Drunk 醉 / Drunkard 喝的人
Drunk 醉 / Drunkard 喝的人 Have you ever been a habitual drunkard? 你曾经被一名惯性酗酒? What is a habitual drunkard? Someone who drinks alcohol every day.
Narcotics 毒品
Controlled Substances 受控物質
Controlled Substances 受控物質 Narcotics 毒品 Controlled Substances 受控物質 Have you ever sold or smuggled controlled substances, illegal drugs or narcotics? 你有没有出售或走私的受控物质,非法药品或者麻醉药品?
Controlled Substances 受控物質 Narcotics 毒品 Controlled Substances 受控物質 What are narcotics? Illegal drugs What are controlled substances? Drugs that are illegal to have without permission from a doctor
Gambling 賭博
Gambling 賭博 Have you ever gambled illegally or received income from illegal gambling? What is gambling? Betting (赌注) money on something
Prostitute 妓女
Prostitute 妓女 Have you been a prostitute or have you procured anyone for prostitution? 你有过妓女或促使别人卖淫的? What is a prostitute? A person who sells sex
Deport 驅逐出境
Deport 驅逐出境 Deportation 放逐 Have you ever gen false or misleading information to any US government official while applying for any immigration benefit or to prevent deportation, exclusion, or removal?
Alimony 赡养费
Child Support 儿童支持
Alimony 赡养费 Child Support 儿童支持 Have you ever failed to support your dependents or pay alimony? 有过未能支持你家属或支付赡养费? What is alimony? Money you pay your ex-spouse