第13章 全球行銷溝通決策一:廣告與 公共關係
中國以奧運行銷良好形象 至全世界 希望藉由北京奧運向世人展示中國自經濟改革以來的成績 北京奧組委(Bocog)肩負制定整體公關策略的重責大任 聘請有廣大非營利組織客戶的Hill & Knowlton公司負責奧運會的公關事務 許多非政府組織皆想藉由此次奧運來宣傳政治訴求 這些團體運用最新公關手法來傳遞訊息和組織抗議活動,阻撓並揭發中國在奧運期間刻意營造的和諧景象
全球性廣告 整合行銷溝通是指廠商在執行溝通策略時,並需協調整合溝通的要素,才能達到最佳效果 包括廣告、促銷活動、公共關係與人員銷售 廣告是整合行銷溝通的要素之一,定義為由廣告主付費所進行非人員溝通的方式 單一國家 區域性或跨地區 全球性 A global company that has the ability to successfully transform a domestic campaign into a worldwide one, or to create a new global campaign from the ground up, possesses a critical advantage. The first company to find a global market for any product is frequently at an advantage relative to competitors that make the same discovery later. The search for a global advertising campaign should bring together everyone involved with the product to share information and leverage their experiences. Global campaigns with unified themes can help to build long-term product and brand identities and offer significant savings by reducing cost associated with producing ads. Global advertising also offers companies economies of scale in advertising as well as improved access to distribution channels. Where shelf space is at a premium, as with food products, a company has to convince retailers to carry its products rather than those of competitors. A global brand supported by global advertising may be very attractive because, from the retailer’s standpoint, a global brand is less likely to languish on the shelves.
全球性廣告 全球性廣告(global advertising)可以定義為訊息的美術設計、文案、標題、圖片以及其他所有溝通要素,皆為適用全球而開發 A global company that has the ability to successfully transform a domestic campaign into a worldwide one, or to create a new global campaign from the ground up, possesses a critical advantage. The first company to find a global market for any product is frequently at an advantage relative to competitors that make the same discovery later. The search for a global advertising campaign should bring together everyone involved with the product to share information and leverage their experiences. Global campaigns with unified themes can help to build long-term product and brand identities and offer significant savings by reducing cost associated with producing ads. Global advertising also offers companies economies of scale in advertising as well as improved access to distribution channels. Where shelf space is at a premium, as with food products, a company has to convince retailers to carry its products rather than those of competitors. A global brand supported by global advertising may be very attractive because, from the retailer’s standpoint, a global brand is less likely to languish on the shelves. 4
全球化廣告「標準化」 與「當地化」的爭論 關鍵問題 文化與法律問題的思考 特定的廣告訊息與媒體策略,是否必須隨地區不同而改變? Communication experts generally agree that the overall requirements of effective communication and persuasion are fixed and do not vary from country to country. The same thing is true of the components of the communication process: The marketer is the source of the message; the message must be encoded, conveyed via the appropriate channel(s), and decoded by a member of the target audience. Communication takes place only when the intended meaning is transferred from the source to the receiver. Proponents of the "one world, one voice" approach to global advertising believe that the era of the global village has arrived and that tastes and preferences are converging worldwide. According to the standardization argument, people everywhere want the same products for the same reasons. This means that companies can achieve significant economies of scale by unifying advertising around the globe. Advertisers who prefer the localized approach are skeptical of the global village argument. Instead, they assert that consumers still differ from country to country and must be reached by advertising tailored to their respective countries. Proponents of localization point out that most blunders occur because advertisers have failed to understand—and adapt to—foreign cultures.
