頭足類等圖鑑 一、頭足類: 烏賊(cuttlefish)、魷魚(squid, calamary)、


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Presentation transcript:

頭足類等圖鑑 一、頭足類: 烏賊(cuttlefish)、魷魚(squid, calamary)、 鎖管(squid)、章魚(octopus)、透抽(neritic squid)等。 二、其它類: 水母(jellyfish)、海參(sea cucumber)、 海膽(urchin)、海綿 (sponge)、珊瑚(corallium)、 海綿(sponge)、水螅(hydras)等。

魷魚squid Squid have differentiated from their ancestral molluscs in such a way that the body plan has been condensed antero-posteriorly and extended dorso-ventrally. What before may have been the foot of the ancestor is now modified into a complex set of tentacles and highly developed sense organs, including advanced eyes similar to those of vertebrates. The shell of the ancestor has been lost, with only an internal gladius, or pen, remaining.

Gaint squid in Melbourne Aquarium The majority of squid are no more than 60 cm long, although the giant squid may reach 13 m in length. In 2003 a large specimen of an abundant but poorly understood species, Mesonychoteuthis hamiltoni (the Colossal Squid) was discovered. This species may grow to 14 m in length, making it the largest invertebrate. It also possesses the largest eyes in the animal kingdom. Giant squids are featured in literature and folklore, with a frightening connotation. The Kraken is a legendary tentacled monster possibly based on sightings of real giant squids. A Colossal Squid, weighing 495 kg and about 10 meters long, was caught by a New Zealand fishing vessel off the coast of Antarctica in February 2007.

玄妙微鰭烏賊 日本槍烏賊 Gaint squid

基隆海域特有之鎖管類 萊氏擬烏賊 Sepioteuthis lessoniana 蘇門答臘槍魷魚 Loliolus sumatrensis (Nipponololigo sumatrensis) 尤氏槍魷魚 Loliolus uyii (Nipponololigo uyii) 火槍魷魚 Loliolus beka (Nipponololigo beka)

(Photololigo sibogae) 西伯加槍魷魚 Uroteuthis sibogae (Photololigo sibogae) 杜氏槍魷魚 Uroteuthis duvacelii (Photololigo duvacelii) 劍尖槍魷魚(真鎖管) Uroteuthis edulis (Photololigo edulis) ; 中國槍魷魚 Uroteuthis chinensis (Photololigo chinensis)

烏賊cuttlefish 耳烏賊 日本無針烏賊 四盤耳烏賊


烏賊cuttlefish Cuttlefish average 30 cm long and live for only about 18 months. They are nocturnal animals that feed at night using tentacles, and keep hidden during the day. Cuttlefish eat small fish, crab and shrimp. The cuttlefish is also chameleon-like because they too can change colors to match their surroundings and hide from predators.

金烏賊 棘邊烏賊 長槍烏賊 長槍烏賊的卵

橙邊烏賊 彼氏烏賊 圖氏后烏賊(片尖后烏賊)

菜氏擬烏賊 菜氏擬烏賊卵 螢烏賊 螢烏賊表面發光器

經常食用之烏賊類—軟薯與花枝(台語) 軟薯—背鞘如魷魚(左) 花枝—背鞘白而硬如鞋底(右)



章魚octopus The octopus (Greek, 'eight-legs') is a cephalopod of the order Octopoda that inhabits many diverse regions of the ocean, especially coral reefs. The term may also refer to only those creatures in the genus Octopus. In the larger sense, there are 289 different octopus species, which is over one-third of the total number of known cephalopod species. Octopuses move about by crawling or swimming. Their main means of slow travel is crawling, with some swimming. Their only means of fast travel is called jet propulsion. They crawl by walking on their arms, usually on many at once, on solid surfaces, while supported in water. In 2005 it was reported that some octopuses can walk on two arms on a solid surface, while at the same time imitating a coconut or a clump of seaweed.They swim by expelling a jet of water from a contractile mantle, and aiming it via a muscular siphon.

