活动 运动 健身 Activity, sports and exercise


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Presentation transcript:

活动 运动 健身 Activity, sports and exercise

我们 是 我们的 习惯 We are our habits. How to transcend? 怎样 超脱?

68 公斤 人 使用: 60 卡路里 一 小时 睡觉 (sleeping) 183卡路里一 小时 走 walking The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 68 公斤 人 使用: (A 68 kilo person uses) 60 卡路里 一 小时 睡觉 (sleeping) 183卡路里一 小时 走 walking 200卡路里一 小时 举重weightlifting 300卡路里一 小时 自行车 bicycling 900卡路里一 小时 跑步 / 游泳 running and swimming

There are two very different kinds of exercise: 有两种非常不一样的运动 There are two very different kinds of exercise: 有氧运动 Aerobic exercise 有氧运动,有氧运动是持续的长达45分钟肌肉群的运动,它使心跳达到160次/分钟 Continuous movement of large muscle groups for over 45 minutes keeping the heartbeat up over 160 beats per minute. 跑步 - 长距离比赛 Running 游泳 Swimming 自行车 Bicycling 无氧锻炼 Anaerobic exercise Short hard exercises 短跑 Sprint 举重 Weight lifting 家务 Housework 瑜伽 Yoga exercise 促进小的持久 肌肉形成 Smaller endurance muscle 对增长 大块的 肌肉有益 Good for BIGGER Muscles!

所有的运动都可以延缓衰老 This can slow down aging. 使我们精力更加充沛 Give us more energy 要想健壮,有耐力,每周我们还需要2到3种有氧运动和无氧运动! 同时,我们也需要伸展运动。 We need 2 or 3 aerobic and anaerobic exercises every week to be strong and have endurance! And, we need stretching exercises too! 所有的运动都可以延缓衰老 This can slow down aging. 使我们精力更加充沛 Give us more energy 提升我们的快乐感 Increase our happy feelings 让我们更健康 Make us healthier 预防和治疗很多疾病 Prevent and cure many diseases 提升我们的自信 Increase confidence

Most people say: 我太忙,我没有时间运动I’m too busy; I don’t have time 做运动使我很疲惫 Exercise and sports makes me too tired. 运动很乏味 Sports are boring.

太 忙? Too busy? 1.5 小时 运动 运动  20% 降低夭折风险 3小时 运动 运动  27-28%降低夭折风险 每周的运动时间 1.5 小时 运动 运动  Hours of exercise per week 20% 降低夭折风险 Lower risk of premature death 3小时 运动 运动  27-28%降低夭折风险 5小时 运动 运动  33-34%降低夭折风险

无聊? Boring?

坐禅 和 运 动 Meditation and exercise both 坐禅 和 运 动帮助 推动  大脑中内啡肽 (安多芬, 内啡素) à 的产生使我们感到很快乐 Help promote endorphin production in the brain making people feel very good!

Our original nature 返璞归真; 开创性; 修心养性; 我们需要的不仅仅是打坐,还需要锻炼,为什么? But we need more than just meditation. We need exercise too. WHY? 人类的进化使我们设计了很多种锻炼方式,比如:像鱼一样游泳,像猴子一样荡秋千,打猎等等Evolution (进化) designed us for a lot of exercise, (swimming, swinging in trees, hunting wild animals...) 我们的身体可以做很多很多不同的运动。如果我们不做,我们就会生病,或者因年早逝。道理就是这样简单Our bodies are made for a lot of exercise. If we don’t, we get sick, and we die younger. It’s that simple.  人性大脑 The human brain 

返璞归真; 开创性; 修心养性

You might want to make a schedule… 你可以从制定一个计划开始... 周一 星期二 星期三 星期四 星期五 星期六 星期日 第一 星期 有氧运动 Aerobic 20 分钟 无氧锻炼 Anaerobic 休息 Rest rest 伸展运动 Stretch 第二 30 分钟 第三方 40 分钟 伸展运动Stretch

25岁之后如果你觉得你仅仅可以通过散步和做家务(家务活同样是有氧运动),就可以一直保持苗条,对大多数人来说,那是不可能的。人需要至少每周3次的有氧运动 来保持苗条和强壮。 If you think you can just do a little walking and housework (anaerobic exercises) and stay slim after age 25, for most people that won’t work. People NEED aerobics 3 times a week to stay slim and strong.