全球化廣告「標準化」 與「當地化」的爭論 公司必須隨時隨地對消費者進行有效溝通,主要有四項困難點 訊息也許無法傳達給預期的接收者 訊息也許可以接觸到目標客群,卻可能無法被目標客群所理解 訊息或許被目標客群接收、也被了解,但無法吸引客群,也無法讓目標客群產生訊息發出者所期望的行動 訊息的效果可能被周遭雜訊干擾而減弱
2007年前二十五大全球化公司 的廣告支出
2007年前二十五大全球化公司 的廣告支出
樣版廣告 在百分百標準化和百分百當地化之間 模式策略發展出共同溝通平台或概念,以供平面設計、美工或其他部分依個別國家的不同需求來進行本地化
樣版廣告 相同處: 設計 主要視覺在左方 品牌識別與標語 不同處: 照片 主題文案依當地化,不只是翻譯 Layouts are similar. Dominant visual elements are on the left side. The Better BT brand name is printed in reverse against a dark background. The trapezoid-shaped brand signature and the slogan “Technology That Yields” also are common elements. By contrast, the visuals themselves are different and the subheads and body copy have been localized, not simply translated. 不同處: 照片 主題文案依當地化,不只是翻譯
廣告代理商:組織與品牌 廣告業變化的步調十分快速,因此廣告代理商的世界是極度流動與動態的 愈來愈多西方廠商偏好全球廣告代理商,以便支援與整合產品行銷與廣告功能 日本廠商則偏好當地廣告公司 為保持競爭力,許多亞洲、歐洲、美洲的小型獨立廣告商紛紛投靠全球廣告商網絡 該網絡讓會員享受到過去無法得手的全球資源 Advertising is a fast-paced business, and the ad agency world is fluid and dynamic. New agencies are formed, existing agencies are dismantled, and cross-border investment, spinoffs, joint ventures, and mergers and acquisitions are a fact of life. There is also a great deal of mobility in the industry as executives and top talent move from one agency to another.
前二十大全球廣告組織 組織名稱和總部所在
前二十大全球廣告組織 組織名稱和總部所在
創造全球化廣告 創意策略(creative strategy),是一個簡單的論點或概念,用來表達廣告訊息 「廣告的創意」又稱為好點子(big idea),是創意策略的聖杯 傳奇廣告人約翰.奧圖爾(John O'Toole)曾對 「廣告的創意」下過這樣的定義:「靈光一閃可與策略目的合成,將產品的利益與顧客欲望以全新生動方式結合,可帶入生活中,讓觀聽眾駐足,仔細聆聽觀看的訊息。」 The message is at the heart of advertising. The particular message and the way it is presented will depend on the advertiser’s objective. Is the ad designed to inform, entertain, remind, or persuade? Moreover, in a world characterized by information overload, ads must break through the clutter, grab the audience’s attention, and linger in their minds. In his book about Subaru of America, Randall Rothenberg describes the big idea in the following way: “The Big Idea is easier to illustrate than define, and easier to illustrate by what it is not than by what it is. It is not a “position” (although the place a product occupies in the consumer’s mind may be a part of it). It is not an “execution” (although the writing or graphic style of an ad certainly contributes to it). It is not a slogan (although a tag line may encapsulate it). The Big Idea is the bridge between an advertising strategy, temporal and worldly, and an image, powerful and lasting. The theory of the Big Idea assumes that average consumers are at best bored and more likely irrational when it comes to deciding what to buy.” Ex.: MSN “Life’s Better with the Butterfly;” MasterCard “There are some things in life money can’t buy”
好點子 「『廣告創意』是廣告策略與影像之間的橋樑,此理論假設一般消費者大多生活無趣,而且在決定是否購買時,都是不理性的。」 「『廣告創意』是廣告策略與影像之間的橋樑,此理論假設一般消費者大多生活無趣,而且在決定是否購買時,都是不理性的。」 -廣告人藍道爾.羅騰貝格(Randall Rothenberg)
廣告訴求 理性訴求(rational appeal) 情感訴求(emotional appeal) 用邏輯來說服客戶的理智 試圖打動客戶內心深處的情感
廣告訴求 銷售賣點(selling proposition) 創意執行(creative execution) 應能表現或傳達讓客戶購買產品的理由,或捕捉該產品的優點 創意執行(creative execution) 需要開發多套呈現產品訴求與銷售賣點的方式--如直接銷售、科學舉證、展示、比較、證言、生活片段、動畫、幻想及夢想
藝術總監與藝術方向 藝術總監(art director) 藝術方向 負責給人廣告的整體感覺的人員 需要選擇廣告中的視覺元素,如影像、風格等 廣告的視覺呈現 The global advertiser must make sure that visual executions are not inappropriately extended into markets. In the mid-1990s, Benetton’s United Colors of Benetton campaign generated considerable controversy. The campaign appeared in scores of countries, primarily in print and on billboards. The art direction focused on striking, provocative interracial juxtapositions—a white hand and a black hand handcuffed together, for example. Another version of the campaign, depicting a black woman nursing a white baby, won advertising awards in France and Italy. However, because the image evoked the history of slavery in the United States, that particular creative execution was not used in the U.S. market.
