编制中国应对气候变化的国家方案 及向地方省份的推广活动 Development of China’s National Climate Change Programme and the Outreach to the Local Provinces It is my pleasure to take this opportunity to give a brief introduction to the HFC-23 CDM projects in China. My topic today is the current status and potentials of HFC-23 CDM projects in China. Please feel free to stop me during my presentation if you have any questions. 孙翠华 SUN Cuihua 国家发改委国家气候变化对策协调小组办公室 Office of National Coordination Committee on Climate Change, NDRC
项目背景 Project Background 资金:世界银行意大利信托基金(750,000美元) 国内配套:包括实物和先期投入 执行期:2005年10月-2007年9月 项目内容:编制应对气候变化的国家方案及向地方省份推广 As you are aware, HFC-23 is usually the by-product from HCFC-22 production, which a a useless chemical. And that is the same case in China. Based on IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) standard, the average generation mass ration is 4%, while that figure in China varies from 1.5% to 4%. Currently in China, there is no compulsive regulation governing and limiting the emission of HFC-23. All the HFC-23 is directly emitted into the atmosphere. And that constitutes the baseline for this type of CDM projects in China.
项目目标 Project Objectives 编制应对气候变化国家战略目标 (一)通过制定和实施一系列旨在促进可持续发展的政策和规划,为减缓气候变化作出了积极贡献; (二)促进对气候变化可能造成的影响有更深入的了解,并采取相应的适应措施以降低气候变化影响; 向地方省份的推广活动 (一)把国际和国家层次上的气候变化政策及优良做法介绍给地方政府; (二)提高地方利益相关者尤其是决策者的保护全球气候的意识; (三)收集地方利益相关者的建议和意见; (四)提出目标省市应对气候变化的政策建议。以推动保护全球气候与地方可持续发展有机结合。 As you are aware, HFC-23 is usually the by-product from HCFC-22 production, which a a useless chemical. And that is the same case in China. Based on IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) standard, the average generation mass ration is 4%, while that figure in China varies from 1.5% to 4%. Currently in China, there is no compulsive regulation governing and limiting the emission of HFC-23. All the HFC-23 is directly emitted into the atmosphere. And that constitutes the baseline for this type of CDM projects in China.
编制应对气候变化国家战略的主要内容 NCCS Component 编制完成一份国家层面应对气候变化的综合性政策文件,即《中国应对气候变化白皮书》,并公开发布。为此,需要分别针对应对气候国家方案中涉及的各个主题进行调查与分析,作为起草总报告的基础。 对澳大利亚、法国、英国、美国等一些国家编制完成的应对气候变化国家战略进行研究,以为借鉴。 回顾和评价与气候变化相关的各个主要方面,包括:GHG排放预测、减缓与适应气候变化对策行动及其贡献。白皮书中将涉及电力、煤炭、可再生能源、能源效率和节能等领域,以及交通、建筑、冶金、化工、建材、农业、林业、废弃物管理等部门;此外,还包括交叉性议题,如应对气候变化技术需求和能力建设等。并提出减缓温室气体排放的目标、原则、行动和政策措施。 回顾和评价气候变化可能影响。重点是农业、水资源、海岸带和生态环境。在此基础上提出适应气候变化的政策措施。 As you are aware, HFC-23 is usually the by-product from HCFC-22 production, which a a useless chemical. And that is the same case in China. Based on IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) standard, the average generation mass ration is 4%, while that figure in China varies from 1.5% to 4%. Currently in China, there is no compulsive regulation governing and limiting the emission of HFC-23. All the HFC-23 is directly emitted into the atmosphere. And that constitutes the baseline for this type of CDM projects in China.
向地方省份的推广活动主要内容 Outreach Component 对国际和国内的气候变化政策进行概述并传达给省级决策者和其他利益相关者。 召开6个政策研讨会,全国所有省市、自治区的发改委将派员参加。旨在介绍应对气候变化国家方案和行动的主要内容,传达各方面气候变化政策和信息。使省市根据实际情况落实国家应对气候变化的政策措施,并提出本省市应对气候变化的政策建议。 选择4个省进行4个案例研究,包括如下内容: (一)地方社会经济背景分析; (二)地方与可持续发展相关的政策综述; (三)识别在当地社会经济发展规划中与气候变化最相关的重点问题; (四)识别地方上应对气候变化合作项目机会并开发项目概念; (五)提出当地应对气候变化的对策建议并努力把这些政策措施和当地的社会经济发展规划结合起来。 撰写政策建议报告,包括: (一)四份关于省市应对气候变化对策建议的案例研究报告; (二)一份关于将国家气候变化应对方案推介向各省的行动要点的综述报告。 As you are aware, HFC-23 is usually the by-product from HCFC-22 production, which a a useless chemical. And that is the same case in China. Based on IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) standard, the average generation mass ration is 4%, while that figure in China varies from 1.5% to 4%. Currently in China, there is no compulsive regulation governing and limiting the emission of HFC-23. All the HFC-23 is directly emitted into the atmosphere. And that constitutes the baseline for this type of CDM projects in China.
