Emerald 秋季在线课程 ——英文学术论文语言 主讲人:杨柳.


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Presentation transcript:

Emerald 秋季在线课程 ——英文学术论文语言 主讲人:杨柳

目录 英文论文结构 英文论文语言特点 论文检查点

英文论文结构 Title Abstract Introduction Literature Review Methodology Findings Conclusions References

英文论文结构 Title Abstract

英文论文结构 Introduction Literature Review

英文论文结构 Methodology Findings

英文论文结构 Conclusions References

目录 英文论文结构 英文论文语言特点 论文检查点

学术英语:语言特点 Formal 正式 避免使用俚语cool 避免缩写 don’t does not 避免动词词组look into investigate Objective 客观 非个人的 被动 第三人称 It has been claimed that… Concise 简洁 简单 清楚 few in number few Variety 多样 重要的 important key, crucial, critical, vital 不可缺少indispensable 至关重要/不可避免/必要 Imperative: ---Use impersonal expressions and the passive voice, e.g. It can be concluded that…, It has been claimed that… ---Use third person pronouns, avoid the first person “I, we” or second person “you”. ---Avoid words that have emotional or attitudinal connotations. e.g. you can see--- it can be seen that I believe --- it is commonly believed that I hear --- it is said

Distinction - 差异 单词 辨析 difference 最常见 dissimilarity 其他方面很相似的事物 unlikeness 较大和较明显的差异 divergence 原本相似的事物间逐渐增加的差异 variation 相同等级或种类的差异 distinction 相似事物之间的细微差异,通过仔细的检查才能确定

引用动词 Said Mention guess Tentative reporting verbs Strong reporting verbs Neutral reporting verbs

引用动词 试探性 中立 强烈 Suggest Speculate Intimate Hypothesize Imply Propose Describe Show Reveal Demonstrate Point out Indicate 强烈 Argue Claim Content Assert Reject Emphasize ---Use impersonal expressions and the passive voice, e.g. It can be concluded that…, It has been claimed that… ---Use third person pronouns, avoid the first person “I, we” or second person “you”. ---Avoid words that have emotional or attitudinal connotations. e.g. you can see--- it can be seen that I believe --- it is commonly believed that I hear --- it is said

引用句式 Information prominent citation Author prominent citation style 1 The wool industry is experiencing difficulties … since the development of high-quality synthetic fibers. (Smith 2000) Author prominent citation style 1 As Smith (2000) pointed out, …. (You agree with Smith) Author prominent citation style 2 Smith (2000) argued that …. However, Jones et al. (2004) found that… (Contrast maybe coming)

常见误用 Pronouns and Antecedents 代词和先行词 Redundancy —— Unnecessary Nouns and Verbs 累赘 Dangling Modifiers 悬垂修饰语

Redundancy - 累赘 例:加快经济改革的步伐 例:经济领域改革 to accelerate the pace of economic reform to accelerate economic reform 例:经济领域改革 A. reforms in the sphere of the economy B. reforms in the economy economic reforms we must make an improvement in our work we must improve our work

Dangling Modifiers - 悬垂修饰语 Using either military or peaceful means, most of the remaining enemy forces were put out of action. Using either military or peaceful means, we put most of the remaining enemy forces out of action. 一套主语+谓语

目录 英文论文结构 英文论文语言特点 论文检查点

英文论文语言检查 语言准确性 语法检查 检查句子是否能表达清楚意思 基于学科领域,确保时态正确一致 检查句子结构是否正确 检查用词是否是学术术语 检查语言和结构的合理性 检查是否使用了正确的语气和语态 检查主谓结构 检查冠词的使用(a,an,the) 检查标点符号,如逗号,连字号等 检查单词拼写,确保无误

Emerald Subediting 案例 2 3 批注1:Language: By adding the word “projected” the flow of information has been improved.   批注2:Article usage: A superlative adjective is preceded by the definite article “the.” 批注3:Language: The formal phrase “the next” suits the academic tone of the document. 批注4:Typographical error: The spelling error has been eliminated. 批注5:Grammar: The correct form of the verb (“preparing”) has been used here. 批注6:Article usage: Since “market” is used in the business context, the definite article has been added. 批注7:Grammar: The singular verb form “is” matches the singular subject “growth.” 批注8:Grammar: “rapid” describes the adjective “increasing”; hence, the suffix “-ly” has been added. 批注9:Typographical error: The spelling error has been eliminated. 6 7

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