管理學報告 運管101 9732017 陸 衡 運管101 9732051 謝爾華.


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Presentation transcript:

管理學報告 運管101 9732017 陸 衡 運管101 9732051 謝爾華

主題 The U.K.-based company Kwintessential has several cultural awareness “quizzes” on its Web site, http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/cross-cultural/cross-cultural-awareness.html. Go to the Web site and try two or three of them.Were you surprised at your score?What does your score tell you about your curtural awareness?

自我介紹(陸衡) 我是個曾經熱愛運動的熱血男孩… 高中發福以及交大強力宿網,成就了我– 一代三國神手。

自我介紹 姓名: 興趣: 挖係: 最近在培養: 自己最討厭的是: 謝爾華 龜毛(但我是獅子座的…) 跳舞、外語 熱血高雄郎  謝爾華 興趣:  跳舞、外語 挖係:  熱血高雄郎 最近在培養:  跳舞、德文、英文、看書、讓自己翅膀變硬(打工) 自己最討厭的是:  龜毛(但我是獅子座的…)

分數(意義) 中國(90% - 輝煌) 瑞士(50% - 一般) google翻譯上的文化(居然用了輝煌!超中國!) 台灣人的個性(愛追求高分以及分數高就真的代表你對那個文化有高度認同?) 寫瑞典(德語系)試題時,會一直揣摩當初在德國遇到的德國人個性以及與她們接觸的感受(反應第二點) 測驗卷背景的圖案的淨白(不干擾測試者測驗!)

題目(背後意涵) 中國/瑞典 協商時一致的意見/一致的意見 協商時面對面交談/precise and factual (實事求是) 談判時不激烈的衝突(儒家性格)/   壓力不是重點Lutheran (路德教派) 強調尊重(儒家性格)/追求平等 名聲/討厭貴族世家(不是牛排…) 愛殺價/ 情感壓抑/壓抑 身體接觸少/多 賄賂文化(不擅長接受別人的好意)/ 會議中可以接電話/討厭被打斷

題目(背後意涵) 為什麼會同學30%我90%? 選擇那一種測驗券(國家)作為測驗的意義? 文化背景環境影響 認真作答的情境 對那個國家的興趣 自己文化或學習背景中被其國家的影響

China - Cross Cultural Quiz 在這份測驗中,我只有得到30分,象徵的是我對中國文化的不了解,或者是沒有完全看懂題目。 South Korea - Cross Cultural Quiz 在這份測驗中我得到70分,可能是由於以前常常看韓劇,看過許多韓國人的生活方式,人與人間的應對等等,因此對韓國的一些文化比較了解。

China - Cross Cultural Quiz題目分析 這份題目的情境比較偏重於商業,或與職場有關的場合,但也藉由一些看似平凡的小動作或者物品,顯現中國人的某些文化。 EX: 在接受東西的時候一定會用雙手以示尊敬 開價給中國人時要開高一些(會殺價) 中國人喜歡面對面談,以示誠懇

South Korea - Cross Cultural Quiz題目分析 這份測驗比較淺顯易懂,題目都是直接問一些有關韓國人的文化習性等等的問題,比較偏向日常生活中的事,比中國的那份問題還要易懂。 EX: 韓國人因為歷史因素,受到佛教的影響十分深遠。 韓國人的打招呼方式都是鞠躬

台灣的文化意識 西化(or全球化世界) 群體>個人(東亞) 勤奮(老一輩) 模仿 台灣的本土意識?→等待我們找出來! 價值觀(SEX, 對保守的看法…) 產品(食衣住行…) 群體>個人(東亞) 華人世界與西方世界 背後代表的意義 勤奮(老一輩) 歷史背景 影響(現代小孩懶惰,但隨後開始反思、振奮) 模仿 哈韓哈日哈西方 地理位置、歷史背景、多國殖民文化 台灣的本土意識?→等待我們找出來!

1. When shaking hands, which of these is true 1. When shaking hands, which of these is true? gloves must be removed women do not shake hands with men hand shakes are long affairs 2. The majority of Swedes are... Baptist Catholic Lutheran 3. Swedes make business decisions based on... hierarchy consensus intuition 4. Which of these should you be during negotiations? informal and humorous precise and factual quiet and reserved 5. Which of these is the most dominant social value in Sweden? Communalism Egalitarianism Materialism 瑞士文化試題

6. When negotiating pressure tactics are a requisite. True False 7 6. When negotiating pressure tactics are a requisite. True False 7. When involved in a group conversation which of these is poor etiquette? having hands in pockets openly disagreeing interrupting 8. Outward signs of status are and hierarchy are frowned upon in Sweden. True False 9. When negotiating with Swedes, which of these should you avoid? showing emotion offering concessions 10. A toss of the head means... Come here No Go away 瑞士文化試題

1. Gifts within the business context are seen as bribes. True False 2 1. Gifts within the business context are seen as bribes? True False 2. Which of these should you try and have on your business cards? Title Age 3. Which of these should you not do during a business meeting? Address anyone but the head of the Chinese contingency Show emotion 4. It is acceptable to answer phone calls in meetings. True False 5. Aggressive negotiation tactics are recommended. True False 中國文化試題

6. Which of these should you do when negotiating in China 6. Which of these should you do when negotiating in China? Inflate your prices Pretend to reject demands Concede easily to demands for concessions 7. The Chinese prefer business communication by which of these methods? Phone Face to Face Writing 8. How should one receive business cards? Both hands Right hands With left hand propped by right 9. A handshake in China should be ... Limp and brief Strong and lengthy Firm but brief 10. Who would you expect to make decisions from negotiations and meetings? The negotiation team through consensus Most senior ranking attendee Your direct counterpart 中國文化試題

South Korea - Cross Cultural Quiz題目 1. Gifts are exchanged in business as... A way of cementing relationships 2. How do Koreans greet one another? Bow 3. If you were to buy a Korean one of these gifts, which would be the most suitable? Craft item from your own country 4. Which of these religions has an influence over Korean culture and values? Buddhism 5. When receiving a business card you should do so with... Both hands 6. When meeting a Korean on business, how should you address them? With title and surname 7. When receiving a gift it is good etiquette to... Accept it with the left hand while shaking hands with the right 8. When reciprocating in gift giving, what should you do? Make sure the gift you give in return is of equal value/worth. 9. Maintaining eye contact is considered good etiquette. False 10. Putting business cards into a pocket is considered rude. True

Q&A Any question?

Thank you for your listening 問卷填答網址: http://www.kwintessential.co.uk/cross-cultural/cross-cultural-awareness.html