酷“艾”英语   北京酷学酷玩夏冬令营 艾力.


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Presentation transcript:

酷“艾”英语   北京酷学酷玩夏冬令营 艾力

8分钟 10组词 总结2012  

No. 10 古装剧Costume drama 甄嬛传与甄嬛体 Speak English! The lenged of Zhenhuan /Zhenhuan Style Speak English!

Yuanfang, What do you think? What’s your opinion ? No. 10 古装剧costume drama Yuanfang, What do you think? What’s your opinion ?

No. 9 中国China 中国好声音 The Voice of China

No. 9 中国China 舌尖上的中国 A Bite of China

No. 8 体育Sports World record 世界纪录 Way to go! 你真行!

No. 8 体育Sports 太空跳伞 Space jump

No. 8 体育Sports 毅力 Perseverance

Faster,Higher,Stronger No. 8 体育Sports 伦敦奥运会 London Olympic Games 更快、更高、更强 Faster,Higher,Stronger

No. 7 经济Economy 年度十大词汇 Top ten buzz words 财政悬崖 Fiscal cliff 紧缩政策 Austerity measures

No. 6 政治Politics 选举年 Election year 58个国家 58 countries 权力转移 Power Shift

18th CPC National Congress Noble character and sterling integrity No. 6 政治Politics 十八大 18th CPC National Congress 高风亮节 Noble character and sterling integrity

Are you happy with your life? No. 6 政治Politics 你幸福吗? Are you happy with your life? Do you feel fulfilled ?

No. 5 环境Environment Particulate matter 2.5 大气中直径小于或等于2.5微米的颗粒物

No. 5 环境Environment 北京暴雨 Rainstorm in Beijing 飓风桑迪 Hurricane Sandy 极端天气 Extreme weather 气候融资 Climate financing

Household registration system No. 4 公平Fairness 户籍制度 Household registration system 异地高考 To go through the College Entrance Examination at the place without household registration

No. 4 公平Fairness 我能说脏话么? Can I say foul words? Can I curse ? 切糕 Check-out(Nut Cake)

The Nobel Prize in Literature No. 3 PK (Player Killing) 钓鱼岛 Diaoyu Island 诺贝尔文学奖 The Nobel Prize in Literature 至高的荣誉 Supreme honor 无知 Ignorant

No. 3 PK Psy 鸟叔 Kony 2012

No. 2世界末日 Doomsday 靠谱 Reliable 正能量 Positive Energy 卖萌 Play cute

No. 1庶民The folks 高富帅 an eligible bachelor who is tall, rich and handsome 白富美 an eligible bachelorette who is white, rich and beautiful

No. 1庶民The folks 屌丝 Diors (who is financially unstable, ordinary looking and has a poor personality) 逆袭! Counterattack !

No. 10 古装剧Costume drama No. 9 中国China No. 8 体育Sports No. 7 经济Economy No. 6 政治Politics No. 5 环境Environment No. 4 公平Fairness No. 3 PK No. 2世界末日 Doomsday No. 1庶民The folks

2012,走你! Off you go! 2013,走起!Here we go !

更多课程关注: 艾力北京酷学酷玩@新浪微博