章魚octopus 眞章魚 眞章魚的卵囊

砂章魚 短章魚 紅章魚 東章魚

海參sea cucumber 刺參(仿刺參) 刺參(仿刺參) 黑參(仿刺參)

海參sea cucumber The sea cucumber is an echinoderm of the class Holothuroidea, with an elongated body and leathery skin, which is found on the sea floor worldwide. It is so named because of its cucumber-like shape. Like all echinoderms, sea cucumbers have an endoskeleton just below the skin, but this can actually be absent in some species. Sea cucumbers are generally scavengers, feeding on debris in the benthic layer. (There are only a few exceptions to this, most notably a few pelagic cucumbers and the species Rynkatropa parson, which has a commensal relationship with deep-sea angler fish.) The diet of most cucumbers consists of plankton and decaying organic matter found in the sea.

海膽urchin 海刺蝟(海膽) Sea urchins appeared on earth around 500 millions years ago. Nowadays they are often used as models for exploration of the development process in living organisms. A classical biology course will cover in vitro fertilization of urchin eggs and their observation. It is possible to obtain eggs and sperm from mature sea urchins, although there's a little problem: male and female specimen are difficult to identify - but in some species, males are darker (less colored) than females. Eggs and sperm are released from the five gonads, through the gonopores on the opposite side of the mouth (top). Eggs are orange-colored and sperm is white. Eggs can be diluted immediately with sea water, but sperm must be aspirated from the pore and stored like this. The two samples can be cooled separately and used until two or three days later for fertilization by mixing eggs and sperm very diluted in sea water.

扁平擬球海膽(公的排精) 馬糞海膽群 馬糞海膽

海膽urchin 馬糞海膽 紫從海膽 哈氏刻肋海膽 細雕刻肋海膽

水母jellyfish 蝦水母 Jellyfish are over 95 percent water and do not have gills, a heart, blood or a brain. Even though their organs are limited, they still retain the sense of taste and smell. Jellyfish cannot see objects, but can sense the difference between dark and light areas. The body of the jellyfish is called the bell, in reference to its shape. Many jellyfish also have stinging tentacles which can span over 100 feet in length. These tentacles are used to sting and capture prey. Jellyfish feed mainly on small animals called zooplankton. For more information on jellyfish visit the Jellyfish Lake page.

水母jellyfish 水水母 陽傘水母 美髯水母

海綿sponge 網狀海綿 網狀海綿

海綿 sponge 網狀海綿 壺形海綿 The sponges or poriferans (Latin "pore" and "to bear") are animals of the phylum Porifera. They are primitive, sessile, mostly marine, water dwelling, filter feeders that pump water through their bodies to filter out particles of food matter. Sponges also excrete sperm cells through these holes. Sponges represent the simplest of animals. With no true tissues (parazoa), they lack muscles, nerves, and internal organs. Their similarity to colonial choanoflagellates shows the probable evolutionary jump from unicellular to multicellular organisms. There are over 5,000 modern species of sponges known, and they can be found attached to surfaces anywhere from the intertidal zone to as deep as 8,500 m (29,000 feet) or further. Though the fossil record of sponges dates back to the Neoproterozoic Era, new species are still commonly discovered.

珊瑚corallium 側孔仿珊瑚 仿珊瑚(深孔珊瑚) 草莓珊瑚 台灣擁有美麗、珍貴的珊瑚礁海岸。 根據調查結果顯示,因河囗附近很容易遭受河水沖刷帶來過多的沈積物,使得附近海水混濁而不適合珊瑚生存。故珊瑚礁大多分布在綠島、蘭嶼、小琉球、澎湖群島等離島,以及本島的恆春半島、東北角、東部海岸的三仙台等地。珊瑚是由許多珊瑚虫(水螅體)聚合生長的一種群體生物(但有少數珊瑚為單一水螅體)。屬於腔腸動物門。而依其骨骼特性分為石珊瑚及軟珊瑚類。前者具分泌碳酸鈣形成堅硬群體的能力,絕大部分為造礁珊瑚;後者不分泌大量的鈣質骨骼,但代之以鈣質骨針束支撐身體。

綠島珊瑚礁岩奇景(上) 大西洋海底珊瑚林景(右) 菊石珊瑚是如何增加珊瑚蟲的?從這張照片中可以找到線索 Pillar Coral


新奇生物novel biobes 水螅Hydras 廈門文昌魚 海草莓


魷魚squid 阿根廷魷魚
