高壓氧治療之應用- 急性創傷輾壓傷之治療 虞希堯 書田診所外科․萬芳醫院高壓氧中心.


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Presentation transcript:

高壓氧治療之應用- 急性創傷輾壓傷之治療 虞希堯 書田診所外科․萬芳醫院高壓氧中心

名詞說明 Crush Injury 壓挫傷 Compartment Syndrome 腔室症候群 Acute Traumatic Ischemias (ATIs) 創傷型急性缺血 Acute Traumatic Peripheral Ischemias (ATPIs) 創傷型急性四肢缺血


Crush Injury Compartment Syndrome 阻斷血管主幹/阻斷側枝微循環 ATPIs 感染壞疽,傷口不癒,骨折不癒

引發ATPIs的常見原因: 嚴重壓挫傷 腔室症候群 燒燙傷 嚴重感染或過敏反應 手術

ATPIs 組織水腫 氧氣瀰散距離變長 微循環被壓迫關閉   組織缺氧 停止血管新生 自癒能力下降

2ATA的HB02使得: PaO2 上升為 125% Plasma與Tissue的[O2] 上升為10倍 擴散於組織液的氧量增加 3倍

HB02於 ATPIs部位的作用: 提供水腫組織的氧需求 提升單位血流的供氧量 緩解水腫 減輕缺血再灌流損傷


ATPIs的治療原則: 外科與骨科的手術治療 (清創、血管與軟組織修補、骨骼固定) 足量體液補充 適量抗生素 維持組織氧濃度

四肢 Crush Injuries何時輔以 HBO2 ? ~ 用 Gustilo Open Fracture Classification System 來評估 Type Mechanism Expected Outcome HBO2 Indications I Small (< 1 cm) laceration from inside to outside Usually not different from a closed fracture None II Large laceration, but minimal soft tissue damage Usually no different from a closed fracture Compromised hosts such as diabetics, advanced peripheral vascular disease, collagen vascular diseases, etc., where concern is raised about primary healing of flaps III Crush tissue: A. Sufficient soft tissue to close wound (primary and delayed) B. Flaps or grafts required to obtain soft tissue coverage C. Major (macrovascular) vessel injury A. Infections and/or nonunion rates < 10 % B. About 50% incidence of complications (infection, nonunion) C. About 50% incidence of complications (infections, nonunion) A. Same as for type II fractures B. All injuries C. All injuries

四肢 Crush Injuries何時輔以 HBO2 ? ~ 用 Mangled Extremity Severity Score (MESS) 來評估 A. Skeletal/soft tissue injury Low energy (stab, simple fracture; low velocity gun shot wound) Medium energy (open or multiple fractures, dislocations) High energy (close-range shot gun or high velocity GSW, crush injury) Very high energy (above plus gross contamination, soft tissue avulsion) B. Limb ischemia Pulse reduced or absent, but perfusion present Pulselessness, paresthesias, diminished capillary refill 2* Cool, paralyzed, insensate, numb 3* *Double score if ischemia time > 6 hours C. Shock Systolic BP always > 90 mmHg Hypotension transiently Persistent hypotension D. Age < 30 30-50 > 50 Points 1 2 3 4 1* 2* 3* 0 1 2 0 1 2 MESS=A+B+C+D  Johansen et al 建議當 MESS 7 分以上時應行截肢。 MESS 在 3~8分時,依以下原則決定HBO2輔助治療。 MESS (甲) 7 (possibly 8) (乙) 5, 6 (丙) 3, 4 HB02 Indications (甲) 分數主要來自B,C,D三項的健常患者。 (乙) 糖尿病、周邊動脈硬化、凝血或膠原蛋白功能異常、、、等不良癒傷因子,輕或中度者。 (丙)糖尿病、周邊動脈硬化、凝血或膠原蛋白功能異常、、、等不良癒傷因子,重度者。

下二項任一時建議輔以 HBO2: 在 I. 臨床症狀 內有3項以上。 在 II. 骨骼肌腔室壓力測量 內有任何一項。 評估骨骼肌群 Compartment Syndrome I. 臨床症狀: 1. Severe pain in muscle compartment 2. Marked increase in pain with passive stretch of muscles in the compartment 3. Marked swelling of the compartment 4. Marked tenseness of the muscle compartment 5. Neuropathy, myelopathy, and/or encephalopathy II. 骨骼肌腔室壓力測量: 1. Greater than 40 mmHg in the uncomprotnised host 2. Rising serial compartment pressure measurements as values approach 35 mmHg 3. 30-40 mmHg in mildly compromised host (diabetic, peripheral vascular disease, collagen vascular disease, etc.) 4. 20-30 mmHg in hypotensive patients where systolic blood pressure is 33 to 50% lower than is expected. 下二項任一時建議輔以 HBO2: 在 I. 臨床症狀 內有3項以上。 在 II. 骨骼肌腔室壓力測量 內有任何一項。


ATPIs時,併用HBO2的建議: HBO不能完全取代手術與藥物! 創傷後4-6 小時內開始HBO預後較佳。 第一個48 小時 90 min, 2.0~2.5 ata HBO2, q8h。 第二個48 小時 90 min , 2.0~2.5 ata HBO2, q12h。 第三個48 小時 90 min , 2.0~2.5 ata HBO2, qD。 *特別注意,類似的protocol尚有許多,都需更多臨床數據來驗證。 六天後,症狀應減輕至不需HBO2,否 則需全面重新評估。

ADJUNCTIVE HYPERBARIC OXYGEN TREATMENT FOR 8 PATIENTS WITH CRUSH SYNDROME IN DEVASTATING EARTHQUAKE. SY Yu. Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine Center, Department of Surgery, Changhua Christian Hospital, Changhua City, Taiwan 500   BACKGROUND: Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) has been reported as an useful adjunct for the management of crush injuries. A devastating earthquake scaled 7.3 hit central Taiwan in the early morning on Sep. 21, 1999, and aftershocks scaled between 5 to 6 persisted for months. Changhua Christian Hospital, the nearest medical center to the quake region, has received more than 2000 emergent trasferral during the disaster. CASE REPORT: There were 8 severely injured patients managed with both traditional treatments and adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen treatment. Two of them received amputation finally. An 8-year-old girl with severe crush over both lower limbs lost her left leg by a below-knee amputation because of irreversible gangrenous change and uncontrolled sepis. Hypoxia of her right leg was reversed by fasciotomy and intensive HBOT. A 6-year-old girl with duodenal perforation and totally crushed left lower limb underwent emergent laparotomy, fasciotomy and early HBOT. An inevitable transmetatarsal amputation was done for her to remove the gangrenous part of foot. A back hoes tilted over a 25-year-old young man resulting in an open tibial fracture and severe crush, which was corrected by repeated operations and HBOT. Compartment syndrome also developed in another 4 patients, and relieved with no or mild neurologic deficit after 5 to 20 dives of HBOT. A 6-year-old girl with cardiac tamponade underwent emergent cardiac ventricle repair and depended on ventilator for pulmonary contussion postoperatively. The sternotomy wound was dehescenced and deeply infected, but healed well after repeated operations and 12 dives of HBOT. CONCLUSION: With the benefit of promoting wound healing, decreasing infection and shortening hospital day, these cases are to be presented to conclude that early adjunctive hyperbaric oxygen therapy plays an important role in the treatment of crush syndrome.