和睦同居,彼此建造 Dwell In Peace, Edify Each Other


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Presentation transcript:

和睦同居,彼此建造 Dwell In Peace, Edify Each Other ﹝詩 Ps.133:1 ;羅 Ro.14:19 ﹞

※EFCOC:Church filled with love and glory 柑縣〝充滿﹝愛與榮耀﹞的教會〞 前言:〈詩Ps.133:1〉 「弟兄和睦同居,是何等地善,何等地美!how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity! 」 「我們務要追求和睦的事,與彼此建立德行的事。 Let us follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another.」〈羅Ro.14:19〉 「使人和睦的人有福!他們必稱為神的兒子。Blessed are peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.」 〈太Mt. 5:9〉 ※EFCOC:Church filled with love and glory 柑縣〝充滿﹝愛與榮耀﹞的教會〞

A.《如何作一個好基督徒》How to be a good Christian 1.為主而活~ 『將身體獻上作活祭』的體認 1.為主而活~ 『將身體獻上作活祭』的體認 〝Live for God〞 be not conformed to this world 2.讓主改變~ 『不要效法這個世界』的決心 〝 Let God change you 〞 be not conformed to this world 『心意更新而變化。』的意願 be transformed by the renewing of your mind

B.《肢體如何彼此服事》How to serve the body of Christ 1.認識自己 Know yourself ~ 『有用感』sense of purpose 2.各盡其職~ Exercise your gifts (V.4-8) a.對神有『歸屬感』Sense of belonging to God b.對教會『責任感』Sense of obligation to Church

1.對會友~真誠的愛心 Sincere love (V.9.10) C.《教會中好信徒的原則》Principles of a good Christian 1.對會友~真誠的愛心 Sincere love (V.9.10) 「愛不可虛假 Let love be without dissimulation. 惡,要厭惡 Abhor that which is evil; 善,要親近 cleave to that which is good 。」 Be kindly affectioned one to another with brotherly love; in honour preferring one another 「愛弟兄,要彼此親熱; 恭敬人,要彼此推讓。」

2.對神~忠誠的服事 Faithfulness (V.11) 〝常常〞服事 Not slothful in business 〝火熱〞服事 fervent in spirit 〝以心〞事奉 〝殷勤〞服事 serving the Lord; 3.對環境~勝過困境的決心 Overcome difficulties (V.12.13) 『在指望中要喜樂』Rejoicing in hope 『在患難中要忍耐』patient in tribulation 『禱告要恆切』continuing instant in prayer

D.《在世人面前有好見證》:Good testimony 1.與人相交~relationship with people 〝善待人〞Be kind (V.14) 〝關懷人〞Be caring (V.15) 〝尊重人〞Be respectful (V.16) 『不要志氣高大』 Mind not high things 『不要自以為聰明』 Be not wise in your own conceits

2.與敵和好~※寬恕人 Forgive your enemies (V.17-21) 『不要以惡報惡』Recompense to no man evil for evil. 『留心行善』Provide things honest in the sight of all men. 『保持和睦』live peaceably with all men 『以善勝惡』 overcome evil with good. a.己勿伸冤~ avenge not yourselves b.化敵為友~befriend your enemies 『把炭火堆在他的頭上』 heap coals of fire on his head ※不是征服別人,而是征服自己─ 復仇的心。Conquer yourself, not others.

﹝結語﹞:『 我的殿必稱為萬國禱告的殿 。』〈可 Mk.11:17 〉 My house shall be called of all nations the house of praye 充滿 〝愛與榮耀〞 love&glory 的教會 『你們要去,〈太Mt.28:19 〉 使萬民作我的門徒。』 Go ,and make disciples of all nations 『耶穌對彼得說:你愛我比這些更深嗎?』 Jesus saith to Peter: lovest thou me more than these? 〈約Jn.21:15〉  

我們敬拜讚美祢 在全地上榮耀祢聖名 榮耀祢聖名,榮耀祢聖名 榮耀祢聖名 Glorify Thy name﹝新歌頌揚#115﹞ 1.天父〈2.耶穌、3.聖靈〉我愛祢 我們敬拜讚美祢 在全地上榮耀祢聖名 榮耀祢聖名,榮耀祢聖名 1.Father 〈2.Jesus、3.Spirit〉 I Love you I praise you, I adore you, glorify Thy name in all the earth Glorify Thy name,Glorify Thy name Glorify Thy name in all the earth.