World Diary 130101 地球日誌 By Eddie 01/04/2013 Frenchman's story. 法國人的故事.


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Presentation transcript:

World Diary 130101 地球日誌 By Eddie 01/04/2013 Frenchman's story. 法國人的故事

Louis XVI and his wife Marie Antoinette Queen

Memorial to Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette, sculptures by Edme Gaulle and Pierre Petitot in the Basilica of Saint-Denis 路易16和妻子的紀念塑像

The Bastille and Porte Saint-Antoine from the north-east, 1715–19 巴士底監獄

Frances National day The anniversary of the storming of the Bastille fortress-prison was seen as a symbol of the uprising of the modern nation, and of the reconciliation of all the French inside the constitutional monarchy which preceded the First Republic, during the French Revolution. 人民進攻巴士底監獄1789年7月14日,也是法國國慶日。

National day’s festival in les Champs-Élysées 國慶日在香榭大道舉行

Napoleon's coronation. 拿破崙加冕

First French Empire at its greatest extent in 1811 拿破崙所建第一法蘭西共和國版圖

Napoleon's defeat at Waterloo. 拿破崙在滑鐵盧戰敗 Butte du Lion dite de Waterloo today 今天的滑鐵盧

Général de Gaulle 戴高樂將軍 The Greatest Frenchman. 被選為最偉大的法國人

France‘s legacy: a map of the Francophone world 法語系國家 native language administrative language secondary or non-official language francophone minorities France‘s legacy: a map of the Francophone world 法語系國家

Territory of the French Republic in the world 現在的法國領土

Catherine Deneuve She used to be the top 1 beauty of french 凱薩琳丹妮芙 曾經是法國第一美女

Sophie Marceau 蘇菲瑪索

Audrey Tautou

Marion Cotillard

Maginot Line World war I 第一次世界大戰 馬奇諾防線

Germany occupied Paris. 二次大戰德軍進佔巴黎

Second world war Normandy Battle 二戰諾曼地登陸


Albert Camus 卡謬 異鄉人

Master of existentialism 存在主義大師



French writer Victor Hugo 法國作家雨果

In 1860, the British and French troops attacked Beijing and set fire to burn many of valuable gardens and palaces also took away a lot of Chinese antiquities. Victor Hugo said, "The winners of this war were two bandits. 1860年,英法聯軍進攻北京放火燒毀許多有價值的花園和宮殿也帶走了大量的中國古代文物。維克多·雨果說,“這場戰爭是兩個強盜的勝利。

Paul Cezanne 法國畫家

Claude Monet 法國畫家莫內

Guy de Maupassant 法國作家莫泊桑

Paul Alexis Reading a Manuscript to Emile Zola 法國作家 左拉

法國女作家 莎岡 《日安‧憂鬱》

Honoré de Balzac 作家巴爾札克

French writer Balzac once said, "If I was not at home, you can find me in coffee shops ; If not in the coffee shop, just go to the coffee shop on the road.“ 法國文豪巴爾札克曾對咖啡發表名言,「我不在家,就在咖啡館裡;如果不在咖啡館,我就在去咖啡館的路上。」

Simone de Beauvoir: French writer, intellectual, existentialist philosopher, political activist, feminist, and social theorist. 法國女作家 西蒙波娃

18th century Paris Raguenet Pont Neuf Samaritaine 18世紀的巴黎

Charming Paris. 迷人的巴黎

Charming Paris. 迷人的巴黎

Charming Paris. 迷人的巴黎

Charming Paris. 迷人的巴黎

Charming Paris. 迷人的巴黎

Charming Paris. 迷人的巴黎

Charming Paris. 迷人的巴黎

Charming Paris. 迷人的巴黎

Charming Paris. 迷人的巴黎

Charming Paris. 迷人的巴黎

Paris fashion week 2013 巴黎時裝週

Above France 空中看法國

Above France 空中看法國

Provence 普羅旺斯

Provence 普羅旺斯

Charming French 美麗的法國

Charming French 美麗的法國

Charming French 美麗的法國

Charming French 美麗的法國

Charming French 美麗的法國

Charming French 美麗的法國

Charming French 美麗的法國

Two women kiss in front of people taking part in a demonstration against gay marriage and adoption on October 23 2012 in Marseille, southeastern France. 法國同性戀之吻

There are 6 million (10%) North African people living in France. 600萬(總人口的10%)北非人住在法國。形成一些問題。

Catholics: 51% Muslims :4-7% Jews: 1% Buddhists: 1 million. No Religion: 31% 天主教徒:51% 回教徒:4-7% 猶太教徒:1% 佛教徒:1 million. 無宗教信仰:31%

李常生 Eddie Lee 1/4/2013 Taipei All photos are taken from Internet.