學校簡介 蘇浙小學幼稚園於1953年創辦,是香港歷史悠久,規模宏大的幼 稚園之一。蘇浙小學是一所非牟利小學,現設本地課程小學部、 幼稚園部(於08年12月經過教育局學前機構質素評核)、幼兒園 及國際部(幼稚園和小學)。幼兒園學生可報讀幼稚園(非直升制)。 幼稚園學生可報讀小學一年級(非直升制),錄取與否分別視幼稚.


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Presentation transcript:

學校簡介 蘇浙小學幼稚園於1953年創辦,是香港歷史悠久,規模宏大的幼 稚園之一。蘇浙小學是一所非牟利小學,現設本地課程小學部、 幼稚園部(於08年12月經過教育局學前機構質素評核)、幼兒園 及國際部(幼稚園和小學)。幼兒園學生可報讀幼稚園(非直升制)。 幼稚園學生可報讀小學一年級(非直升制),錄取與否分別視幼稚 園及小學部學額而定。 Introduction: Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School Kindergarten, one of the largest and longest established schools in Hong Kong, is founded in 1953. The non-profit-making school has 4 sections: Primary Section, Kindergarten Section (Our section has passed the Pre-schools Quality Review from EDB), Nursery Section and International Section (Primary and Kindergarten). Nursery students may apply to study in the kindergarten section upon graduation but places are limited and are not guaranteed. Kindergarten students may apply to study in the Primary Section but have to meet admission criteria.

辦學宗旨及特色 香港蘇浙滬同鄉會辦學宗旨以校訓「整齊嚴肅」四字涵蓋,即認真辦學,培育下一代。 對蘇浙小學幼稚園部而言,就是學童在輕鬆愉快的遊戲環境中產生濃厚學習興趣、熱衷學習及初步學會如何學習。 幼稚園部同時重視在兒童學習的萌芽階段建立全人教育的基礎及兩文三語的發展。 Education Mission and Speciality: The mission of KCPS is ‘Orderly and Respectful’. We use Chinese Mandarin to teach the children. The aim of the school is that children have interesting to learn and how to learn in a relaxing environment. We lay emphasis on allowing children to learn and use English and Chinese Mandarin naturally.

教育理念 本校將西方的知、情、意、行和中國的德、智、體、群、美五育的全人教育觀結合起來,透過有趣、啟發性的遊戲活動結合起來,提升幼兒學習能力。 Ideology: The school provides a whole-person education which integrates Chinese and Western morals, intellectual, physical, communal, aesthetic developments in regards of knowledge, attitudes and skills. Also, our teaching is based on activities which stimulate and encourage learning.

教學設計及目標 本園根據教育局學前教育課程指引,「以兒 童為中心」,結合兒童的生活經驗,配合兒 童能力之發展,並運用「主題教學」及「方 案課程」之教學模式,編排綜合課程,更積 極推動資訊科技教育等,使學生享受學校生 活的樂趣,促進兒童社會性發展。每日有40 分鐘以上由外籍教師教授英語,以故事、遊 戲方式進行,使兒童獲得兩文三語的發展。 Curriculum Planning and Aims According to the guideline “Guide to the Pre-primary Curriculum” from the EDB, teachers’ planning are child-centered. To develop the children’s learning ability, we use the Integrated Curriculum and the Project Approach. Our day is interesting and full of various activities. The children have more than 40 minutes of English every day with native English teachers. They play games, tell stories and integrate the EDB curriculum in their lessons. The school provides an environment for children to learn and use English naturally.

師資 全體教師均接受過專業的幼兒教育師資培訓,具備幼稚園教育證書資格、幼兒教育學士學位或幼兒教育碩士資格等學歷,部分教師更持有中港兩地專業資歷,具豐富教學經驗,對兒童有愛心及關懷,極有利兒童認知、體能、情意及群性、美感及文化方面的均衡發展。本校經常進行校本各年級觀摩教學交流活動,透過專題學習、研討會、講座、交流分享等,提升教師專業水平。幼稚園的師生比例不高於1:15。 Teachers’ Qualifications : Our teachers are Qualified Kindergarten Teachers and are registered with the government. Many of them have teaching qualifications from both Mainland China and Hong Kong. They are well trained and have all the teaching skills that are required to teach to the high standards expected in our kindergarten. The ratio of teachers and children in the kindergarten is 1:15.

外籍小朋友入讀本校本地課程 本園小朋友來自香港及不同國家,如英、美、澳、德、 加、日、意、韓等國,兒童即有機會一起學習,在國 際化的兒童樂園中生活,從中西文化交流中成長。 Demagogical grouping of our students Most of children in our Kindergarten are from Hong Kong. However, we also have a large number of expatriate children studying with us. They are from the U.K., the U.S.A., Australia, Germany, Canada, Italy, Japan, Korea and so on. This makes our environment truly multi-cultural where children from different environments are able to communicate and play together in both Mandarin and English.

