Aristotle II Regime 授課教師:陳嘉銘


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Presentation transcript:

Aristotle II Regime 授課教師:陳嘉銘 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】 1

丹麥、瑞士、冰島、挪威、芬蘭、加拿大、荷蘭、紐西蘭、澳洲和瑞典。 亞洲地區排名最高,新加坡第22名。 台灣第35名。 2016年世界幸福排名指數 前10名最幸福的國家依序為: 丹麥、瑞士、冰島、挪威、芬蘭、加拿大、荷蘭、紐西蘭、澳洲和瑞典。 亞洲地區排名最高,新加坡第22名。 台灣第35名。 World Happiness Report 2016; Sustainable Development Solutions Network,SDSN;Edited by John Helliwell, Richard Layard and Jeffrey Sachs;P.20 2

Why study Regimes? (instead of laws and best city) What is a Regime? (end, authoritative element, governing body) 3

為了共同善 為了統治者的利益 (correct regimes) (deviations) 政體分類 為了共同善 為了統治者的利益 (correct regimes) (deviations) (free persons) (mastery) 一人統治 王治 暴君 (the one) (kingship) (tyranny) 少數統治 貴族 寡頭政體 (the few) (aristocracy) (oligarchy) (財富) 多數統治 政治政體 民主政體 (polity) (democracy) (多數人無法有virtue as (自由人) a whole,通常是有軍事 (窮人主導) 德性的公民治理) 4

Rule of the Many(Democracy) Two claims: A Rule of the Many(Democracy) Two claims: A. join together to deliberate better than the best persons (a certain kind) Some measure of help: (1)confine to ‘choosing’ officers and ‘auditing’ (2)join with the better person(holding offices) B. some particular art: user is better judge than maker (who is a better judge? maker, the similar, educated?)

The Many. poor. little cultivation of virtue The Many ** poor ** little cultivation of virtue ** less leisure to act well in politics ** prefer private business to ruling ** interest in money-making(living) ** less interest in living well (is this right?)

Polity as Mixture Regime Democracy: pay the poor to participate, lots no property criteria (greater offices open to more) Oligarchy: fine the wealth if not participate, office elected property criteria (chosen by occupants, hereditary) Polity (Mixture Regime): Good mixture of both

Middling Regime ** 讓goods of fortune中等的階級統治: strength, wealth, friends, handsome, well-born 1.readiest to obey reason (vs. arrogant or malicious) 2. better in ruling and being ruled neither envy and contempt (better affection) equal and similar persons to the extent possible 3. most stable and endurable: few factional conflicts

Best regime for most cities Possible for most cities to share in Best regime for most cities Possible for most cities to share in. 最不需要任何太高條件: virtue, education, nature, chance… Middling regime

Which Regime Suits Which City Which Regime Suits Which City? Principle of Stability The Superior Part Shall Rule (quality and quantity)

每個好公民都想要設法保存自己的政體,可是為了保存它: 只有改良他: (1)加進和擴大中間的成分(2)讓他愈混合愈好,就愈持久。

The Italian Renaissance and Machiavelli 中心德目:Virtù 關鍵概念: virtù, necessity, republican liberty, Fortuna, founding, state, greatness 授課教師:陳嘉銘 【本著作除另有註明外,採取創用CC「姓名標示-非商業性-相同方式分享」台灣3.0版授權釋出】

Major Northern Italy Republican City-States Pisa, Lombardy, Tuscany, Milan, Arezzo, Lucca, Bologna, Siena, Padua, Venice, Florence…

義大利城邦國家的共和體制 最高行政官(podesta)(不是統治者,只是委派的公職人員) (1)必須是來自其他城邦的公民,確保能夠施政公正,沒有地方利益和臍帶。 (2)選舉出來,擁有人民的付託,必須要對選他出來的公民群體負責。 (3)任期六個月。他不是個獨立的統治者,始終只是領薪水的公職人員。 (4)任期結束後,必須通過對他任期內的施政和言論的審查,才能離開城市。 (5)具有廣泛的行政, 司法權和外交代表權。 (6)他的統治要透過兩個主要議會的建議。一個議會大約六百人。另一個是內部或者秘密議會,大約40個公民領袖,通常都是傳統上層階級貴族大家族的巨頭。

