Unit 7 THE LUNCHEON William Somerest Maugham


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 7 THE LUNCHEON William Somerest Maugham

Information related to the text Introduction to the text New words Phrases Key points of the text

Ⅰ. Information related to the text 1. William Somerset Maugham William Somerset Maugham(1874---1965), an English writer of short stories, novels and plays, was born in Paris, where his father was counsellor at the British Embassy. Both his parents died before he was 10, and he went back to England to live with his father’s brother, a clergyman. He was educated at King’s School,

Canterbury, and later in Germany at Heidelberg University Canterbury, and later in Germany at Heidelberg University. He studied medicine, but after receiving his degree at St. Thomas’s Hospital in London, devoted the rest of his life to literature. He has achieved success as a novelist with such novels as Of Human Bondage (1915), The Moon and Sixpence (1919), Cakes and Ale (1930), and The Razor’s Edge (1944); and as a dramatist with such plays as The Circle (1921), and Our Betters (1923); but his greatest success has been gained, perhaps,

by his short stories, Maugham was a realist with a cool, unemotional (some people might say a Cynical outlook on life. He had an amazing skill for revealing, with a few touches, a situation and the essentials of character, and most of his stories were told in a clear, straightforward and fluent style. Though critics look on him more as a clever and competent craftsman than as an artist, a story-teller rather than a profound author, Maugham’s works remain very popular with readers who want to enjoy a good story.

威廉·萨姆塞特·毛姆(1872~1965)是英国最受欢迎的作家之一, 他出生于巴黎,并在那儿度过了大部分时光,受法国作家影响很深。他通过吸引人的情节、不一般的人物性格、幽默生动的语言获得了大量的读者。他很少去描绘人物的内心世界,在他的叙述中,常常带有一些讽刺手法。尽管莫姆写的40部长篇小说也受到广泛认可,但他的崇高声望主要还是建立在150篇短篇小说上。

2. The Latin Quarter: a very old section of Paris on the south bank of the Seine, where many of France’s chief educational and scientific institutions are located, including the Sorbonne and the College de France. The section took its name from the Latin-speaking students of earlier times and has long been the gathering place for students. 拉丁区位于法国巴黎塞纳河南岸,长期以来一直是青年学生和艺术家们聚居的地方。由于早期时候,居住在这儿的青年学生会讲拉丁文而得名

3. The Luxembourg Palace: an art museum in the gardens adjoining Luxembourg Palace, the meeting place of the French Senate. The Luxembourg art museum was opened in 1886 to house a collection of works by artists living at that time. 卢森堡宫:建于1615年,原来为法国皇家后殿。近200年以来,他一直是发过的政治机构所在地,以其富丽堂皇的宫内装饰和富有特色的建筑艺术而闻名,也是巴黎市著名的旅游景点。毗邻的卢森堡花园中有卢森堡艺术博物

馆,于1886年开馆,收藏当时在世的艺术家的作品。 4. The Balkans: the countries on the Balkan Peninsula, a large area of about 301,000 square miles in southeastern Europe. The Balkan nations include Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, and Yugoslavia (comprising Serbia and Montenegro).

5. Cold France金法郎: 1865年,法国、比利时、瑞士三国组成拉丁货币同盟,发行了货币史上流通时间最久的金法郎,规定其含量为0.9032258纯金。这种国际间通用的金铸币一直流通20 世纪30年代才停 止。目前仍有些国际组织,如万国邮联、国际电讯联盟以次为记账和结算单位。 back

Ⅱ. Introduction to the text This is a well-known short story by Maugham, in which he describes an impoverished young writer who had to invite a lady to lunch. The latter said repeatedly that she preferred simple and light meals but turned out to have a very good appetite, especially for expensive things. The young writer felt he was caught in a trap of his own making because he was inexperienced and

he was susceptible to flattery. But the realization came too late he was susceptible to flattery. But the realization came too late. The irony of the situation, the rich understatement of the dialogue and the humorous narrative combine to make the story entertaining. back

Ⅲ. New words 1. quarter n. 1)1/4, 一刻钟,一季度 2)(都市的)街区 [派生] quarterly 季度的 quartering 四等分 2. overlook vt. 1) 俯瞰 2) 放任,忽略[同ignore, neglect] [相关] overburden 使负担过重 overestimate 高估