學校環境 校內佔地四萬五千六百平方尺,環境寬敞、整潔,擁有五 個大型活動場所,設備完善齊全、新穎,對兒童肢體動作 的發展及視野空間、創作能力提供理想的環境。 Environment The total area of Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School campus is 45,600sq.ft. There are three outdoor and two indoor playgrounds. They are all equipped with modern and clean facilities.

大型活動 本園每年舉辦豐富多彩的大型活動,例如中秋節花燈展、萬聖節活動、聖誕節歌舞表演、春節年宵活動、親子體操匯演。另外本校為提升兒童潛能的發展,每年安排小朋友參加全港性各項比賽,例如全港校際 兒童詩歌朗誦、校際音樂節唱遊比賽等均獲優異成績。本校善於利用社區資源進行校外學習,如參觀交通安全城、太空館、科學館、香港公園、動植物公園、超級市場、鰂魚涌海濱公園寫生畫等。 Activities: The school holds many activities throughout the year, for example: Chinese New Year, Mid Autumn Festival, Halloween, Christmas; and we also have an Aerobics Performance. The children also participate in lots of different competitions in both Chinese and English, for example, poetry recitation, singing and dancing.

家長教師聯誼會 本園於一九五四年成立全港第一間家長教師聯誼會,每年定期舉辦聯誼活動,如聖誕聯歡晚會、春季郊遊及教育講 座等,並提供網上訊息,推進家校合作。每學年均設多元智能獎, 例如:「好寶寶」、「品學兼優」、「最佳表現」獎及各項獎、助學金。 Parent- Teachers Association: Our school’s PTA was established in 1954. In order to promote communication through parents, teachers and the school, the PTA provides a web-site. The PTA also sponsors the ‘Good Child’ awards, scholarships and other awards.

2012-2013學年入學報名表格 將會於2011年9月份派發 歡迎您的子女申請入讀蘇浙小學幼稚園 索取2012-13學年幼稚園報名表格日期: 從2011年9月8日開始可於辦公時間到幼稚園園務處索取或上 網下載報名表。網址︰http://www.kcs.edu.hk 2) 接受2012-13學年新生報名日期: 從2011年9月15日至9月17日期間於辦公室時間交回本校事 務處。辦公室時間: 星期一至五:上午9:10至下午4:00, 星期六:上午9:10至下午11:30 ) 3) 填妥報名表後帶同: 1. 兒童的本港出生紙、香港身份證正副本或有效香港居留證 件正副本 2.近照兩張 3. 回郵信封四個(備有學生姓名) 4. 以現金或支票繳交報名費港幣三十元正 (支票抬頭 : 蘇浙小學)

2012~2013 Application Forms can be collected Kiangsu & Chekiang Primary School Kindergarten Section 2012~2013 Application Forms can be collected in September 2011 2012-2013 Application form: Can be collected from our kindergarten office or downloaded from the link below as of 8th September, 2011. Website: http://www.kcs.edu.hk Submission of application forms for 2012-2013: The application form will be accepted between 15th September, 2011 and 17th September, 2011 at our General Office. Office hours: 9:10 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday 9:10a.m. - 11:30 p.m. Saturday Please also bring : 1. Original and copy of your child’s Hong Kong Birth Certificate, Hong Kong Identity Card or Effective Hong Kong Resident Certificate 2. Two passport-sized photos 3. Four stamped self-addressed envelopes 4. $30 application fee

下表為本園各級每月學費情況,僅供參考: 上課時間: 星期一至五 班級 每月學費 K1級 上、下午班每月學費 HK$1,860 K2、K3級 上午班每月學費 下午班每月學費 HK$1,800 全日班每月學費 HK$3,200 每年學費分10期繳交,另每學期須繳交茶點及其他雜費HK$840。 上課時間: 星期一至五 地址: 香港北角清華街三十號 電郵: kinder@kcs.edu.hk 電話: 2570 4173 / 2570 4179 傳真: 2512 9095 上午班 下午班 K2、K3全日班 8:45-11:45 1:40-4:40 上午8:45-下午4:40

Morning and afternoon class The current school fee for reference: Class School fee per month K1 Morning and afternoon class HK$1,860 K2 and K3 Morning class Afternoon class HK$1,800 Whole day class HK$3,200 This school collects 10 monthly tuition fees a year and $840 for snack fee and other general expenses every term . School Day: Monday to Friday Address: 30 Ching Wah Street, North Point, Hong Kong Fax: 2512 9095 Telephone: 2570 4173 / 2570 4179 E-mail: kinder@kcs.edu.hk Morning class Afternoon class K2 and K3 whole day Class 8:45-11:45 1:40-4:40 上午8:45-下午4:40 有關2012-13學年新一輪學前教育學券計劃,本園是否繼續參加,正關注、等待教育局公函通知,再作決定。