Chapter 7: 社交網路商務 Social Commerce


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 7: 社交網路商務 Social Commerce 國立中央大學、資訊管理系 范錚強 Tel: (03)426-7250 2014.04 中央大學。范錚強

Web 2.0 Characteristics of Web 2.0 Collaboration among users New usage of content In originally unintended ways Easy tools, e.g. Wiki No software upgrade cycle Perpetual Beta Network as platform, access through browsers Users control over data Digital democracy, encourage uses to add value Emphasis on social networks 中央大學。范錚強

The Web 2.0 and Social Media Revolutions User-generated content (UGC) Various kinds of media content that are produced by end users and are publicly available New Business Models 搭便車現象 中央大學。范錚強 3

User-generated content 最精彩的車禍、災難等影片是誰拍的? 新聞記者? 他們無法在將會發生事件的地點預先埋伏 道路上、公司裏的錄影設備 很多有取得的困難 其他專業人士 + 民眾的行車記錄器、錄影機!! Youtube 和其他公開的地點 龍捲風 、車禍、意外等 中央大學。范錚強

Social Media 社交媒體 Online platforms and tools Share opinions, experiences, insights, perceptions, and various media, including photos, videos, and music, with each other Facebook Youtube 相對於傳統的大眾媒體 電視、報章雜誌 中央大學。范錚強

中央大學。范錚強 6

Social Capital 社會資本 A sociological concept Connections within and between social networks Core idea: Social networks have value Just like as physical capital or human capital Can increase productivity Both individual and collective Social contacts affect the productivity of individuals and groups 中央大學。范錚強

Social Marketing 社交行銷 Social marketing Social media marketing (SMM) A combination of social policy and marketing practices to achieve a set of social behavioral goals within a target audience Social media marketing (SMM) Use of social media platforms for marketing Advertising, market research, sales, CRM, and customer service Incorporate ideas and concepts from social capital, Web 2.0, social media, and social marketing 中央大學。范錚強

Social Networking The Social Networking Space Social graph Originally referred to the social network of relationships between users of the social networking service, e.g. Facebook 書上認為這是 FB 首創的字,其實不然 社會學中老早就有這個觀念 中央大學。范錚強

Social Graph 中央大學。范錚強

Social Commerce (SC) The delivery of e-commerce activities and transactions through social networks and/or via Web 2.0 software 中央大學。范錚強

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Potential Benefits of Social Commerce 中央大學。范錚強

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Potential Benefits of Social Commerce Benefits to Retailers Consumers can provide feedback Word-of-mouth marketing 口碑行銷 (i.e., viral marketing) is free advertising Increased website traffic brings more revenue dollars with it Increased sales can come from harnessing techniques based on personal preferences such as collaborative filtering and targeted advertisement Over 40 percent of businesses globally found new customers via social networks Over 27 percent of companies invest in social networking in order to acquire and retain customers New or Improved Business Models 中央大學。范錚強 16

Mobile Social Networking Members converse and connect with one another using cell phones or other mobile devices 中央大學。范錚強

以下是一些 Social Commerce 的細節 中央大學。范錚強

Social Shopping e-commerce where shoppers’ friends become involved in the shopping experience Attempts to use technology to mimic the social interactions found in physical malls and stores Communal shopping 團購 A method of shopping where the shoppers enlist others to participate in the purchase decision 中央大學。范錚強

Major Models of Social Shopping Social recommendations, ratings and reviews, comparisons, and conversations Group buying and shopping together Deal purchases (flash sales), such as daily deals Shopping communities and clubs Peer-to-peer models (e.g., money lending) Location-based shopping F-commerce; shopping at Facebook Shopping with Twitter Other innovative models 中央大學。范錚強

Ratings and Reviews Customer ratings and reviews Expert ratings and reviews Sponsored reviews Conversational marketing Video product review Customer testimonials 中央大學。范錚強

Social Recommendations and Referrals Share with your network (social bookmarking) Referral programs Social recommendations Innovative methods 中央大學。范錚強

} 廣告 以下哪一種廣告最有效? 你的好朋友告訴你的 免費 你在網路社群看到的 你從網路上看到部落格看到的 免費、可能要錢 電視和報紙新聞 電視和報紙廣告 } 免費 免費、可能要錢 要很多錢 口碑 中央大學。范錚強

Social Advertising Social Ads and Social Apps Viral marketing Word-of-mouth (WOM, 口碑) method by which customers promote a product (service) by telling others (frequently their friends) about it viral blogging Viral (word-of-mouth) marketing done by bloggers 中央大學。范錚強 24

口碑行銷 FaceBook 是當前國際上(中國之外)口碑行銷最重要的工具 一些「粉絲團」規模高達數千萬人 小心:負面口碑 United breaks guitar 事件 13,637,138 次觀賞 中央大學。范錚強

Geo-Social Networking A type of social networking in which geographic services and capabilities such as geocoding and geotagging are used to enable additional social dynamics Location-based Advertisement Geolocation The identification of the real-world geographic location of an Internet-connected computer, mobile device, website visitor, or other Privacy Concerns 中央大學。范錚強

Market Research and Strategy in Social Networks Using social networking for market research Feedback from customers: conversational marketing Social analytics and social intelligence in social commerce Mining Social Media for Consumer Trends 分析社群網路上的討論 中央大學。范錚強 27

中央大學。范錚強 28

Social Customer Service and CRM CRM: Customer Relationship Management 顧客關係管理 A customer service approach that focuses on building long-term and sustainable customer relationships that add value both to the customers and the merchants Social networking improves customer service Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education 中央大學。范錚強 7-29 29

How to serve the social customers Members of social networks who do social shopping and understand their rights and how to use the wisdom and power of crowdsourcing and communities to their benefit 中央大學。范錚強

Social CRM (SCRM) A customer engagement strategy Support companies’ defined goals and objectives Optimizing the customer experience Success requires a focus on people, processes, and technology associated with customer touchpoints and interactions 中央大學。范錚強

中央大學。范錚強 32

Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education Crowdsourcing The act of outsourcing tasks, traditionally performed by an employee or contractor, to an undefined, large group of people or community (a “crowd”), through an open call 開放軟體聯盟 Youtube 的內容 衛星影像搜尋 Copyright © 2012 Pearson Education 中央大學。范錚強 7-33 33

The Process of Crowdsourcing Identify the issue (problem) you want to investigate or solve Identify the target crowd Broadcast to the unknown crowd Engage the crowd in an innovative and creative process User-generated content is submitted Evaluate the submitted material 中央大學。范錚強

Crowdsourcing Collective intelligence (CI) The capacity of human communities to evolve toward higher order complexity and harmony, through innovation mechanisms variation-feedback-selection differentiation-integration-transformation competition-cooperation-coopetition 中央大學。范錚強 35

Entertainment, Multimedia Sharing, and Social Games A video game played in a social network Games on Social Networks e.g. Candy Crush 透過社會網路加強遊戲的競爭性和趣味性 中央大學。范錚強 36