文獻探討 花蓮師院科教所 李暉老師編輯 2002/10/16.


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Presentation transcript:

文獻探討 花蓮師院科教所 李暉老師編輯 2002/10/16

怎麼開始? 興趣 v.s. 現實    主題方向 找一篇相關主題的好文獻 相關性高 夠新 夠權威性 還有很重要的是───易讀易懂

怎麼累積成果? 當然是寫成記錄囉 Bibliographic entry 參考書目的收錄 Problem 問題 Subjects 題材 Procedures 步驟 Results and conclusion 結果與討論 Implication 弦外之音 To add relevant information 增加有關的資訊

文獻的種類 論理式文獻:作者對特定議題所提出的看法,可欣賞其論點及思考脈絡 回顧性文獻:過去相關實徵性研究之綜合整理,可藉以快速理解整個壁題過去之發展及未來的方向 實徵性文獻:欣賞如何形成問題、研究設計、重要的研究發現,以及參考了那些文獻

How to Write a Literature Review 如何撰寫文獻探討? MIS583/585 Spring 2002

Literature Review 文獻探討 What is the “literature” anyway? 文獻是什麼東東呢? The literature is “the works you consulted in order to understand and investigate your research question.” 文獻是您為了瞭解與探究研究問題所查閱的東西。

Skills Needed for a Literature Review 文獻探討所需要的技巧 Information Seeking: Ability to scan the literature efficiently using a library or the Internet search to identify a set of potentially useful articles or books. 收集資訊:利用圖書館或是網際網路來有效瀏覽文獻並辨識出一組可能是有用的文章或是書籍的能力。 Critical Appraisal: Ability to apply principles of analysis to identify those studies which are unbiased and valid. 批判評價:能運用分析的原則來加以分辨這些過去研究是否無偏見且有效度的一種能力。 Source: http://www.utoronto.ca/hswriting/lit-review.htm

Bad Sign! 不良文獻探討的訊號 Every paragraph of your review begins with the names of researchers. 每一段都是由研究者的名字來開頭 Every paragraph contains a summary of one article. 每一段都包含一篇文章的摘要 Literature review contains a stack of paragraph without a section header. 文獻探討包含的很多段落而沒有分節或小節的標題 There is no logical link between each paragraph. 每一段之間沒有邏輯性的連結

Good sign 良好文獻探討的訊號 Organize your view into useful, information sections (or issues) relevant to your study’s domain 將文獻探討組織成跟您的研究領域有關聯且有用的訊息(或議題) Present an evolution of a concept 呈現一個概念是如何演進的 Compare/contrast different views from previous research 比較與對照過去的研究所呈現的不同觀點。

What literature Review looks like. 文獻探討長什麼樣子? Source: http://www NOT a summary of articles 不是文章的摘要 Conceptually organized synthesis of the results of your search 將您所搜尋到的文獻探討結果以概念式組織來綜合 MUST Organize information and relate it to the research question 將與待答問題有關的資訊組織起來 Synthesize results into what is and isn’t known 將文獻探討的結果依照已知或未知者組合起來 Identify controversy when it appears in the literature 分辨出文獻中有爭議性的觀點 Develop questions for further research 由文獻探討中發展出未來研究的問題

Value of Literature Review 文獻探討的價值 NOT depends on “how many sources you use” 其價值不在於您收集了多少資料來源 BUT depends on “your presentation and awareness of how different perspectives are in your study domain” 但其價值是在於您是否能呈現並察覺出該研究領域中的不同觀點 ALSO depends on “quality of the sources you use” 也跟您使用的資料來源的品質有關

