Fruit Box Express Team 11 戴怡芳 Grace 黃艾君 Ivy


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Presentation transcript:

Fruit Box Express Team 11 戴怡芳 Grace 9572513 黃艾君 Ivy 9572509 羅玉純 Susan 9572510 羅郁琦 April 9572507 王敏臻 Vita 9572505 盧永昌 Wing 9572512 陳香君 Vicky 9672513

Agenda Introduction Business Starting from Marketing status Marketing Strategy Operational Process Finance Analysis Q&A

發水果(玉純/郁琦/Vita) 同時介紹公司產品 Rainbow Fruit Express

Introduction Rainbow Fruit Express (RF) Providing the colorful fruit to Hsinchu workers 先介紹實物產品(真正的水果) 後再present 送一盒水果給老師 送同學吃柳丁

Business starting from… Recommended Daily Nutrient Allowance, RDNA Female Male calorie 600-700kca 800-900kca principal food 4-5 set 6-7.5 set normally consumed foodstuff 1.5-2 set 2.5 set Vegetable 1.5 set Fruits 1 set Oil 類別份量份量單位說明 五榖根莖類3-6碗 每碗:飯一碗(200公克)      或中型饅頭一個      或吐司麵包四片 奶類1-2杯 每杯:牛奶一杯(240c.c.)      發酵乳一杯(240c.c.)      乳酪一片(30公克) 蛋、豆、魚、肉類4份每份: 肉或家禽或魚類一兩(約30公克)或豆腐一塊(100公克)或豆漿一杯(240c.c.)或蛋一個 蔬菜類3碟 每碟:蔬菜三兩(約100公克) 水果類2個 每個:中型橘子一個(100公克)或番石榴一個 油脂類2-3湯匙每湯匙:一湯匙油(15公克)

Fast food junkie folk Status This Investigation showed that workers, student, Single people and north area people in Taiwan often eat outside Our target customers are those workers in Hsinchu Percentage (%) Working Status Marriage Status Area Employee Retiree Student housewife Single Married North Central South East Breakfast 58 34 64 36 48 55 53 61 29 Lunch 63 16 73 24 71 45 65 46 54 35 Dinner 26 8 10 31 21 14 eat outside 80 41 90 49 87 66 78 70 44

Market Situation The population of Hsinchu City & Hsinchu County : 882,449 (2006) The Employee in Hsinchu: 177,000 (19.26%) The Employees in Science Park: 114,345(12.95%) Percentage: 64.6% City Population Taipei City 2,632,242 Taipei County 3,767,095 Taichung County 1,543,436 Kaohsiung City 1,514,706 Taichung City 1,044,392 Tainan City 760,037 Hsinchu County 487,692 Hsinchu City 394,757 找園區勞工數/新竹市勞工數 統計期 複分類勞動力狀況平均值-按地區別分(人)95年就業者/ 新竹市177,000

Analysis Report of employee's age, sexual and education in Hsinchu Analysis Report of employee's age, sexual and education on 2007 Sep. Age 14-19 20-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 other Subtotal Male 517 14,973 31,738 9,473 1204 7,559 65,464 Female 405 19,177 21,721 6,163 680 5,975 54,121 922 34,150 53,459 15,636 1,884 13,534 119,585 ﹪ 0.77 28.56 44.7 13.08 1.58 11.32 100 Average age: 31 Education Doctor MA BA college Hign School employee 826 20,449 27,537 25,378 31,185 8,970 114,345 0.72 17.9 24.08 22.19 27.27 7.84

Marketing Trends Regimen (have 5,7,9 fruits and vegetables daily) Fruit is expensive and not easy to keep fresh The working hours extend longer of those fast food junkie folks High Pressure Group Weight problem Constipated problem

Marketing Needs Health Low calorie Quality Fresh Clean Saving time Convenience Door-to-door delivery

Target Market Hsinchu Science Park Employee Busy people Career man and women Concerning health group Companies Families Hsinchu Science Park Employee

Potential Competitors General Fruit Stand Company’s Employee Restaurant Ex TSMC also provide fruit box in their employee restaurant. The cost is around NTD 50 per one.

Mission The health diet provider The nature nutrition provider The health guardian

Marketing Objective Build our brand awareness Obtain 10% marketing growth each year Achieve a steady growth of new client Royalty Customer

Marketing Strategy Product Category Promotion Door to Door Services Advertisement

RF Store

What’s our Product Personal fresh fruit box Family fresh fruit box packaging cases are recycled

Sales DM

Taiwan’s seasonal fruit Spring Fall Summer Winter

How RF handle the process? S.O.P of RF fruit box. Quality fruit sources. Order Process Inventory control Kitchen equipments maintain and cleanse. Kitchen employee’s accouterment ex. hair cup, gloves, and address. Delivery Express

Finance Analysis Setting forecast Fix cost, variable cost analysis First month from 100 boxes for each regular and family size. Capacity: 500 personal/ day and 500 family / day Fix cost, variable cost analysis Fix cost is around NTD 238,000 per months including rent house, operational, employee, transportation.. Variable cost is relative to the selling amount. Breakeven point

RF Sales and Profit Forecast Breakeven point We are expecting we can break even in the second month.

Conclusion RF provides Fresh and delicious fruit delivery Due to this is very easy asset’s market so we will keep our quality products and services to customer. Finding out the Royalty customers for long term order.

With RF, With Health Q & A Happy New year !