Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin)


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Presentation transcript:

Kiangsu-Chekiang College (Shatin) Quality Assurance Inspection 質素保證視學 External School Review (ESR) 校外評核 School Self-evaluation (SSE) 學校自我評估

School Development & Accountability (SDA) 校本管理的發展及問責機制 香港學校教育目標 學校辦學宗旨和目標 自評是校本管理的重要一環 學校發展計劃 校外評核 策劃: 長遠目標 周年目標 表現指標 周年報告 自我完善 與問責 推行及監察 自我評估 7

Scrutinized Documents (Evidence-based) 檢視文件(佐證為本) Annual School Plans (at least 2 years) Annual School Reports (at least 2 years) Self-assessment of the 14 PI-related areas Results of the stakeholders’ surveys and their analysis Report Card of Key Performance Measures (KPM) Samples of students’ work (3 good and 3 bad samples) Teachers’ list (roles & responsibilities) & list of students to be interviewed Teaching Time-table Programme Plan for subjects/departments (at least 2 years) Reports for subjects/departments (at least 2 years) Principal’s CPD document Record of teachers’ professional development Samples of test/examination papers (& the marking schemes) All other documents related to existing school-based evaluation activities (at school level. Subject/department level, classroom / individual teacher level … etc.)

Prerequisites Facilitating Self-Evaluation & Accountability 促進學校自評及問責的基本要素 School Policy 學校制度 德 AESTHETIC MORAL INTELLECTUAL SOCIAL PHYSICAL 智 體 群 美 School Culture 學校文化 Strategy 策略

Setting Attainable Goals 具体實際目標 成功關鍵 SWOT Analysis 強弱機危分析 School Factor 校內因素 Outside Factor 校外因素 Strength 強 Weakness 弱 Opportunity 機 Threat 危 SMART 審度時勢具體目標釐定法 Specific 具體 Measurable 可量度 Achievable 可達度 Realistic 實際 Time-related 有時限

How to conduct School Self-Evaluation? 如何進行「自我評估」 ? 本校是否一間好學校? (Level of Performance) 有沒有不足之處?   (Source of Information) 如何能夠知道自己的弱點? (Performance Indicators) 有沒有例證? (Evidence of Performance) 如有弱點,現在可以做甚麼? (Follow-up Plan) 將來我們應該怎樣做? (SSE Culture)

Preparation for ESR 「校外評核」準備情況及步驟 1.營造自評氣氛【培訓及支援】 Training and Support 建立願景 進行培訓 尋求支援 提供資源 2. 確保過程持續【領導及協調】 Leadership and Coordination 加強溝通 建立團隊 定出試點 逐步推行 校本文化

Preparation for ESR 「校外評核」準備情況及步驟 3. 貫徹落實執行【推行及監察】 Implementation and Monitoring 持續觀察、檢視文件、進行討論 Observation / Documents / Discussions 分配工作 搜集例證 / 正反立論 坦誠面對 / 達成共識 參考他校 4. 不斷作出反思【評估及發展】 Evaluation and Development 檢視成效 分析強弱 籌劃拓展

Management Framework 管理架構 School-based Management Committee 校本管理委員會 School Admin. Team 行政小組 Quality Assurance Section 質素 保證小組 Staff Appraisal & Development Section 教職員考績 及專業發展組 Resource Management Section 資源管理組 Scholarship Selection Panel 獎學金甄選 委員會 Promotion & Regrading Selection Board 教師晉升 及改編職糸 甄選委員會

School Development Plan (SDP) School Development Report (SDR) 學校發展計劃及報告 Three-year Plan & Annual Report 三年發展計劃及週年報告