有的人说 Some people say… 我不喜欢跑步! I don’t like running! 真的,慢跑的秘密在于起初的时候很慢很慢. Really, the secret to jogging is going very, very slow in the beginning. 然后,几周之后,你的身体自然地想要稍微跑快一些...把它当成乐趣,很简单。如果你愿意散散步也很好,不要把它搞得太难,太赶时间,时而放松一点不是坏事。慢慢让它成为一件乐事吧。Then, after a few weeks, your body will naturally want to go just a little faster… Keep it fun and it’s easy. Stop and walk if you want. Don’t make it so hard! Make it fun!

血液内的垃圾则通过内脏排出体内。同样你出汗也达到清理体内垃圾的作用。有氧运动使人们从内二外的清理身心。  有氧运动通过血液穿过细胞壁清理你的血液和内脏,从而使你的肝脏更好的过滤你的血液。 血液内的垃圾则通过内脏排出体内。同样你出汗也达到清理体内垃圾的作用。有氧运动使人们从内二外的清理身心。 The blood and internal body organs by filtering (筛选) it through the cell wall (细胞壁)and also the liver filters the blood. The garbage in your blood and internal organs then is eliminated (除)from the body. It also cleans the skin via sweat pouring out. Aerobic exercise makes people clean inside and out of their body. 淋巴系统

 经典佛经 Diamond Sutra 一颗钻石有很多折射面,从各个角度反射光从而光芒四射。同样那么无暇透彻。我不是很精通佛学,但是我觉得这种从内而外的透彻就像佛光一样引领我们悟出佛的真谛。 A diamond is natures most perfect electronic structure and it transmits light perfectly. It is perfectly clean inside. I don’t know much about Buddhism, but I think being clean inside and out is probably helpful towards attaining enlightenment.

很多人开始参与一两周运动就半途而废了,因为觉得很难...其实,当你找到其中的乐趣,一次就做好一年的运动计划,而不是一天的,你就会成功的爱上运动。 Many people start exercise programs but stop after a week or two because it's too hard... To be successful at this you must take it easy. Have fun with it. Plan one year at a time, not just one day.

简单无氧锻炼 在 家里 Easy anaerobic exercises at home

多数男士喜欢大块肌肉...Most men want big muscles… 多数女士喜欢纤细的身段 Most ladies want to be slim… 所以,男士们需要无氧健身(比如举重,哑铃等)女士们需要更多有氧运动(比如慢跑,自行车,舞蹈等)So, men need more anaerobic exercise and ladies need more aerobic exercise. 为了燃烧体内的脂肪保持苗条,每个人都需要运动 To burn fat and stay slim everyone needs aerobic exercise. 每个人都需要有氧和无氧运动,选择一个你适合的.. Everybody needs both, but you need to choose what percentage you want… 你想减重么? Want to lose weight? 70% 有氧运动 Aerobics (run, swim, bike 30% 无氧锻炼Anaerobics (weightlifting…) 你想增重么?Want to gain weight? 70%无氧锻炼 anaerobics 30%有氧运动Aerobics

如果你都不照顾你自己的身体,谁还会呢?If you don't take care of you, who will? 告诉你认识的每个人,这是你的私人时间并且告诉他们在这一段时间内除非有紧急的事情不要打扰 Tell everyone you know this is your personal time and that they should not disturb you during this time unless it’s an emergency. 记住,你不是任何人的奴隶,你需要时间来照顾你自己。 Remember, you are not a slave to anyone and you deserve time to take care of yourself! 很多人照顾他的车比照顾自己的身体还好。 Most people take better care of their car than they do their bodies. 如果你都不照顾你自己的身体,谁还会呢?If you don't take care of you, who will? Stop hating your body Love yourself 爱你自己 停止厌恶你的身体

而且相对很有益处的还有很多! Good news! 你可以去购物! You can and should go shopping! 买一双舒适的新跑步鞋 Buy some comfortable new running shoes. 老的也许应该淘汰掉 Old ones are not good. 如果你还没有自行车,也去买一辆吧,不论新老。If you don’t have a bicycle, buy one. Old or new, it doesn’t matter. 非常快,大概三四天,你就会感觉你是全新的自己。更有精力,更开心的自己。而且你不用担心多吃东西发胖了!You will very soon (3 or 4 days) start to feel like a new person, have more energy, be happier and you can also eat more and not get FAT! HA!

长期的计划是成功的关键 Long term planning is the key to success in anything and everything.