World’s strangest airports and runways


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Presentation transcript:

World’s strangest airports and runways 初中基础 (2398期20170224) 45版

Contents 1. Pre-reading 2. While reading 3. Sentences 4. Word usage 5. After reading

Pre-reading What do you think is the safest means of transportation?

Pre-reading Have you been to Shanghai Pudong International Airport or Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport? How long does it take to get to the airport from your home?

While reading Fill in the blanks according to the passage. Airport names Descriptions ____1____ The runway at the airport is cut in half by a road. Therefore, gates have been set up to stop cars from ____2____ the runway when a plane is going to take off or land. Princess Juliana International Airport The airport is near the beach. Tourists can almost ____3____ the plane as it flies overhead on its way to the runway. Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport The ____4____ at the airport is only 396 meters long and is high above the ____5____, with steep cliffs on three sides. No error is allowed while a pilot is landing his plane. Gibraltar International Airport crossing touch runway ocean

Sentences To prevent collisions between cars and planes, gates have been set up to stop cars from crossing the runway when a plane is going to take off or land. 为防止汽车和飞机相撞,公路上设有专门的栅门,阻止汽车在飞机起飞或降落时穿过跑道。 stop sb. from doing sth.,阻止某人做某事,此处的from 可以省 略 e.g. My elder brother always stops me (from) watching TV. 我哥哥老是不让我看电视。

Word usage 下面是关于“cut”的其他几个动词短语 cut across 抄近路穿过 e.g. I usually cut across the park on my way home. 我回家通常都是从公园里面抄近路。 cut out 排除 e.g. Don’t cut your friends out of your lives. 别把朋友排除在你们的生活之外。 cut in 插嘴,打断(谈话) e.g. She kept cutting in on our conversation. 我们谈话时她老是插嘴。 cut up 切碎,剁碎 e.g. He carefully cut up the meat on his plate. 他小心翼翼地把盘子中的肉切碎。

cut across cut in cut out cut up Word usage Use the correct forms of the phrases below to finish the following sentences. The actor was _________ of the TV show. He always _________ while other people are talking. We can save some time if we _________ this field. She _________ the carrots and put them in the pot. cut across cut in cut out cut up cut out cuts in cut across cut up

Word usage Translate the following sentences with the given phrases from the article. 抱怨天气是没用的。(complain about) 他在18岁时就创立了自己的第一家公司。(set up) 抱歉,此处禁止吸烟。(allow) It’s no use complaining about the weather. He set up his first company at the age of 18. Sorry. Smoking is not allowed here.

After reading Birds have to be kept away from airports. Do you know the reason? Do some research with your classmates and then write a report on this in 60-80 words.
