 效用、费用和满足 交换、交易和关系 产品 市场营销与市场营销者

Introduction to Web Marketing Marketing Process Setting target consumers and marketing mix are the important contents of marketing process. Setting Target Consumers Draw up Marketing Mix 网络营销工具 市场营销 市场营销过程 市场营销的过程主要是确定目标消费者和制定市场营销组合。 确定目标消费者 制订市场营销组合

Introduction to Web Marketing The Concept of Web Marketing The Meaning of Web Marketing The Web Marketing is a part of whole marketing strategy of an enterprise, and it is a series of market activities to meet some marketing target by network, communication and digital interactive media to satisfy customers’ demands. The essence of the Web Marketing is marketing, which is the process that expels or reduces various obstacles in the marketing process to lead merchandise or services to transfer from manufacturers to consumers. 网络营销工具 网络营销的概念 网络营销的含义 网络营销是企业整体营销战略的一个组成部分,它是借助网络、计算机通信和数字交互式媒体来满足客户需要,实现一定市场营销目标的一系列市场行为。 网络营销的本质是营销,是通过排除或减少营销过程中各种障碍因素引导商品或服务从生产者转移到消费者的过程。

Introduction to Web Marketing The Concept of Web Marketing The Emergence of Web Marketing Science and Technology Development Customer’s Value-oriented Change Business Competition 网络营销方法 网络营销的概念 网络营销的产生 网络营销的产生,是科学技术的发展、客户价值观的变革和商业竞争等综合因素所促成的。 科技的发展 客户价值观的变革 商业竞争

Web Marketing Tools Web marketing tools are the different network technology and devices for enterprises and individuals to realize marketing objectives. All techniques and devices based on network technology used to conduct marketing are web marketing tools, including tools based on search engines, smart serial mail software, network video online customer service, socialized bookmarker, and the fashionable micro-blog, etc 网络营销工具 网络营销工具是企业或个人为实现营销目标而使用的各种网络技术和手段。凡是以网络技术为基础,进行营销活动时采用的技术和手段都可以成为网络营销工具,包括基于搜索引擎的工具、邮件群发工具、网站视频在线客服工具,社会化书签工具,同时也包括时尚的微博工具等。

Web Marketing Tools Search Engine Definition Search engine refers to collecting information from the Internet by using some software according to some strategies. It provides retrieval service for users and presents relevant retrieved information to the user’s system after the information is processed and rearranged. 网络营销工具 搜索引擎 定义 搜索引擎是指根据一定的策略、运用特定的计算机程序从互联网上搜集信息,在对信息进行组织和处理后,为用户提供检索服务,将用户检索相关的信息展示给用户的系统。

Web Marketing Tools Search Engine Operating principles Web capturing Every independent search engine has its own spider. Spider captures web incessantly along the hyperlinks on the webpage. Web processing After the search engine has captured web pages, a lot of preprocessing has to be done before providing retrieval service. Providing retrieval service the search engine will present the title and URL of retrieved pages and abstracts from the retrieved pages. 网络营销工具 搜索引擎 工作原理 抓取网页 每个独立的搜索引擎都有自己的网页抓取程序(spider) 处理网页 搜索引擎抓到网页后,还要做大量的预处理工作,才能提供检索服务。 提供检索服务 除了网页标题和URL外,还会提供一段来自网页的摘要以及其他信息。

Web Marketing Tools Search Engine Search Engine Types Full Text Search Engine Directory; 网络营销工具 搜索引擎 搜索引擎类型 一类是纯技术型的全文检索搜索引擎,其原理是通过机器(即spider 程序)到各个网站收集、存储信息,并建立索引数据库供用户查询,如Google、百度等; 另一类称为分类目录,利用各网站登录信息时填写的关键词和网站描述等资料,经过人工审核编辑后,输入数据库以供查询,如Yahoo、搜狐分类目录等。

Web Marketing Tools Search Engine Uses of search engines The development of search engine marketing pushes forward web marketing. Many enterprises exploit effectively search engine marketing to apply web marketing. Web marketing is the most important part of E-commerce concepts, which is the important step to convey information to the end customer. 网络营销工具 搜索引擎 搜索引擎的作用 从网络营销的环境看,搜索引擎营销的环境发展为网络营销的推动起到举足轻重的作用。 从效果营销看,很多公司之所以可以应用网络营销是利用了搜索引擎营销。 就完整型电子商务概念组成部分来看,网络营销是其中最重要的组成部分,是向终端客户传递信息的重要环节