廣告文案 廣告文案(copy)就是廣告中所說的話與平面廣告中使用的句子 文案撰寫人員(copywriter)是語言文字專家,擅長設計平面文宣的主副標與內容主體、電視或廣播廣告的旁白對話腳本 As a general rule, copy should be relatively short and avoid slang or idioms. Languages vary in terms of the number of words required to convey a given message; thus the increased use of pictures and illustrations. Some global ads feature visual appeals that convey a specific message with minimal use of copy. Low literacy rates in many countries seriously compromise the use of print as a communications device and require greater creativity in the use of audio-oriented media.
廣告文案的錯誤 Pepsi的「Come Alive」(暢活起來)的譯文讓亞洲人感覺就像要祖先從墳墓爬出來一樣 花旗銀行發現直譯廣告標語「Citi never sleeps」,可能會在某些地區傳達像罹患失眠症的訊息,因此花旗銀行決定保留原文標語的策略 在中國南部,麥當勞特別注意不使用「4」這個數字在廣告價格中,因為在廣東,4的發音與死相近 Translating copy has been the subject of great debate in advertising circles. Advertising slogans often present the most difficult translation problems. The challenge of encoding and decoding slogans and tag lines in different national and cultural contexts can lead to unintentional errors. For example, the Asian version of Pepsi's "Come alive" copy line was rendered as a call to bring ancestors back from the grave. Advertising executives may elect to prepare new copy for a foreign market in the language of the target country or to translate the original copy into the target language. A third option is to leave some (or all) copy elements in the original (home-country) language. In choosing from these alternatives, the advertiser must consider whether a translated message can be received and comprehended by the intended foreign audience. Anyone with knowledge of two or more languages realizes that the ability to think in another language facilitates accurate communication. To be confident that a message will be understood correctly after it is received, one must understand the connotations of words, phrases, and sentence structures, as well as their translated meaning.
文化考量 在日本,男女親密的場景常被視為低俗;在沙烏地阿拉伯甚至是違法的 在西班牙、丹麥、荷蘭、德國,婚戒是戴在右手 歐洲男性只會親吻已婚女性的手,而不是對單身女性
有效的廣告訴求選擇準則 This table is intended to be a guide to creating standardized appeals in terms of the clusters; for example, a standardized ad employing a rational/argument appeal could be translated as appropriate and used to good effect in Austria, Belgium, Italy, and the United States. Many German companies, for example, prefer ads that contain plenty of copy that presents a rational argument for a product’s superiority. This is typical of ads for beer, automobiles, and food products. However, many creative campaigns are based on the understanding that sometimes the best approach is to disregard guidelines and break some so-called rules.