项目主要产出 Project Outputs 国家应对气候变化方案报告(中文和英文); 省市案例研究执行报告包括四个政策建议报告; 发表8期项目简报。 As you are aware, HFC-23 is usually the by-product from HCFC-22 production, which a a useless chemical. And that is the same case in China. Based on IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) standard, the average generation mass ration is 4%, while that figure in China varies from 1.5% to 4%. Currently in China, there is no compulsive regulation governing and limiting the emission of HFC-23. All the HFC-23 is directly emitted into the atmosphere. And that constitutes the baseline for this type of CDM projects in China.
项目时间安排 Project Timeline 项目活动 时间安排 应对气候变化方案最终文件 第24个月 若干研讨会,讲习班和工作会议 第3-24个月 案例研究报告 第18个月 讲习班 第6-24个月 项目简报 每3个月一期 As you are aware, HFC-23 is usually the by-product from HCFC-22 production, which a a useless chemical. And that is the same case in China. Based on IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) standard, the average generation mass ration is 4%, while that figure in China varies from 1.5% to 4%. Currently in China, there is no compulsive regulation governing and limiting the emission of HFC-23. All the HFC-23 is directly emitted into the atmosphere. And that constitutes the baseline for this type of CDM projects in China.
项目管理 Project Management 为加强对所项目的管理,将建立一个由国家气候变化对策协调小组主要成员部委组成的项目领导小组,其下设项目管理办公室。国家气候办将代表国家发改委主持该项目领导小组的活动。 该领导小组包括:国家发展与改革委员会、外交部、科技部、财政部、国家环境保护总局、国家气象局、省发展与改革委员会。 每半年将召开一次项目领导小组会议,讨论在执行项目过程中出现的、重要的跨领域问题,就必要的协调工作对项目活动提出建议。 建立项目办,项目主任对项目负领导责任。并聘请一个本地专家担任整个项目期内的项目协调员。 As you are aware, HFC-23 is usually the by-product from HCFC-22 production, which a a useless chemical. And that is the same case in China. Based on IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) standard, the average generation mass ration is 4%, while that figure in China varies from 1.5% to 4%. Currently in China, there is no compulsive regulation governing and limiting the emission of HFC-23. All the HFC-23 is directly emitted into the atmosphere. And that constitutes the baseline for this type of CDM projects in China.
项目进展情况 Project Progress 通过公开招标,已选定能源研究所作为“编制中国应对气候变化国家战略”任务的承担单位; 项目启动会已于2005年10月召开; 已聘请了项目协调员,为能源研究所的杨宏伟博士; “应对气候变化国家方案”的提纲和写作思路经征求各政府部门和专家意见,已经定稿; 已选定吉林省(能源研究所)、云南省(社科院)、陕西省(清华大学)、湖北省(人民大学)作为案例研究的省份; 项目国际和国内专家的聘请工作正在进行中; As you are aware, HFC-23 is usually the by-product from HCFC-22 production, which a a useless chemical. And that is the same case in China. Based on IPCC’s (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) standard, the average generation mass ration is 4%, while that figure in China varies from 1.5% to 4%. Currently in China, there is no compulsive regulation governing and limiting the emission of HFC-23. All the HFC-23 is directly emitted into the atmosphere. And that constitutes the baseline for this type of CDM projects in China.
谢谢! Thank You! 孙翠华 国家发展与改革委员会 国家气候变化对策协调小组办公室 处长 电 话: +86 10 6850 2963 国家发展与改革委员会 国家气候变化对策协调小组办公室 处长 电 话: +86 10 6850 2963 传 真: +86 10 6850 2358 Email: suncuihua@yahoo.com.cn Sun Cuihua Division Director Office of National Coordination Committee on Climate Change, NDRC Tel: +86 10 6850 2963 Fax: +86 10 6850 2358