2) 现在,目前 [派生] present 现在 presence 存在 4. means n. 1)方法,手段 2)财富,财产 3. presently ad. 1) 不久,一会儿 [同soon] 2) 现在,目前 [派生] present 现在 presence 存在 4. means n. 1)方法,手段 2)财富,财产 [考点] by all means 当然可以 by means of 用,靠 by no means 绝不,并没有

5. Passion n. 热情,嗜好 eg: He has a passion for pop music. 他酷爱流行音乐。 [派生] passionate 激情的 passionately 强烈地 [考点] have a passion for 嗜好做… have a passion to do sth. 热切希 望做某事

6. attentive a. 注意的,留神的[反absent, inattentive] [派生] attention 留心/attend 注意/ attentively 专注地 [同根] tend, tent=to stretch (张开) extent 范围/intention 意向 portent 预兆 7. startle vt. 井下,使惊吓[同frighten] [派生] startling 惊人的 [考点] be startled to see 吃惊地看到 be startled by/at sth. 为某事吃惊

8. reassure vt. 使安心 [派生] reassurance 安心 reassuring 可靠的 [形近] assure 保证/ensure 确保 insurance 保险 9. generous a. 慷慨的,大方的 [派生] generously 慷慨地,大方地 generosity 慷慨 [同根] gen=to produce (制造,生产) general 普遍的/ generate 产生 gene 基因

10. chop v. 砍,斩;n. 排骨 [形近] chip 削切 [相关] chophouse 小饭馆/chopstick 筷子 11. digestion n. 消化,消化作用 [派生] digest 消化/ digestible 可消化的 digestive 消化的 12. hospitable a. 殷勤的,热情招待的 [派生] hospitality 殷勤好客 hospitably 好客的 [形近] hostile 极不友好的

13. amicable a. 友好的,和平的[同friendly] [派生] amicability 友好 amicably 友好地 [形近] amiable 和蔼可亲的 14. flash n./v. 闪烁,闪现 [派生] flashy 闪光的/flashing 闪光 flasher 闪光物 [考点] a flash in the pan 昙花一现的人(物) 15. fancy n. 想象,迷恋;vt. 想象 a. 花样的 eg: I fancy I have met you before. 我相 信我曾经见过你。

[相关] fancy diving 花样跳水 [考点] after sb’s. fancy 中某人的意 take a fancy to 喜欢…起来 catch the fancy of 吸引 16. trifle n. 琐事,无价值的东西; vi. 嘲笑,轻视 [派生] trivial 不重要的 trifling 不重要的 17. forbid vt. 禁止,阻止 [派生] forbidding 令人生畏的 forbidden 被禁止的[考点]

[考点] forbid sb. to do sth. 禁止某人做某事 forbid doing sth. 禁止做某事 18. literature n. 文学,文献 [派生] literary 文学的/ literate 有文化的 literal 照字面意义的 literally 照原文地 19. water v. 洒水,流泪 [考点] by water 乘船 by the water 在水边

20. will vt. ① 以意志力使(某人)做… ② 立遗嘱; n. 意志,遗嘱 [派生] willing 愿意的/willingly 愿意地 willingness 愿意 21. assure vt. 使确信,保证给[同convince] [派生] assured 确定的/assurance 信念 assuring 使人有信心的 [辨析] assure, ensure, insure

assure sb. that…使某人确信 ensure sb. Against / from… 保证某人免受… insure 指经济意义上的“保险” 22. tender a. 柔嫩的,温柔的 [派生] tenderly 柔弱地 tenderness 柔弱 tender-hearted 生性善良的 23. marvel n. 奇迹,惊奇 [派生] marvelous 惊人的 marvelously 惊人地

24. ruin v. (使)毁灭;n. 毁灭,遗迹 [考点] be in ruins 一片废墟 bring /come to ruin 使毁灭 [辨析] ruin, damage,, destroy ruin 泛指一般的“损坏”,但主要用在借喻的场合,如“搞垮”身体等。 damage 是指部分损坏从而导致价值或效率的降低。 destroy 指“彻底毁坏”,含有难以修复之意。 25. panic v./n. 恐慌,恐怖[同fear] [派生] panicky 恐慌的 panic-stricken 惊慌失措的

