Alternative sources of energy (solar energy,nuclear energy and biogas)


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Presentation transcript:

Alternative sources of energy (solar energy,nuclear energy and biogas)

CONTENTS Introduction of alternative sources of energy What is alternative sources of energy 什麼是另類能源 Why do we use alternative sources of energy 為何人類需要使用另類能源 Types of alternative sources of energy Solar energy 太陽能 Nuclear energy 核能 Biogas 生物氣

What is alternative sources of energy 什麼是另類能源 Alternative energy sources(另類能源) are defined as any energy source and certain non-energy applications that can replace or reduce(取代或減少) the use of conventional(傳 統的) crude oil, natural gas, and coal(原油,天然氣和 媒).  This is a broad definition but it is helpful in avoiding concentrating on only pristine alternative energy sources, e.g., solar energy, wind energy, tidal energy, biomass, etc.

Why do we use alternative sources of energy? 為何人類需要使用另類能源? Alternative sources of energy are much cleaner than fossil fuels They are permanent supply They produce much less pollution than fossil fuels 另類能源遠比化石燃料清潔 它們有無限的供應量 它們產生的污染遠比化石燃料少

Solar energy 太陽能 Solar energy is an energy from sun which is renewable and very clean. It will not produce any pollution and consume natural resources or cause global warming. Solar energy can be converted directly or indirectly into other forms of energy, such as heat and electricity. Nowadays, solar energy is used widely in our life. In general, there are two main method to take advantage of solar energy including photoelectric transformation and opto-thermal transformation. 太陽能是來自太陽的可再生能源,它是非常清潔,而且不 會產生任何污染、耗損自然資源和導致全球增溫。而太陽 能可以直接或間接地轉化成其他的能量形式,如熱能和電 能。今時今日,太陽能已被廣泛應用於我們的生活中。一 般上,我們有兩種途徑利用太陽能,包括”光電轉換”及” 光熱轉換”。

Photoelectric transformation 光電轉換 Photoelectric transformation is the conversion of sunlight into electricity through a photovoltaic (PVs) cell (solar cell) using the principle of photoelectric effect. A photovoltaic cell is a non-mechanical device usually made from semiconductor (silicon). 光電轉換意指利用光電效應的原理,以太陽 能電池來把陽光轉換成電能。而太陽能電池 是以矽 半導體製成的。

Opto-thermal transformation 光熱轉換 Opto-thermal transformation is the conversion of sunlight to thermal energy using solar collector. The energy produced are used in heating water, heating swimming pool, etc. 光熱轉換是指利用集熱器把陽光轉換成熱能。 而所得的熱能可用作把水加熱,暖化游泳池 等。

Advantages of using solar energy 使用太陽能的優點 Renewable energy Solar energy come from the sun, permanent supply The process of production do not cause environmental pollution The process of production do not consume natural resources or cause global warming 可再生能源 太陽能來自太陽,有源源不絕的供應 製造過程不會導致環境污染 製造過程不會耗損自然資源及導致全球增溫

Disadvantages of using solar energy 使用太陽能的缺點 Solar panels are expensive to build Solar energy is intermittent Large area required to collect it at a useful rate 建造太陽能板的成本十分高 太陽能是間歇性的 需要很大的面積才能收集足夠的太陽能以作 使用

Application of solar energy 太陽能的應用 Solar Energy Generating Systems 太陽能發電系統

Application of solar energy 太陽能的應用 Solar power tower

Application of solar energy 太陽能的應用 Solar panel in the space 太空的太陽能發電板

Application of solar energy 太陽能的應用 Solar mosquito killer 太陽能滅蚊器

Application of solar energy 太陽能的應用 Solar panel at bus stop 巴士站的太陽能板

生物氣是一種來自有機廢料,清潔而且容易控制的 可再生能源。它可取代柴木,化石燃料(價格由於存 量下降而提升)。 Biogas 生物氣 Biogas can provide a clean, easily controlled source of renewable energy from organic waste materials for a small labour input, replacing firewoood or fossil fuels (which are becoming more expensive as supply falls behind demand). Biogas include marsh gas、landfill gas、digester gas.They distinguish by the producing location. 生物氣是一種來自有機廢料,清潔而且容易控制的 可再生能源。它可取代柴木,化石燃料(價格由於存 量下降而提升)。 生物氣包括沼氣、堆填氣體、胃腸氣,由產生的地 點來區分類別。

How to form biogas? 如何形成生物氣? Biogas produce by the anaerobic digestion or fermentation of organic matter including manure, sewage sludge, municipal solid waste, biodegradable waste or any other biodegradable feedstock, under anaerobic conditions. biogas form naturally ,for example marsh gas.   在缺氧環境下,糞肥、污水、都市固體廢物及其他生物可降 解的有機物質經由無氧消化或發酵作用後,生物氣便產生。 生物氣會自然形成的,例如沼氣。