How useful are the following sources. Source: http://www. languages Journal articles (peer review): Relatively valid and reliable (based on a scientific study), relatively up-to-date issues 期刊文章(有同儕評審過的):相對而言比較有效度與信度,而且也比較跟得上時代的議題 Books: Contains principles and theories, good for a starting point, give a big picture 書籍:包括該領域的原則與理論,是好的開始,提供該領域的大局面。 Conferencing proceedings: latest research or work-in-progress 會議的彙編:最新的研究或進行中的研究 Trade magazines: Not useful for research except as a starting point (e.g., looking for a topic) or new innovations 雜誌:對於研究沒有什麼幫助,但是可以提供一個起始點,例如找題目或是創新的改革

How useful are the following sources? 下列的資料來源的用途 Government/corporate reports: useful for data collection 政府與公司的報告:對資料收集有用 Newspaper: Mainly opinion, most recent trends & discoveries 新聞:主要是意見、最新趨勢與發現 White papers on the Internet: Individual opinion, unscientific study, fad, good for searching a topic, could be a marketing scam 網際網路上的文章:個人的意見,非科學的研究、時尚,對於找題目有幫助,也有可能這些東西是行銷的騙局

Why write a literature? 為什麼要文獻探討 Source: http://www.languages.ait.ac.th/EL21LIT.HTM Provide a critical look at the existing research that is related or valuable to your study 看看已經做過的研究可能對於您的研究提供一個有關聯的及有價值的關鍵看法 Not only SUMMARIZE relevant research 不僅是將相關研究作摘要 Also EVALUATE those studies 也要評估這些研究 SHOW RELATIONSHIP between different studies 還要呈現不同研究間的關係 SHOW HOW IT RELATES to you work 並指出這些研究與您的研究之關係

Questions that your literature review should answer 文獻探討所要回答的問題 Source: http://www.languages.ait.ac.th/EL21LIT.HTM What do we already know in your selected topic? 在您的研究題目中什麼是我們已經知道的 What are the characteristics of the key concepts or the main factors or variables? 關鍵性的概念、主要的因素或變項的特徵是什麼? What are the relationships between these key concepts, factors or variables? 關鍵性的概念、主要的因素或變項的關係是什麼? What are the existing theories or principles? 已經存在的理論與原則是什麼?

Questions that literature review should answer 文獻探討所要回答的問題 Source: http://www.languages.ait.ac.th/EL21LIT.HTM What are the inconsistencies or other shortcomings or gaps in this area? 這個領域中不一致之處、短處或是缺陷是什麼? What views need to be further tested? 什麼觀點需要進一步的測試? What evidence is lacking, inconclusive, contradictory or too limited? 缺乏什麼證據?什麼是不確定的、矛盾的及太侷限的? Why study the research problem? 為什麼要研究這個待答問題 What contribution can your study be expected to make? 您的研究預期對學術界或教育界有什麼貢獻? What research designs or methods seem unsatisfactory? 文獻中所呈現的研究設計與方法有什麼看起來是令人不滿意的?

How can I write good literature review? 我要怎樣才能寫出一個好的文獻探討? Remember the purpose: try to answer those questions (in the previous two slides) 記得您的文獻探討目的(參閱前兩張投影片) Read with a purpose: Think while reading 閱讀文獻時要有目的的讀,一邊想一邊讀 Write with a purpose: Think while writing 撰寫論文時要有目的的寫,一邊想一邊寫。 Source: http://www.languages.ait.ac.th/EL21LIT.HTM

Keep in mind 存記在心 If you don’t define your research problem or not clear about it, it might take you forever to search the literature 如果您的研究問題定義不清,您可能會花很多時間在文獻探討上。 A research problem can be changed as you read more. So reading can shape a problem, and defining a problem can identify what to read and what to ignore. 您閱讀文獻越多的時候,待答問題可能也會跟著改變,對於研究問題定義越清楚越能幫助您辨識出什麼文獻是該閱讀的,什麼是可以忽略的

Traps 陷阱 Source: http://www.languages.ait.ac.th/EL21LIT.HTM Trying to read everything 想要什麼都讀 Reading but not writing 只讀不寫 Not keeping bibliographic information 沒有保持參考書目有關的資訊