26. oblige vt. ① 迫使 ② 施恩惠于 ③ (被动语态)感激 [派生] obliged 感激的 obliging 乐于助人的 obligatory 强制的 [考点] oblige sb. to do sth. 颇使某人做某事 be obliged to sb. 感激某人 27. pick v. ① 采摘,选择 ② 偷窃 n. 镐 [考点] pick out 选出,辨别

pick up 捡起,加快 pick off 摘下来 28. wicked a. 邪恶的 [同evil] [派生] wickedly 邪恶地 wickedness 邪恶 29. thrust v. 插,戳; n. ①插,戳; ② 要旨 [考点] thrust oneself in 探听,干涉 30. throat n. 嗓音,咽喉 [考点] have a bone in one’s throat 难于启齿

31. blush vi. 脸红,羞惭; n. 脸红,红色 [派生] blushing 羞惭的 blusher 胭脂 [辨析] blush, flush 两词均解释为脸红, blush侧重于指羞愧而脸红; flush强调因兴奋、激怒等而导致的脸红。 32. innocent a. 无罪的,天真的 [派生] innocence 无辜 innocently 天真地

[考点] be innocent of 没有…的 33. instant a. 立即的; n. 瞬间 [派生] instantly 立即/ instance 瞬间 [考点] for an instant 一瞬间 in an instant 立刻 the instant 一… 就,可引导时 间壮语从句 34. humorist n. 幽默家 [派生] humorous 诙谐的 humorless 缺乏幽默的

35. revenge vt. 替…报仇; n. 报仇 [考点] revenge sb. 为某人报仇 take revenge on sb. / be revenged on 向某人报仇 back

4. Phrases 1. catch sight of 看见,发现 [例句] As soon as I stepped out of the station, I caught sight of him standing near a flagpole. 一走出车站,我就看到了站在一根旗杆旁边的他。 [相关] keep sight of sb. 盯住某人,监视 raise/lower one’s sight 提高/降低要求

set one’s sights on sth. 立意做成某事 2. in answer to 作为对…的相应 [例句] They immediately went to a strike in aswer to the ineffectiveness of government. 他们立即举行罢工来回敬政府的无能。 [相关] know all the answers 万事通 3. keep body and soul together 维生,活命 [例句] In the war time, people struggled

everyday in order to keep body and soul together, without mentioning education or entertainment. 战争时期,人们每天拼搏只求活命,就别奢望什么教育、娱乐了。 [相关] heart and soul 全心全意地 4. pass through 穿过,经历 [例句] When you are passing through these old alleys, you are passing through the city’s history. 当你穿过那些古老的巷子时,你也穿行在这个城市的历史中。

[相关] pass by 走过,经过 pass down 往下传递 pass off (某事)发生并结束 pass out 昏厥 pass up 放弃(机会) 5. be byond one’s means 超出某人的付款能力 [例句] Most of the dishes on the menu are beyond common citizen’s means, so the restaurant is always deserted. 菜单上的价格一般的市民都

支付不起,所以这家餐馆经常是门可罗雀。 6. cut out 剪下,戒除 [例句] We must cut out all kinds of outmoded conventions and bad customs. 我们必须除去各种陈规陋习。 [相关] cut down 砍倒,减少数量 cut in 插嘴 cut through 开出一条路 cut off 切断,断开联系

cut off 切断,断开联系 7. at first sight 乍一看,初看起来 [例句] He fell in love at first sight of her. 他对她一见钟情。 8. be inclined to 倾向于,想 [例句] If you don’t go to persuade him, he is inclined to selling the goods at a unsatisfying price. 如果你不去劝他,他恐怕会以一个不合适的价格出售这些商品。

9. come in 上市,有供应 [例句] It’s late October so plentiful crabs come in. 十月下旬,螃蟹开始大量上市。 [相关] come into 继续 come out 罢工,露出,出现 come round 绕道,恢复知觉 can/could not very well 不方便… [例句] When having a meal at table, I couldn’t very well declare that I were suffering from diarrhea. 在桌边吃饭的时候,我不好讲自己正拉肚子的事。