全球媒體決策 溝通時選用何種媒體也是一大問題 媒體的選擇 每個國家可取得的媒體可能不盡相同。有些公司幾乎採用所有的媒體 平面媒體有區域性、全國性或國際性的日報、週報、雜誌、商業期刊等 電子媒體有無線電視、有線電視、廣播與網際網路等 戶外媒體、交通媒體與郵寄 每個國家可取得的媒體可能不盡相同。有些公司幾乎採用所有的媒體 The next issue facing advertisers is which medium or media to use when communicating with target audiences. In some instances, the agency that creates advertising also makes recommendations about media placement; however, many advertisers use the services of specialized media planning and buying organizations. The available alternatives can be broadly categorized as print media, electronic media, and other. Print media range in form from local daily and weekly newspapers to magazines and business publications with national, regional, or international audiences. Electronic media include broadcast television, cable television, radio, and the Internet. Additionally, advertisers may utilize various forms of outdoor, transit, and direct mail advertising. Globally, media decisions must take into account country specific regulations.
全球廣告支出與媒體工具 美國是全球廣告花費最多的國家,2008年達到1,417億美元 第二名的日本則將近六百億美元 電視是全世界排名第一的媒體,報紙排名第二 Media consumption patterns can vary from country to country. For example, television is the number one medium in both the United States and Japan. By contrast, newspapers are the leading medium in Germany; television ranks second. In Germany, outlays for newspaper advertising surpass those for television by a ratio of two to one. In real terms, television spending in the European Union increased by 78 percent between 1990 and 2000, compared with 26 percent for newspapers and 11 percent for magazines during the same period. This trend is likely to continue as digital broadcasting gains acceptance in Europe. Television is also important in the Latin American market. In Brazil, expenditures on television advertising are nearly three times higher than those for newspapers. The availability of media to advertisers and the conditions affecting media buys also vary greatly around the world. In Mexico, an advertiser that can pay for a full-page ad may get the front page, while in India, paper shortages may require booking an ad six months in advance. In some countries, especially those where the electronic media are government owned, television and radio stations can broadcast only a restricted number of advertising messages. In Saudi Arabia, no commercial television advertising was allowed prior to May 1986; currently, ad content and visual presentation are restricted. Radio is a less important medium than print and TV. It is effective in countries where literacy rates are low. CRM spending and Internet advertising is gaining ground worldwide at the expense of TV and print.
媒體決策:阿拉伯國家 禁止使用比較性廣告 阿拉伯1986年5月之前,電視不准播放商業廣告影片,最近雖然開放了,播送的廣告內容仍然受限 女性必須穿著長度合宜的洋裝 Even when media availability is high, its use as an advertising vehicle may be limited. For example, in Europe, television advertising either does not exist or is extremely limited. The time allowed for advertising each day varies from 12 minutes in Finland to 80 in Italy, with 12 minutes per hour per channel allowed in France and 20 in Switzerland, Germany, and Austria. Regulations concerning content of commercials vary, and there are waiting periods of up to two years in several countries before an advertiser can obtain broadcast time. In Germany, advertising time slots are reserved and paid for one year in advance. This slide includes the specifics that marketers will need to consider if doing business in Saudi Arabia.
媒體決策:歐洲與亞洲 對於歐洲的丹麥、瑞典和挪威而言,電視廣告極有限 一天廣告能播出的時間在芬蘭為12分鐘;義大利80分鐘;瑞士、德國與澳洲則是20分鐘 印度由於紙張短缺,廣告主可能得在6個月前預約版面
公共關係與公共報導 公共關係部門的職責在於評估大眾對公司、產品與品牌的意見和態度 基本的公關工作是 準備新聞稿 新聞信函 媒體集會 記者會 工廠導覽與其他關於公司設施的介紹 展覽會或專業期刊文章 公司文宣品、電視或廣播談話性節目 因特殊事件而成立的網站 Public relations (PR) is the department or function responsible for evaluating public opinion about, and attitudes toward, the organization and its products and brands. Public relations personnel also are responsible for fostering goodwill, understanding, and acceptance among a company’s various constituents and publics. Like advertising, public relations is one of four variables in the promotion mix. One of the tasks of the PR practitioner is to generate favorable publicity. By definition, publicity is communication about a company or product for which the company does not pay.