Republican Liberty(共和自由) 面對神聖羅馬帝國的攻擊和法律主張 (反各種political servitude) (1)None-interference 城邦的政治生活不受外來的干涉和控制 (2)None-Domination 不被有權力者恣意對待 (2)Self-Government 每個公民都有平等的機會,積極參與政府事務(involving actively in the business of government)。 包括「自由批評、控制政府、成就政治事業」,不畏懼任何人的權力恣意傷害他。 How much stronger must this excessiveness and this ambivalence seem in the case of erotic love, with its wish to abdicate control over one's life and action, with its active wish for the extinction of thought and choice. As Enid experiences love, passivity and uncontrol are constitutive features of its beauty. Even her breath seems not her own but his, to give or to withhold. A need this deep can hardly be pure of retributive wishes. In Enid's suicide attempt there is retribution, clearly, the wish to reassert control and to punish. To punish herself for her needs and her self-caused helplessness, to punish her body for what it had been caused to feel and to demand. To punish Felix above all, of course, for making her needy rather than self-sufficient, for being the source of both wonder and frustration. The needs of such a love are so deep that, like and continuous with the child's need for totality, they can never, it seems, be fully or stably satisfied. Ambivalence and the tendency to revenge are thus built into its very structure.

佛羅倫斯 佛羅倫斯共和國 1390 Duke of Milan(Giangaleazzo Visconti)對佛羅倫斯開戰 1402 其兒子繼位,繼續打佛羅倫斯,打到1454年 1434 Cosimo de Medici成為佛羅倫斯的繼承式的統治者,共和國名存實亡。 1454 Cosimo成功和Milan達成協議,承認佛羅倫斯的地位 1464 Pier de’Medici繼位 1469 Lorenzo de’Medici繼位 (馬基維利出生) 1494 法王Charles VIII入侵義大利。共和派叛變,Medici家族被逐 1494-1512 回復共和體制 1498 馬基維利任共和國外交部要官,出使多國。Borgia成為Duke of Valentino 1499 法王Louis XII入侵義大利,拿下米蘭,佛羅倫斯臣服,拿下2/3義大利。 1503 Julius II選上教宗,逼Borgia滅亡。 1511 Julius II和西班牙結盟,擊退France,西班牙進攻佛羅倫斯,佛投降。 1512 Cardinal Giovanni de’Medici回來掌權 (1512馬基維利被免職,1513被懷疑叛變,下獄和遭酷刑,逐回鄉下) 1516-1519 Lorenzo II de’Medici (馬基維利獻《君王論》給25歲的年輕統治者Medici Lorenzo II) 1527-1530 又回復共和。1527羅馬被神聖羅馬皇帝Charles V打下來,馬基維利死。 1530 Medici家族又奪回政權 Medici家族後來又往外領土擴張,統治了Tuscany地區,到1737。

Fortuna 豐裕之角(Cornucopia, Horn of Plenty)

版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 1-24 2 本作品轉載自 設計範本,造訪日期:2016年09月13日 依據著作權法第 46、52、65 條合理使用 2 2016年世界幸福排名指數 前10名最幸福的國家依序為: 丹麥、瑞士、冰島、挪威、芬蘭、加拿大、荷蘭、紐西蘭、澳洲和瑞典。 亞洲地區排名最高,新加坡第22名。 台灣第35名。 World Happiness Report 2016; Sustainable Development Solutions Network,SDSN;Edited by John Helliwell, Richard Layard and Jeffrey Sachs;P.20

版權聲明 Why study Regimes……governing body 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 3 Why study Regimes……governing body 文字提供:國立臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 5 Two claims……the similar, educated 6 Poor……less interest in living well 7 Democracy …… Good mixture of both 8 讓goods of fortune中等……few factional conflicts

版權聲明 Best regime ……Middling regime Which Regime ……quality and quantity 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 9 Best regime ……Middling regime 文字提供:國立臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 10 Which Regime ……quality and quantity 11 每個好公民都想要……讓他愈混合愈好,就愈持久。 13 Major Northern Italy Republican ……Venice, Florence

版權聲明 最高行政官(podesta)(不是統治者……階級貴族大家族的巨頭。 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 14 15 Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository 2016/10/30 visited This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. 15 最高行政官(podesta)(不是統治者……階級貴族大家族的巨頭。 文字提供:國立臺灣大學 陳嘉銘

版權聲明 面對神聖羅馬帝國……人的權力恣意傷害他。 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 16 面對神聖羅馬帝國……人的權力恣意傷害他。 文字提供:國立臺灣大學 陳嘉銘 17 1390 Duke of Milan(Giangaleazzo ……Medici家族後來又往外領土擴張 18 Author:Peter Paul Rubens,_1638.jpg This work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term is the author's life plus 100 years or less. 瀏覽日期:2016/10/30。本作品為公共財。

版權聲明 頁碼 作品 版權標示 作者/來源 18 Artist:Salvator Rosa The author died in 1673, so this work is in the public domain in its country of origin and other countries and areas where the copyright term  is the author's life plus 100 years or less. 瀏覽日期:2016/10/30。本作品為公共財。