11. by all means 一定,务必 [例句] You should by all means get rid of your laziness. 你无论用什么办法,一定要改掉懒惰的习惯。 [相关] by no means 绝不,一点也不 12. a trifle 有点,稍微 [例句] This shirt is a trifle short for me. 这件衬衣对我来说有点短。 13. come to 总计[同amount to, add up to]

[例句] The hours of unpaid work done by that woman last week comes to 36 14. take (sb.) to task 责备,谴责(某人) [例句] I was taken to task for not finishing the proposal in time. 我因没有按时完成这份提案而受到责备。 15. be in the habit of 习惯于 [例句] She seems to be in the habit of accepting flowers and praises. 她看上去已经

习惯了接受鲜花和赞美了。 16. (not) in the least 一点也不[同not at all] [例句] I don’t like that sort of flatteries in the least. 我一点也不喜欢那样的奉承。 [相关] at least 反正,无论如何 least of all 最不,尤其 17. leave over 剩下,留下 [例句] The manager fled away with a sum of money but left over an awful mess to his successor. 经理带着一笔钱逃走了,留给继任者的是一个烂摊子。

[相关] leave…alone 丢下…不管, leave…behind 遗留,超过 leave…off (使)结束,省去 leave out 遗漏,忽视 18. bring oneself to 强迫自己做… [例句] I couldn’t bring myself to do that. 我不会做那种事的。 19. make up one’s mind 下决心, 决定 [例句] The new policy drove me to make up mind to set up my own business. 新政策促使我下定决心建立自己的产业。

[相关] start off/out 动身,出发 21. speak for 为…说话,辩护 20. Start up 突然发生,发动 [例句] Numerous difficulties had started up when the project was carried out. 项目开始实施时出现了很多困难。 [相关] start off/out 动身,出发 21. speak for 为…说话,辩护 [例句] Not only the lawyer, all the audience here are speaking for him. 不仅是律师,这儿所有的观众都站在他这一边。 [相关] speak up 大声说 speak out 大胆明确地说出, 直言不讳 back

5. Key points of the text And in answer to her beckoning I went over during the interval and sat down beside her---as a response to her gesture I came up to her during the interval and sat side by with her. 幕间休息时,我应她的招呼走了过去,在她身边坐下。 in answer to: to react to, as a response to 回答;响应 Eg:① Thirty years ago I went to the countryside in answer to the party’s call. 三十年前,应党的号召,我下放到了农村。

②The doctor came at once in answer to my telephone call 2) And I was earning barely enough money to keep my body and soul together---I made so little money that I could hardly remain alive with it. 我挣的钱刚够维持生计。 keep body and soul together: to remain alive, esp. By getting money or food 勉强维持生计 Eg: ① It’s said that teacher’s wages can only keep

body and soul together. 据说教师的工资仅够维持生活。 ② John was unemployed. Most of the year he had made enough money to keep body and soul together. 约翰失业了,一年当中有大半日子几乎挣不到足够的钱来维持生计。 3. pass through: ⑴to travel through a place, usu. without stopping 经过;穿过某地 Eg: ① The train passed through the section without stopping. 火车过站时没有停。

② Did you visit your mother when you passed through your hometown ⑵ to complete a course in (a college, university, etc.) 修完(大学)课程 Eg: ① You can’t qualify yourself for a high school teacher until you have passed through a normal college. 你读完师范学院才有资格成为一名中学老师。 ② You can’t qualify yourself for a high school

teacher until you have passed through a normal college 4. And it was so far beyond my means that I had never even thought of going there---and it was more than I can afford, so I had never thought of having dinner there. 那个餐厅的价格远远超过了我的经济能力,我压根就没想过到那里。 beyond (above) one’s mean’s: out of the limit (range) of …; more than one can afford 超出…的经济能力