公共關係與公共報導 企業廣告(corporate advertising) 形象廣告(image advertising) 作為公關功能的部分工具 藉由整合行銷溝通贏得公眾的注意 形象廣告(image advertising) 用來強化大眾對公司的觀感、創造善意,或是宣布重大變革,如合併或併購 鼓吹式廣告(advocacy advertising) 公司可以表現對特定議題的觀點 • Japan's Fuji Photo Film asked its advertising agency to develop an image campaign for the United States. At the time, Fuji was embroiled in a trade dispute with Kodak. Fuji had also invested more than $1 billion in U.S. production facilities and had won a long-term photofinishing contract with Wal-Mart. The campaign was designed to appeal both to Wal-Mart and to the giant retailer's customers; as a Wal-Mart spokesman said, "We've long said we buy American when we can. The more people understand how American Fuji is, the better." •In 1995, Japanese car marketers hired Hill & Knowlton to create a public relations campaign designed to convince then-President Bill Clinton that his plan to impose 100 percent tariffs on 13 luxury cars was ill-advised and could even cost him California's 54 electoral votes in the 1996 election. Nissan and other companies also sent position papers and information packets to dealers and the media. Interviews with representatives from auto dealers were carried by both print and electronic media. Within weeks, the Clinton administration announced that the U.S. and Japan had reached an agreement. No sanctions were imposed and the American International Automobile Dealers Assn. was able to claim an important victory.
全球行銷溝通中的 漸吃重的公關角色 國際間,公關支出平均每年都有20%的成長 印度因為國外投資的上升,產業私有化與公司股票的公開發行,使得公關支出每年有200%驚人的成長率 成長的原因 國家政府之間的公共關係增加 科技 社會議題:如環境 Public relations professionals with international responsibility must go beyond media relations and serve as more than a company mouthpiece; they are called upon to simultaneously build consensus and understanding, create trust and harmony, articulate and influence public opinion, anticipate conflicts, and resolve disputes. As companies become more involved in global marketing and the globalization of industries continues, company management must recognize the value of international public relations.
世界各地公關活動的差異 公關執行會受到文化、傳統、社會、政治與經濟環境等影響 在許多工業國家,大眾媒體與文案是重要的資訊傳播工具 即使是在工業國家,公關的執行仍依國情而有差異 Mass media and the written word are important vehicles for information dissemination in many industrialized countries. In developing countries, however, the best way to communicate might be through the gongman, the town crier, the market square, or the chief's courts. In Ghana, dance, songs, and storytelling are important communication channels. In India, where half of the population cannot read, writing press releases will not be the most effective way to communicate. In Turkey, the practice of PR is thriving in spite of that country's reputation for harsh treatment of political prisoners. Although the Turkish government still asserts absolute control as it has for generations, corporate PR and journalism are allowed to flourish so that Turkish organizations can compete globally. Even in industrialized countries, there are some important differences between PR practices. In the United States, much of the news in a small, local newspaper is placed by means of the hometown news release. In Canada, on the other hand, large metropolitan population centers have combined with Canadian economic and climatic conditions to thwart the emergence of a local press. The dearth of small newspapers means that the practice of sending out hometown news releases is almost nonexistent. In the United States, PR is increasingly viewed as a separate management function. In Europe that perspective has not been widely accepted; PR professionals are viewed as part of the marketing function rather than as distinct and separate specialists in a company.
廣告、公關與2008北京奧運 除鎖定中國政府外,激進份子也將注意力放在奧運會與奧運火炬傳遞活動中進行廣告與公關活動的全球企業 家樂福 Coca-Cola Lenovo(聯想電腦) McDonald's 這些A咖贊助商被迫也要主動、積極地進行公關活動