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The introduce of lungfish

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1 The introduce of lungfish

2 1.Scientific classification
Kingdom:animal(动物界) Phylum :Chordata(脊索动物门) Subphylum:Vertebrata(脊椎动物门) Class: Osteichthyes(硬骨鱼纲) Subclass: Sarcopterygii(肉鳍亚纲)

3 2.Description The lungfish are freshwater fish. They usually are dark color. Most lungfish about 1.5m have strong pectoral fins, pelvic fins and a pair lung(bladder). Lungfish best know for breathing from air and living long time without water.

4 3.Discover In 19th century, people who lived in Australia thank the lungfish was a kind of Salmon(鲑鱼)because it meat is pink. Oneday when Australian museum director Clive ate “Salmon” he found the fish has lung which doesn’t belong to Salmon. The lungfish was found.

5 4.Species 现存的肺鱼有2个目3个科: 角齿鱼目: 角齿鱼科 (单肺类) 美洲肺鱼目:非洲肺鱼科 (双肺类) 美洲肺鱼科

6 角齿鱼科Ceratodiformes 这个科是现存最接近肺鱼的祖先角齿鱼的科只有其大洋洲肺鱼属也是唯一的现存的角齿鱼科种类。拥有一个肺(鳔)可以呼吸空气但是仍然无法像离开水面生活。在旱季钻入泥中用分泌液包裹自己得以生存。现存唯一用鳃呼吸种。

7 非洲肺鱼目(Protoperodae) 非洲肺鱼有2个鳔,体长可达两米。非洲肺鱼有6个鳃裂和5个鳃弓这是其和美洲肺鱼的最大区别。有1个属4个种。在干旱时钻入泥中分泌体液包裹身体,可以离水生活。不可用鳃呼吸。

8 美洲肺鱼科 (Lepidosireniformes)

9 5. speciation Today lungfish only live in Australia, South America and Africa. But the fossil of lungfish have been found all over the word and modern lungfish is formed after the breakup of Pangaea, Gondwana,Laurasia. Ps: Pangaea:泛古大陆 Laurasia:劳亚古大陆包含亚欧北美大陆 Gondwanaand:冈瓦纳大陆南美洲、非洲、澳大利亚、南极洲以及印度半岛和阿拉伯半岛

10 6.Breath As we know only Australian lungfish can respire through its gill . Other species, the gills are too atrophied to allow for adequate gas exchange. When lungfish breath air they through gill . Third and fourth gill arches open ,sixth arteriole‘s(小动脉) ductus arteriosus(动脉导管) is closed, and the pulmonary arteries (肺动脉)open. 

11 END

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