SAMPLE 三年學校發展計劃 未來發展:學校發展計劃架構理念圖 跨學科課程統整 優化教學、延展學問 自我増值 擴闊思維空間 第三年 第二年 第一年 跨學科課程統整 擴闊思維空間 整體増值、終身學習 學校自我評估發展與 問責:賦權承責 優化教學、延展學問 協作教學、共同備課 促德啟智、律己達人 品德培育及公民教育 愛護環境 樂於閱讀 自我増值 主動學習 尊師重道 建立正確人生觀 加強團隊協作 教職員參與校政

Implementation of SDP 如何推行三年學校發展計劃 SAMPLE

School-based Performance Indicators 校本表現指標 SAMPLE Strategy/Task 策略/工作 Time 時間表 Success Criteria 成功準則 Evaluation 評估方法 Programme Team 負責人 Support 支援 獎勵閱讀,推廣樂於閱讀及從閱讀中學習文化 全年之圖書館課 閱讀紀錄 閱讀心得 分享 獲獎勵情況 借書數目統計 閱讀報告 閱讀習慣調查 持分者問卷調查 圖書館 閱讀推廣小組(中文及英文科目委員會) 設計閱讀獎勵計劃

School Self-evaluation Mechanism Long-term Goal 學校自我評估機制長期目標 Committee Level Teachers’ & students’ questionnaire on the Work of the Functional Committees. Subject Level Students’ questionnaire for individual subject. Self-evaluation Report Making use of all the assessment results and findings to work out the long-term objectives, strategies and needs of the School. A continuous and formative self-evaluation mechanism should be developed School-evaluation as a part of the School Culture for self-improvement and striving for excellence.

Effective School Self-evaluation (SSE) Mechanism 有效的學校自評機制 策劃 Planning 教師 Teacher Staff 職員 Parents 家長 Implementation & Monitoring Students Evaluation 學生 工作評估 執行與監管 多層的學校自評機制 Multi-level School Self-Evaluation

School Self-evaluation Mechanism Short-term Goal 學校自評機制︰短期目標 I. School Level 學校層面

Value-added Estimator y = the average of value-added indicators of a certain class in a certain subject y > 0 means positive value-addedness y = 0 means average value-addedness y < 0 means negative value-addedness

II. Teacher Level 教師層面

III. Student Level 學生層面

Pre-ESR Preparation 校外評核前準備 1. School assessment of 14 PI-related areas 學校自我評量表 2. Stakeholders’ survey and analysis: staff, students & parents 持分者問卷及分析 Key Performance Measures (KPM) 學校表現評量報告書 Pre-ESR Preparation 校外評核前準備

1. Self-Assessment Form 自我評量表 Domain 1: 管理與組織 Self-Assessment on Management and Organization Domain 2: 學與教 Self-Assessment on Teaching and Learning Domain 3: 校風及給予學生的支援 Self-Assessment on Student Support and School Ethos Domain 4: 學生表現 Self-Assessment on Students Performance

School Self-Evaluation Report in Four Domains 學校自我評估報告之四個範疇 The report should be no more than 20 pages 此報告不得多於二十頁 香港學校適用的表現指標範疇和範圍 Evidence of Performance 表現例証 29 Performance Indicators 廿九個表現指標 14 Areas 十四個範圍 4 Domains 四個範疇 範疇 管理與組織 校風及學生 支援 學生表現 學與教 策劃與行政 課程 學生成長的支援 態度和行為 範圍 專業領導 教學 與家長及 外間的聯繫 參與和成就 教職員管理 學生學習 學校文化 資源策劃和管理 學習評估 自我評估

Domain 1: Self-Assessment on Management and Organization 範疇一︰管理與組織自我評量表

Domain 2: Self-Assessment on Teaching and Learning 範疇二︰學與教自我評量表

Domain 3: Self-Assessment on Student Support and School Ethos 範疇三︰校風及學生支援自我評量表

Domain 4: Self-Assessment on Students Performance 範疇四︰學生表現自我評量表

2. Questionnaire Format 問卷報告式樣 Teachers’ Questionnaire 教師問卷報告(按問題)

All Stakeholders’ Survey 教師、學生及家長整體意見統計

Summary Analysis of the views of Teachers, Students and Parents on School’s Overall Performance