Eg: ① We must live within, not beyond our means. 我们过日子必须量入为出。  ② Setting in such kind of hotel was beyond my means. 住这样的旅馆超出了我的经济能力。 5. They are too old to make it of any consequence to a woman what they say---They are too old, so no matter whatever they say, it’s of no importance to a woman. 他们往往年纪老了,无论说什么对女人而言亦无足轻重了。 (be) of consequence to: of importance to 对…重要 Eg: ① He may be a man of consequence in his own

unit, but he is nobody here. 他在自己单位也许是个人物,但在这里他什么都不是。 ② It is of consequence to do well what we have to do. 重要的是做好我们必须要做的事。 6. If I cut out coffee for the next two weeks---If I stopped drinking coffee in the following two weeks. 我如果下两周不喝咖啡。 cut out: to stop eating, drinking or using 不吃;不喝;戒除 Eg: ① You can’s regain your youthful figure until

you can cut out carbohydrates completely. 你只有戒吃任何多糖食物后,才可能恢复你那青春般的身段。 ② Has your father really decided to cut out smoking and drinking? 你爸爸真的决定要不吸烟不喝酒了吗? 7. But I could not very well tell her that---but I didn’t tell her that directly. 但我不便跟她直说。 (can’t/couldn’t) well to do (something): (not) do something justly or suitably (不)适合做某事,(不)应该做某事 Eg: ② We could not turn down her invitation very well. 我们不好拒绝她的邀请。 8. I told the waiter by all means to bring caviare.---I asked the waiter to bring caviare at any costs. 我叫服

Eg: ① I couldn’t very well say no when there was no one else whom she could ask. 她既然求助无门,我就不该拒绝她。 ② We could not turn down her invitation very well. 我们不好拒绝她的邀请。 8. I told the waiter by all means to bring caviare---I asked the waiter to bring caviare at any costs. 我叫 服务生务必把鱼子酱拿来。 by all (manner of ) means: ⑴ trying one’s best, at any cost 尽全力;想尽一切办法

Eg: By all means take your daughter with you. 千万叫你女儿和你一起来。 ⑵ (be willing to allow somebody to do what is being suggested) of course: certainly (用来表示同意)当然行;一定 Eg: ---Shall I ask him to come in? ---Yes, by all means. ---我可以叫他进来吗? ---可以,当然可以。 9. My doctor won’t let me drink anything but

champagne---My doctor only allowed me to drink champagne. 我的医生只让我喝香槟。 anything but: by no means; not at all; other than 根本不;绝不 Eg: He is anything but diligent. 他一点都不勤奋。 10. But I wondered what the bill would come to---I wanted to know how much the dinner would cost me. 我不知道这顿午餐要花我多少钱。 ⑴ to amount to 共计,共计 Eg: How much does you wages usually come to a month? 你每月工资加起来有多少?

⑵ to enter the mind suddenly: 突然想起 Eg: The words of the song came to me. 我突然想起这首歌的歌词。 11. She took me quite seriously to task.---she criticized me seriously. 她一本正经地教训起我来。 bring/take (somebody) to task (about/for): to scold, reprove or criticize somebody for a fault or error (因出差错而被)批评,责备 Eg: I took him to task for his carelessness. 我责备他的粗心大意。

12. She waved him aside with an airy gesture 12. She waved him aside with an airy gesture.---she told him to leave by her beckoning. 她轻轻地一挥手,让他走开。 wave…aside… ⑴ to tell somebody to move to one side by waved them aside. Eg: The Premier was coming over, and I waved them aside. 总理就要走过来了,我挥手让他们站到一边。 ⑵ to push aside without giving attention to (esp. ideas, suggestions, etc.) 对…制止不力,对…不屑一顾 Eg: She waved his worries aside. 她对他的痛苦不屑一顾。

顾。 13. I tried with all my might to will him to say no---I tried my best to make him answer her that there was no giant asparagus. 我竭尽全力想让他说没有。 with all one’s might: by using all one’s power and strength; by making the greatest possible efforts 尽最大努力地;竭尽全力地;使劲地 Eg: He slammed the door with all his might. 他使劲地把门砰地关上。 will (vt): to make or intend (to happen) esp. by power of the mind (心中强烈地)希望…发生;促使…形成

Eg: God has willed that the earth (should) turn once a day 14. I was past caring now.---I didn’t worry about any more because the bill was already so large. 我现在什么也不在乎了。 past (prep): beyond the possibility of 超出…的可能性之外 Eg: The sick man’s condition is past hope. 这个病人的情况时没有希望了。 15. When the immortal gods take a hand in the

matter---When fate plays a part in the matter. 当不朽的众神干预此事时。 take (have) a hand in: to play a part (role) in: be partly responsible for; share the responsibility for 参与;干预 Eg: I don’t like others take a hand in my own business. 我不喜欢别人插手我的私事。 back