Christ is risen! Alleluia! X 2


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Presentation transcript:

Christ is risen! Alleluia! X 2 基督復活了!哈利路亞! Christ is risen! Alleluia! X 2 基督復活了!哈利路亞! X 2  

Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia! 【會眾齊唱 】 【Congregation】 Christ the Lord is risen today, Alleluia! Earth and heaven in chorus say: Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high. Alleluia! Sing ye heavens and earth reply. Alleluia! 基督耶穌今復生 哈利路亞 天使世人同歡欣 哈利路亞 高唱歡樂凱旋歌 哈利路亞 諸天大地同唱合 哈利路亞  

基督耶穌今復生 哈利路亞 天使世人 同歡欣 哈利路亞 高唱歡樂 凱旋歌 哈利路亞 諸天大地 同唱合 哈利路亞 哈利路亞 天使世人 同歡欣 哈利路亞 高唱歡樂 凱旋歌 哈利路亞 諸天大地 同唱合 哈利路亞 Christ the Lord is risen today ,Alleluia! Sons of men and angels say : Alleluia! Raise your joys and triumphs high, Alleluia! Sing, Yi heavens and earth, reply . Alleluia!

全能神啊 求來拯救 主生命容我接受 我心 主殿求祢速臨 在我心中永居留 但願時常頌主 事主 猶如天上眾天軍 祈禱讚揚永無停止 完全愛裏永歡欣 全能神啊 求來拯救 主生命容我接受 我心 主殿求祢速臨 在我心中永居留 但願時常頌主 事主 猶如天上眾天軍 祈禱讚揚永無停止 完全愛裏永歡欣 Come , Almighty, to deliver, Let us all Thy life receive; Suddenly return, and never, Nevermore Thy temples leave. Thee we would be always blessing, Serve Thee as Thy hosts above. Pray, and praise Thee without ceasing, Glory in Thy perfect love.

His the scepter, His the throne! Alleluia! His the triumph, Alleluia! Sing to Jesus! His the scepter, His the throne! Alleluia! His the triumph, His the victory alone! 哈利路亞 !向主歌唱! 祂掌王權,祂坐寶座! 哈利路亞 !祂是凱旋者! 祂是唯一的得勝者!

Hark! the songs of peaceful Zion thunder like a mighty flood. Jesus, out of every nation has redeemed us by His blood. 請聽和平的樂歌, 好像錫安山頂雷聲持續不停。 全人類的救主, 已用祂寶血將我贖回。

Christ is risen! Alleluia! 【 Choir only】 Christ is risen! Alleluia! Christ is risen! X 3 Alleluia! 基督復活了!哈利路亞!

因祂眼淚 我得到安慰 因祂 受死 我得永生 因祂寶血 我得到赦免 耶穌十架 換來冠冕 因祂十架  因祂眼淚 我得到安慰 因祂 受死 我得永生 因祂寶血 我得到赦免 耶穌十架 換來冠冕 WITHOUT HIS CROSS Without His tears there is no comfort. Without His death there is no life. Without His blood there is no pardon. Without His cross there is no crown

祂蒙羞恥 帶來了榮耀 因祂憂愁 我得喜樂 祂受鞭打 使我得醫治 耶穌十架 換來冠冕 祂蒙羞恥 帶來了榮耀 因祂憂愁 我得喜樂 祂受鞭打 使我得醫治 耶穌十架 換來冠冕 Without His shame there is no glory. Without His grief there is no joy. Without His stripes there is no healing. Without His cross there is no crown.

神羔羊 神羔羊 祢帶來救贖 祢的恩典 祢恩典 充滿我心 主慈愛眼淚除去我的愁煩 神羔羊 神羔羊 祢帶來救贖 祢的恩典 祢恩典 充滿我心 主慈愛眼淚除去我的愁煩 Lamb of God, you bring salvation, and with your grace our hearts are sealed. Lord, with your tears of love you bathe our sorrows.

祢眼看清我一切 因祂眼淚 我得到安慰 因祂受死 我得永生 因祂眼淚 我得到安慰 因祂受死 我得永生 In your eyes we stand revealed. Without His tears there is no comfort. Without His death there is no life.

因祂寶血 我得到赦免 耶穌十架 換來冠冕 X 2 耶穌十架 換來冠冕! 因祂寶血 我得到赦免 耶穌十架 換來冠冕 X 2 耶穌十架 換來冠冕!   Without His blood there is no pardon. Without His cross there is no crown.  Without His cross there is no crown !

Resurrection Celebration Hallelujah ! Christ is risen. 歡慶主復活(國)  哈利路亞!基督復活 祂戰勝罪惡邪污 今得著一條新活路 Resurrection Celebration Hallelujah ! Christ is risen. He has triumphed over sin. Let a new way now begin. Let a new way now begin!

哈利路亞!基督復活 祂永活在我心中 來歡慶同聲歌頌 來歡慶同聲歌頌! Hallelujah ! Christ is risen 哈利路亞!基督復活 祂永活在我心中 來歡慶同聲歌頌 來歡慶同聲歌頌! Hallelujah ! Christ is risen. He is living in our hearts. Let the celebration start.

看哪萬古磐石堅立 看哪墓石已挪去 哈利路亞!基督復活 今讚美主得勝利! See the Rock of Ages standing 看哪萬古磐石堅立 看哪墓石已挪去 哈利路亞!基督復活 今讚美主得勝利! See the Rock of Ages standing . See the stone is rolled away. Hallelujah ! Christ is risen. Praise the risen Lord today!

哈利路亞!基督復活 祂戰勝罪惡邪污 今得著一條新活路 Hallelujah ! Christ is risen 哈利路亞!基督復活 祂戰勝罪惡邪污 今得著一條新活路 Hallelujah ! Christ is risen. He has triumphed over sin. Let a new way now begin. Let a new way now begin!

哈利路亞!基督復活 祂永活在我心中 來歡慶同聲歌頌 來歡慶同聲歌頌! Hallelujah ! Christ is risen 哈利路亞!基督復活 祂永活在我心中 來歡慶同聲歌頌 來歡慶同聲歌頌! Hallelujah ! Christ is risen. He is living in our hearts. Let the celebration start. Let the celebration start!

基督降臨 黑暗人間 夜裡閃耀 顯恩典 轉移陰影 進入榮耀 祂改變世界(祂改變世界) x 2 祂改變世界 (主真光) 改變世界 Christ descended in to darkness. Grace was shining in the night. Changing shadows into glory, He transformed the world X 4 He transformed the world with Light !

哈利路亞!基督復活! 神的本質己顯明 真理打破世代枷鎖 暴力聲得以安靜 Hallelujah ! Christ is risen 哈利路亞!基督復活! 神的本質己顯明 真理打破世代枷鎖 暴力聲得以安靜 Hallelujah ! Christ is risen. God’s true nature is revealed. Truth has burst its ancient prison, And the voice of violence stilled, And the voice of violence stilled.

哈利路亞!基督復活 來歡慶同聲讚美! X 5 Hallelujah ! Christ is risen 哈利路亞!基督復活 來歡慶同聲讚美! X 5 Hallelujah ! Christ is risen. Let the celebration start. X 5