Key Performance Measures (KPM) 學校表現評量報告書 Data Collection Form for External School Review

Quality Assurance Inspection (QAI) 質素保證視學 External School Review (ESR) 校外評核 Pre On-site Visit: 1 day On-site Visit: 4 days Team Composition: 5 Members (4 EMB Officers + 1 External Reviewer) +

Pre On-site Visit (Day 1) Stages of ESR Process Pre On-site Visit (Day 1) Principal’s presentation Submit 15 students from various forms, streams and capabilities to be shadowed School tour Examination of documents Briefing for all teachers Results of stakeholder surveys and analysis School Report Card (KPM) Self-assessment of 14 Areas & 29 Performance Indicators Academic value-addedness data School Plan & Report (At least 2 years) List of teachers, their posts and timetable

On-site Visit (4-day process) Day 2: Shadowing of Students (choose 5 from the 15 students in the early morning) Day 3: More lesson observation + scrutiny of documents Day 4: Focus group discussions (including meetings with supervisor, the school improvement team, functional groups, teachers, parents, students and REO) Day 5: Verification of findings + oral feedback

Day 4 Focus Group Meetings

Day 4

Day 5 Verification of Findings & Follow-up Meetings ESR Verbal Presentation & ESR Report Event/Action Action Remarks 1. Verification of Findings Ÿ School - based Management Committee General Office Morning 2. Meeting with School Head and/or Functional Heads Principal Committ ee Functional Committee / Focus Groups (If further explanation is needed) 3. Oral Feedback Afternoon

Rationale and Skills of SSE Important Points 注意事項 Items 項目 Important Points 注意事項 Workload 教師工作繁重 由學校按實際情況定出自評的規模和步伐 盡量減省不配合目標的工作及安排優次 靈活調配人手及分配資源 Rationale and Skills of SSE 教師對「自我評估」的理念和技巧尚未掌握 成立核心工作小組 有策略地培訓教師 邀請外界提供支援 逐漸累積寶貴經驗 SSE Culture 校內自評文化 尚未建立 把日常檢討系統化 把自評與獎懲脫鈎

項目 注意事項 Items Important Points Lesson Observation 觀課安排 教學的策劃和組織 (Planning & Organizing Teaching) 表達技巧 (Communication Skills) 專業態度及知識 (Professional Attitude and Knowledge) 互動教學 (Interactive Teaching & Learning) 溝通 (Communication) 協作 (Collaboration) 創意 (Creativity) 照顧學習差異 (Catering for Learner Difference) 鼓勵 (Encouragement) 語文 (Language) 有意義之活動 (Meaningful Activities) 期望 (Higher Expectations) 學生學習 (Student Learning) 學習態度 (Learning Attitude) 學習策略 (Learning Strategies) 學習表現 (Learning Performance)

Looking at Students’ Work Items 項目 Important Points 注意事項 QAI Strategies 質素保證視學 持續觀察 (Observation) 檢視文件 (Documents) 進行討論 (Discussions) 團隊精神 (Team Spirit) School Plan and Report 計劃書與報告書 制定校本表現指標 搜集及整理文件,並列舉證據 清晰的計劃、評估及跟進 Looking at Students’ Work 檢視課業 釐定學校課業策略,包括質與量 (參考教統局學校通告: Guidelines on Homework and Tests in Schools No. 5/2000)

Benefits of School Self-Evaluation 從「學校自我評估」中得到的好處 加深了解學校表現及發展需要 擬定教師專業發展方向 加強員工之溝通和協作,建立團隊精神 掌握自主權,使學校自我完善更有效 由上而下至由下而上,由內到外,被動變主動 對症下藥,自訂發展步伐和方向,貫徹校本管理 的發展與問責 建構優質文化,提升學校效能

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