Unit 7 Inventing a Better World


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 7 Inventing a Better World

Paragraph 1  As the saying goes, “Necessity is the mother of invention.” ① as the saying goes 俗話說,常言道 as在此是連接詞,表示「如同…一樣」。 ► As the saying goes, “More haste, less speed.” (常言道:「欲速則不達。」) ② Necessity is the mother of invention.” 【諺】需要為發明之母。 the mother of sth 表示「(某事物的)根 源」,例如: ► Failure is the mother of success. (【諺】失敗為成功之母。)

① many times 很多時候 many times直譯為「很多次」,意思 就是已有很多例子符合以下句子的  Many times, people invent things to meet their own needs. ① many times 很多時候 many times直譯為「很多次」,意思 就是已有很多例子符合以下句子的 敘述。 ② fill/meet/satisfy a need 滿足需求 meet在此是指「契合、符合」。

► Dad has been working on a new project. work for… 為…而工作 Paragraph 2  …he worked as a mechanic in a factory. as在此為介系詞,指「以…的身分」。 字 詞 辨 義 work on… 進行…(工作) ► Dad has been working on a new project. work for… 為…而工作 ► Most of us work hard for money.

► Because of your help, I could finish my  because of + N/V-ing 由於,因為…  owing to thanks to + N due to as a result of ► Because of your help, I could finish my work in time.

② without + V-ing/N (而)不…,沒有… ► Joe was angry because his mom read  If I could wash my hands without touching the faucet, it would be great. ① 此句為「與現在事實相反的假設語 氣」,表示在當時一定要接觸到水龍 頭(打開開關)才能洗手。 ② without + V-ing/N (而)不…,沒有… ► Joe was angry because his mom read his diary without asking him first. ► You can’t drive without a driver’s license.

► Dad seems to be the man in the house,  put…into practice 將…付諸實行 常用於表示開始實際執行一個計劃或想法,以驗證其是否可行。 ► How can we put what we’ve learned into practice? 額 外 補 充 in practice 實際上 ► Dad seems to be the man in the house, but in practice, Mom is in charge.

 …a faucet controlled by a built-in sensing device. ① a faucet which was controlled by a built­in sensing device ② 此處sense表示device所主動 進行的動作,故用現在分詞。

► All rights reserved. (版權所有。)  rights n. (pl.) 專利權,著作權 the right to + N ► All rights reserved. (版權所有。)

此關係子句為非限定用法,其作用是對 Paragraph 3  …, which is an international exhibition… 此關係子句為非限定用法,其作用是對 先行詞the IENA exhibition提供補充說 明。 通常,非限定用法的先行詞是專有名詞或 唯一的人、事、物。 此用法的關 係代名詞不可用that取代,即使 作為受詞也不能省略,且前後須加上逗號隔開。 My brother who lives in Taipei is a doctor.(限定用法 ) My brother, who lives in Taipei, is a doctor.(非限定用法 )

 be/become known as sth 以…(身份等)而知名 ► Kobe Bryant is known as an excellent basketball player. known for sth 以…(特質等)而知名 (= famous for sth) ► Tainan is known for many historic sites and delicious snacks.

Paragraph 4  come from 起源自   直接問句 Where did its inventor Spencer Silver get the idea for this from?  間接句 Do you know where its inventor Spencer Silver got the idea for this from?

had been trying 為過去完成進行式, 表示「在過去某時間點之前已經一直在進行」。

 As he experimented with different chemicals, he found that he had made a very weak one.  as在此為連接詞,表示「當…的時候」。  主要動詞find為過去式, 而子句中的過去完成式had made是表示 他當時已經製造出黏性很弱的膠了。  one在此指膠水。代名詞one/ones會用來表示上文 已提過的名詞。 ► This pen doesn’t work anymore. Can you please give me a new one? ► Red apples look just as delicious as green ones.

 He wasn’t disappointed, though. 表示「然而」,一般會置於句尾。

 副詞instead單獨使用時表示常置於句首或句尾, 表示「反而,相反地」。另外一種常見的用法則  Instead, he began to think about how useful a weak glue could be.  副詞instead單獨使用時表示常置於句首或句尾, 表示「反而,相反地」。另外一種常見的用法則 是instead of,此處可改為: ► Instead of feeling disappointed, he began to think about how useful a weak glue could be.  how useful a weak glue could be為名詞子句,當 作about 的受詞。  下一句課文中的how important his invention might be也是類似的用法,當作of的受詞。

直接問句 間接句 How useful could a weak glue be? How important might his invention be? 間接句 He thought about how useful a weak glue could be. I understood how important his invention might be.  convince sb of + N

 enjoy a great success 獲得極大的成功 (可用於人或事物身上)  glue + N + to + N Paragraph 5  …Silver’s weak glue enjoyed a great success in 1980─it glued itself to a piece of paper.  enjoy a great success 獲得極大的成功 (可用於人或事物身上)  glue + N + to + N

 …he was frustrated that his bookmarks kept falling out of his hymn book. 此句型為S + be + adj. + that-clause,其中形容詞通常是表示感受的形容詞(如glad、certain、sorry、axious等) 或情緒動詞的過去分詞(如relieved、excited、bored、amazed等) ► I am afraid that I won’t be able to make it. ► Are you sure that this is what you want to do? keep on + V-ing

help sb (to) V without V-ing  Weak glue on a piece of paper would help him mark the right page without damaging the book. help sb (to) V without V-ing

Paragraph 6  As you can see… 此處的as也是連接詞,表示「如同… 一樣」,與第一段As the saying goes 類似。