Improving Your TPCK Teacher Learning Community 提升教師科技教學知識之專業社群 Grace Chin-Wen Chien 簡靜雯 September 7, 2012
Members 成員 江天健 王淳民 孫之元 簡靜雯 許淳潔 蕭嬋
Assistant 助理 葉敏
Guests 來賓 劉靜渡 賴振民
Objectives 1. I can get to know my colleagues and help develop a safe learning environment. 2. I can reflect on my own classroom practice. 3. I can have basic understandings of integration of multimedia into instruction from members’ sharing.
Name Card 名牌 hot dog?? Sandwich??
Self-Introduction 自我介紹
Introduce Yourself 自我介紹 1. Write down your name in the center circle. 2. Say three things/characteristics about yourself.
專業社群成立之預期目標 ﹝一﹞培養教師具備科技學科專業知能。 ﹝二﹞善用多媒體和數位科技,活化和創新 教學。 ﹝三﹞將多媒體和數位科技應用於教學中, 以提升學生學習興趣和學習成效。 ﹝四﹞帶動學科教師之間對話分享,以及和 教育科技教師之間的跨領域之對話分享。
專業社群成立之預期成果 ﹝一﹞彙整免費及實用可融入教學之多媒體 和數位科技。 ﹝二﹞多媒體和數位科技融入教學之課程和 活動設計。
總體成效 (一) 透過數位和科技實務研討活絡教學,以 協同合作方式開發創新數位課程。 (二) 培養教師自我導向學習,提升專業知能 與教學效能。 (三) 落實教學研究風氣,教師進行跨學科之 行動研究。
重要活動規劃 時間規畫 活動規劃 9月 相見歡 免費實用的多媒體和數位科技﹝一﹞ 10月 免費實用的多媒體和數位科技﹝二﹞ 11月 教室觀察: 多媒體和數位科技融入教學實作 12月 多媒體和數位科技融入教學實作、經驗分享和問題解決和探究 9-12月 臉書或其他線上平臺討論分享
Norms . Sharing . Respectful, equal . Listening
UWLA what multimedia you USE in your teaching what you WANT to learn about integration of multimedia in your classroom what you LEARNERD about integration of multimedia in your teaching what you plan to APPLY in your teaching
Marc Prensky (2001) digital immigrants digital natives Prensky, M. (2001). Digital natives, digital immigrants. On the Horizon, 9(5), 1-6. Retrieved from,%20digital%20immigrants%20-%20part1.pdf
Mishra & Koehler (2006) Technological Pedagogical Content Knoweldge Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge: A new framework for teacher knowledge . Teachers College Record 108 (6), 1017-1054. Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical content knowledge: A new framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108 (6), 1017-1054.
Integration Multimedia into Instruction 1. Dr. Wang ’s responses and sharing 王淳民教授的回應和分享 2. Dr. Sun’s responses and sharing 孫之元教授的回應和分享 3. Mr. Liu’s responses and sharing 劉靜渡先生的回應和分享
Q& A 1. topic?? 主題 2. meeting time 會議時間 3. recommended guest speaker 講者推薦
Self-Evaluation 1. I can get to know my colleagues and help develop a safe learning environment. 2. I can reflect on my own classroom practice. 3. I can have basic understandings of integration of multimedia into instruction from members’ sharing.