聲音的魔法師~ 能讓句子更生動的狀聲詞 onomatopoeia 動物叫聲大集合.


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Presentation transcript:

聲音的魔法師~ 能讓句子更生動的狀聲詞 onomatopoeia 動物叫聲大集合

What is an onomatopoeia? Onomatopoeia is when a word’s pronunciation imitates its sound. Onomatopoeic words represent sounds. When you say an onomatopoeic word, it sounds like the noise to which you are referring.

In different languages what do we say to mimic animal sounds? I have tried to transliterate the word into the English alphabet for ease of comparison.

buzz 圖片出處:http://www.hardys-plants.co.uk/index.asp?page=17

tweet 圖片出處:http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/radio4/posts/Tweet-of-the-Day

meow 圖片出處:http://eofdreams.com/photo/cat/07/

cluck cluck 圖片出處:http://ospitaletto.org/2011/05/11/uova-alla-diossina-questione-ancora-irrisolta/

moo 圖片出處:http://creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Stupid_Cows

woof 圖片出處:http://www.fotobeginner.com/532/lens-distortion/

hee-haw 圖片出處:http://blog.lib.umn.edu/meyer769/section16&17/2011/10/more-donkey-related-deaths-than-airplane-related-deaths.html

quack 圖片出處:http://blogs.rspca.org.uk/insights/2013/01/09/like-a-duck-to-water-success/#.UlwQu7IVFkQ

croak 圖片出處:http://science.howstuffworks.com/zoology/reptiles-amphibians/frog.htm

honk 圖片出處:http://monkeymakale.blogspot.tw/

neigh 圖片出處:http://www.equestrianclearance.co.uk/blog/2010/05/catching-your-reluctant-horse/

roar 圖片出處:http://www.porini.com/kenya.html?sub=porini-lion-camp

oink 圖片出處:http://www.ridgerunwisp.com/2012/05/08/deep-creek-lake-pigs-out-for-cancer/

cock-a-doodle-doo 圖片出處:http://charmeck.org/city/charlotte/cmpd/organization/support/animalcontrol/localordinances/pages/cockfighting.aspx

baa-baa 圖片出處:http://www.wisland.org/html/travel-blog.php?id=20619&tags=

sss 圖片出處:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_reptiles_of_Washington_(state)

gobble gobble 圖片出處:http://www.teseyangzhi.com/huoji-kexue-siyang.html

英語世界裡有很多狀聲詞,稱 Onomatopoeia。 A pig oinks ; a cow moos ; a cat meows 。豬、牛、貓、都有不同的 onomatopoeic words 來比擬牠們的叫聲,不能亂用。 A hen clucks ; a duck quacks ; a bird tweets。雞、鴨、鳥的叫聲都有固定的 onomatopoeia。同學們要記起來喔! 馬兒嘶叫寫作“ A horse neighs”; 驢叫聲則是“ hee haw”,要是寫錯了驢就發出馬聲,會貽笑大方。