Web Marketing Tools Enterprise Website Functions of Enterprise Website Enterprise website conveys some basic information of the brand image, corporate culture to the public. Enterprise website issues the enterprise news, information about demand and supply, recruitment, etc. Enterprise website provides information and service for suppliers, distributors, partners and direct clients. Enterprise website demonstrates, promotes and sells products like GG visible business system. Enterprise website collects information of the market and the registered clients. Enterprise website can have any other content and forms with the purpose and effect of marketing. 网络营销工具 企业网站 企业网站的功能 通过网站的形式向公众传递企业的品牌形象、企业文化等基本信息。 发布企业新闻、供求信息、人才招聘等信息。 向供应商、分销商、合作伙伴、直接用户等提供某种信息和服务。 网上展示、推广、销售产品如GG可视商务系统。 收集市场信息、注册用户信息。 其他具有营销目的或营销效果的内容和形式。

Web Marketing Tools Enterprise Website Enterprise website features Enterprise website is autonomous and flexible. Enterprise website is an organic whole of activeness and passiveness. Enterprise website cannot demonstrate its functions without the aid of other web marketing tools. The functions of enterprise website keep relatively stable. Enterprise website is the foundation of other web marketing tools. 网络营销工具 企业网站 企业网站的特点 企业网站具有自主性和灵活性。 企业网站是主动性与被动性的矛盾的有机统一。 企业网站功能需要通过其他网络营销手段才能体现出来。 企业网站的功能具有相对稳定性。 企业网站是其他网络营销手段和方法的基础。

Web Marketing Tools Enterprise Website Types of Enterprise The enterprise website has two basic forms: information publishing and online sales website. The former is the basic form of enterprise website, and the latter is the outcome of enterprise website development at certain stage. 网络营销工具 企业网站 企业网站的类别 企业网站有两种基本形式:信息发布型和在线销售型。 前者是企业网站的基本形态,后者是企业网站发展到一定阶段的产物。

Web Marketing Tools Enterprise Website Marketing Functions of Enterprise Website Brand image Display of products and services Information publishing Customer service Customer relationship Online survey Resource cooperation Online sales 网络营销工具 企业网站 企业网站的营销功能 品牌形象。 产品服务展示。 信息发布。 顾客服务。 顾客关系。 网上调查。 资源合作。 网上销售。

Web Marketing Tools E-mail E-mail can have the following functions in web marketing: The brand image of an enterprise. Online customer service. Newsletters and Ezine for members. E-mail advertisement. Website promotion. Product and service promotion. Market information collection. Online market research. 网络营销工具 电子邮件 电子邮件在网络营销中的作用如下:  企业品牌形象。 在线顾客服务。 会员通信与电子刊物。 电子邮件广告。 网站推广。 产品服务推广。 收集市场信息。 在线市场调查。

Web Marketing Tools BLOG and RSS Blog is also known as weblog or network journal in some places. Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is closely associated with blog. Many blog websites and news websites provide the new type of message transmitting technology of RSS service.RSS is the simple mode for one website to share information with other websites. 网络营销工具 博客与RSS 博客有些地方也称为网志或者网络日志。 RSS(Really Simple Syndication)与博客联系密切,很多博客网站和新闻网站提供RSS服务,是一种新型的信息传递技术,是网站用来和其他站点之间共享内容的一种简易方式。

Web Marketing Methods Commonly used web marketing framework (网络营销方法) Web Marketing Based on the Websites (基于站点网络营销方法) Web Marketing Without Websites (无站点网络营销方法) Information dissemination (信息发布) Online Sales (在线销售) supply-demand information platform, (供求信息平台) classified advertisements (网上分类广告) yellow page service (在线黄页服务) Internet community (网络社区营销) online auction (网上拍卖) Online Sales marketing (网上商店营销) search engine marketing (搜索引擎营销) website resources cooperation, (网站资源合作) viral marketing (病毒性营销) web advertisement (网络广告) permission E-mail marketing (许可Email营销) membership marketing (网络会员制营销) Website Promotion (网站推广) Network brand (网络品牌) Customer Relations (顾客关系) Customer service (顾客服务) Sales promotion (销售促进) 网络营销方法 根据企业是否建立网站,可将网络营销方法分为无站点网络营销和基于企业网站的网络营销。常用的网络营销方法框架如图9-2所示。

Web Marketing Methods Web Marketing Without Websites Ways of Web Marketing without websites include: issuing information via supply-demand information platform, classified advertisements, yellow page service and the Internet community, online sales and online auction. Web Marketing Based on the Websites Ways of Web Marketing based on the websites include: search engine marketing, website resources cooperation, viral marketing, web advertisement and permission E-mail marketing, membership marketing, etc. 网络营销方法 无站点网络营销方法 无站点网络营销常用的方法包括:通过供求信息平台、分类广告、黄页服务、网络社区等渠道的信息发布,以及利用网上商店与网上拍卖等方式开展网上销售。 基于企业网站的网络营销方法 基于企业网站的网络营销方法主要包括:搜索引擎营销、网站资源合作、病毒性营销、网络广告、许可E-mail 营销、网络会员制营销等。