Types of biogas 生物氣的種類 Landfill gas堆填氣體 Landfill gas is produced from organic waste disposed of in landfill. The waste is covered and compressed mechanically and by the pressure of higher levels. As conditions become anaerobic the organic waste is broken down and landfill gas is produced. This gas builds up and is slowly released into the atmosphere 堆填氣體由深埋在堆填區地底的廢物形成。在地 底的高壓、缺氧環境下,這些有機廢物會給降解 ,產生堆填氣體,並會慢慢釋出。

Types of biogas 生物氣的種類 腸胃氣最通常來自於牛羊等家畜。 Digester gas腸胃氣 Digester gas always come form critter. 腸胃氣最通常來自於牛羊等家畜。

Compostion of biogas 生物氣的成份 Matter % Methane, CH4 甲烷 50-75 Hydrogen, H2 氫 0-1 Carbon dioxide, CO2 二氧化碳 25-50 Hydrogen sulphide, H2S 0-3 Nitrogen, N2 氮 0-10 Oxygen, O2 氧 0-2 Compare with natural gas,biogas contain more impurity 跟天然氣比較,生物氣的雜質較多 注: The primary component of natural gas is methane 天然氣的主要成份為甲烷

Advantages of using biogas 使用生物氣的優點 Reuse the organic wastes A renewable energy The price is cheaper than other energy, for example fossil fuel Easy to control and collect 可循環再用有機廢料 一種可再生能源 價格較便宜,例如化石燃料 容易控制及收集

Disadvantages of using biogas 使用生物氣的缺點 A greenhouse gas with a greater global warming potential than carbon dioxide Risk of explosive Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) as precursor to photochemical smog Toxic 溫室氣體之一,且它的全球變暖潛能也比二氧化碳高 爆炸性危險 揮發性有機化合物會產生光化學煙霧 有毒

Production of Biogas by artificial method 由人工方式製造生物氣 圓筒形水壓式沼氣池型

Production of Biogas by artificial method 由人工方式製造生物氣 球形水壓式沼氣池構造簡圖

Applications of biogas 生物氣的應用 If biogas is cleaned up sufficiently, biogas has the same characteristics as natural gas. Water (H2O), hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and particulates are removed if present at high levels or if the gas is to be completely cleaned. Carbon dioxide is less frequently removed, but it must also be separated to achieve pipeline quality gas. 生物氣體只要經過淨化,其特性便能與天然氣無 異,氣體供應商需去除生化氣體中的水份、硫化 氫及微粒等雜質,為求使氣體更能完全燃燒,供 應商會減少氣體中的二氧化碳含量。 未經上述淨化程序處理的氣體有時會與天然氣混 合燃燒。

Applications of biogas 生物氣的應用 In this form the gas can be now used in any application that natural gas is used for. Such applications include distribution via the natural gas grid, electricity production, space heating, water heating and process heating. If compressed, it can replace compressed natural gas for use in vehicles, where it can fuel an internal combustion engine or fuel cells. 這些經淨化的氣體在應用上也與天然氣無異,包括發電、 爐具等,而經壓縮的氣體也能成為壓縮天然氣的代替品, 可用在汽車的內燃機或燃料電池上。 Transport the excretion to a container, after fermentation, biogas , which can be use, is released, for example, cooking 排泄物從厠所送到容器中發酵,再將釋出的生物氣 送回屋中使用,例如煮食

Nuclear energy 核能 Nuclear energy is produced by a controlled nuclear chain reaction, which will form heat, and the generation of electricity. 利用可控核反應來獲取能量,從而得到動力,熱量和電能。

Advantages of using nuclear energy 使用核能的優點 Reduce the dependence fossil fuel Produce huge energy Need small quantity raw material only lt uses over a long period of time enough Operate cost lower Will not cause air pollution as it is carbon-free- electric 減少依賴化石燃料 生產巨大能量 祇需小量原料 鈾礦蘊藏量足夠長期使用 運作成本較低(約為火力發電三分之一) 生產電力時不會造成空氣污染(無碳產生)

Disadvantages of using nuclear energy 使用核能的缺點 more thermal pollutes need high cost Check waste to still have radiation, need to cover up to put a hundred years above If any accident happening, the radioactivity matter will be released into outside environment meeting, this meeting dichotomy state and people to cause injury熱污染較嚴重 建造核電廠需要大量資金 核廢料仍具有輻射,需埋放百年以上 核電廠一旦發生事故,放射性物質釋放外界環境會對生態及民 眾造成傷害

Application of nuclear energy 核能的應用 現行核電站所用的全為核裂變反應爐 壓水式核反應爐 (PWR,Pressurized Water Reactor ) 沸水式反應爐 (Boiling Water Reactor ) 壓重水式核反應爐 (Heavy-Water Reactor ) 石墨輕水型核反應爐 (Light-Wter Reactor ) 氣冷式反應爐 (Gas-Cooled Reactor) 快速增殖核反應爐 (Fast Breeder Reactor )

Application of nuclear energy 核能的應用 Example:壓水式核反應爐 2 1

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