Web Marketing Methods Search Engine Marketing The Definition and Functions of (and) Search Engine Marketing The functions of search engine in Web Marketing demonstrate in the following aspects. Website promotion will increase the number of website visitors through search engine. Product promotion, similar to the website promotion, can promote a specific product to enable more users to discover the product information, and provide support for users to make purchase decision. 网络营销方法 搜索引擎营销 搜索引擎营销的定义及作用 搜索引擎对网络营销的作用主要有下列几个方面: 网站推广,即通过搜索引擎推广实现网站访问量增加的目的 产品推广,与网站推广类似,可以对具体产品进行针对性的推广,让更多用户发现产品信息,为用户获取购买决策信息提供支持

Web Marketing Methods Search Engine Marketing The Definition and Functions of (and) Search Engine Marketing Search engines have become a kind of web advertisement medium due to owning a lot of users, thus to be a good medium of brand image promotion for enterprises or websites. It plays an important role in studying competitors, the customer behavior research, etc., thus to be a convenient tool of online market investigation. Business opportunities are achieved by valuable information which is obtained through search engine. 网络营销方法 搜索引擎营销 搜索引擎营销的定义及作用 搜索引擎对网络营销的作用主要有下列几个方面: 提升企业/网站的网络品牌,由于搜索引擎拥有众多用户,因此也成为一种网络广告媒体,有利于品牌的提升; 在线市场调研的工具,在竞争者研究、用户行为研究等方面均有重要作用; 发现商业机会,通过搜索引擎可以获得各种网上发布的商业信息,从中筛选后可能发现有价值的信息。

Web Marketing Methods Search Engine Marketing Methods of Search Engine Marketing Search Engine Registration Robot Search Engine Registration Directory Search Engine Registration Automated Registration Search Engine Optimization Keywords Advertisement 网络营销方法 搜索引擎营销 搜索引擎营销的基本方法 搜索引擎注册 技术性搜索引擎注册 分类目录型搜索引擎注册 搜索引擎自动注册(自动登录) 搜索引擎优化 关键词广告

Web Marketing Methods E-mail Marketing The Definition of E-mail Marketing E-mail marketing is a Web Marketing method that delivers valuable information to target users by the way of E-mail under the permission by users in advance. E-mail marketing emphasizes three basic factors: the user’s permission, delivery of valuable information by E-mails, and useful information to users. 网络营销方法 E-mail 营销 E-mail营销的定义 E-mail营销是在用户事先许可的前提下,通过电子邮件的方式向目标用户传递有价值的信息的一种网络营销手段。E-mail 营销中强调了三个基本因素:用户许可、通过电子邮件传递有价值的信息、信息对用户是有价值的。

Web Marketing Methods E-mail Marketing The Process of E-mail Marketing After analyzing the present E-mail marketing resources, a marketing planning should be drawn up. If the company owns the E-mail address resources of customers, it should make use of internal resources first. Decide whether to make use of external E-mail list to do E-mail advertisement and select appropriate external E-mail list service providers. Design E-mail contents according to the internal and the external E-mail list respectively. Deliver E-mail information to potential customers according to the plan. Evaluate the effect of E-mail marketing activities. 网络营销方法 E-mail 营销 开展E-mail 营销的过程 分析目前所拥有的E-mail营销资源,制定E-mail营销计划。如果公司本身拥有用户的E-mail地址资源,首先应利用内部资源。 决定是否利用外部E-mail列表投放E-mail广告,并且要选择合适的外部列表服务商。 针对内部和外部邮件列表分别设计邮件内容。 根据计划向潜在用户发送电子邮件信息。 对E-mail营销活动的效果进行评估。

Web Marketing Methods E-mail Marketing Internal and External List of E-mail Marketing Based on the ownership of the E-mail address resources, E-mail marketing has the internal list and the external list (outsourcing), and both of them have their own advantages. 网络营销方法 内部与外部列表E-mail营销 按照E-mail 地址资源的所有权, E-mail 营销常用的方式有内部列表和外部列表两种基本形式,两者各有自己的优势。

Web Marketing Methods Other Methods of Web Marketing Website Link Newsgroups Viral Marketing Web Advertisement 网络营销方法 其他网络营销方法 网站链接 新闻组 病毒性营销 网络广告

Summary The emergence of Web Marketing is brought about by many factors, including science and technology development, customer’s value orientation and business competitions’ etc. Web Marketing needs some Web Marketing tools and devices, such as enterprise websites, search engines, E-mails, and so on. This chapter mainly introduces search engine marketing, E-mail marketing and web advertisements. 本章小结 网络营销的产生,是科学技术的发展、客户价值观的变革和商业竞争等综合因素所促成的。开展网络营销需要一定的网络营销工具和方法, 如企业网站、搜索引擎、电子邮件等。本章主要介绍了搜索引擎营销、电子邮件营销、网络广告等营销方式。
