英 语 报 刊 选 读 辅导教师:周桂英 tel: 2400230,3397830 e-mail:gracezhou@ahut.edu.cn
Contents Lesson One Exploding Tourism Eroding China’s Riches Lesson Two Beijing Dreams of 2008 Lesson Four Best Graduate schools Lesson Five Is Harvard Worth It? Lesson Six The New Whiz Kids Lesson Nine Fires in the Night Lesson Eleven Hollywood demons
Lesson Fourteen The Rich Get Richer and Elected Lesson Fifteen DECISION: IT’S BUSH Lesson Sixteen Richard Nixon’s Tough Assessment Lesson Seventeen The Great Superpower Spy War KGBvs.CIA Lesson Twenty-one Anything But Beef Lesson Twenty-six A Witness From Australia’s ‘Stolen Generation’ Lesson Twenty-nine Testimony to S.African Catharsis Lesson Thirty Brazil Is Stepping to Center Stage in Latin America
Lesson One 美国报纸 See 教材P1—3 II. Text Exploding Tourism Eroding China’s Riches 1. Introduction 2. Words to know 3. Questions
Exploding Tourism Eroding China’s Riches 1. Introduction 中国实行对外开放政策以来,一部分人富裕起来了,他们有钱旅游,而国家也急于开发旅游,视旅游为无烟工业。于是大批人涌往像墩煌这样的艺术宝库参观。然而,凡事都有一个限度,参观的人数超过了其承受力,就必然使历史文化遗迹遭到破坏,而它们一旦受损,像雕刻、绘画这样的艺术品就无法修复。《洛山矶时报》记者Henry Chu写的题为“旅游业的迅猛发展在损害着中国丰富的古代文化宝库”的文章,提醒中国应该对名胜古迹采取旅游与保护并重的政策,千万不能使墩煌这样的文化遗产被当作摇钱树而毁了。他的这一观点是对的,应受重视,地方政府千万不能实行杀鸡取卵的政策。
2.Words to Know 1) ancient Buddhist grottoes 古代佛教洞窟 2) mural 壁画 3) cultural wonders 文化古迹/奇观/景点奇迹 4) cultural and natural sites 文化和自然风景区/景点 5) historical sites 历史景点 6) cultural monument 文化遗迹/遗址 7) Sculpture 雕塑/雕刻 8) silk road 丝绸之路 9) shrine 神殿/圣祠
10) carbon dioxide 二氧化碳 11) moisture 潮湿,湿气 12) humidity 湿度 13) conservation 保存,保护 14) preservation 保护,维护,防护 15) the lion’s share 最大的份额 16) UNESCO 联合国教科文组织 17) infrastructure (社会、国家的)基础结构(如 教育、 运输、通讯等设施) 18) cash cow 摇钱树
19) access 进入 20) negative effect 负面影响/效应 21) the tourist authorities 旅游当局 22) non-renewable resource 不可再生的资源 23) crass commercialism 惟利是图 24) ethnic flavor 民族风格或特色 25) hikers and backpackers 徒步旅行者 26) exploding tourism 迅猛发展的旅游业 27) tourist boom 旅游热 28) indigenous life 本/当地人的生活
3. Questions 1) What activities are harming ancient Buddhist grottoes? ----Too many tourists and their breathing are harming them. 2) Who turned the caves into the painted shrines? ----it was the travelers along the old silkroad. 3) Are murals in good shape? ----No, they are not in good shape. Many of them are already sagging or peeling from walls, and their delicate beauty is fading away. Others have deteriorated beyond repair efforts.
4) Why is it difficult for the authorities to prevent them from being destroyed? ----Money is at the root of the problem . China is a poor nation. Local governments have little money left over for cultural conservation. 5) Does the Chinese government value the preservation of those historical and cultural conversation. ----Yes, it does. For instance, it has given award to the Getty Conservation Institute for its contributions to the preservation of them at Dunhuang. 6) Why did Mr. Neville Agnew say “tourism and conservation are good partners”? ----If you can make a good connection, they are. In other words, if you can allocate part of the money earned from tourism to conservation, and don’t turn to tourism as a cash cow, they will be good partners.
Lesson Two I. 美英报刊简介 美国期刊 见教材P13—14 II. Text Beijing Dreams of 2008 1. Introduction 2. Words to know 3. Questions
Beijing Dreams of 2008 I. Introduction 古代奥林匹克运动会的发祥地在希腊,现代奥林匹克运动会由法国人顾拜旦发起,是全世界运动员的盛会。本来此会应在有条件的国家轮流举办,不幸的是,绝大多数举办地都为西方国家所垄断。2000年奥运会申办时,中国以两票之差败给了澳大利亚。可又有谁知道美国在其中耍了多少花招,对有的国家施加了多大的压力。这样,奥林匹克精神被扭曲了,对地点的竞争变成了政治斗争。一个在世界上人口最多、体育发达、从未举办过此会的国家却被剥夺了上一次的举办权,这不能不说是对奥林匹克运动会的一次嘲笑。相信世界上的有识之士终有一天会主持公正,让北京的梦想成真。
Lesson Four I. 美英通讯社简介 AP, UPI, Reuters & PA 见教材P33—34。 II. Text Best Graduate Schools 1. Introduction 2. Language Study 3. Questions
Best Graduate Schools 1. Introduction 传统的教育机构由于受到规模、师资、教学设施等各方面条件的限制,不能满足人们和社会日益增长的求知的需求。然而,伴随着网络技术的高速发展,在教育全球化的今天,足不出户就可实现继续终生教育。由于市场潜力巨大,各国名校相继竞相创办网上大学。虽然网上远程教育被许多人称作“最好的研究生院”,但是,到目前为止,网络大学运坐的模式还处于探索阶段,尽管有些学校办得还不尽人意,并且还遭到一批人的诋毁,但这是新生事物,前景广阔。它是目前唯一能使愿意学习的人都可以学习,享受最优秀老师授课的最好办法。可以说它是全民、全球教育的最佳途径。
2. Language Study 1) Difficult Sentences 2) Words to know See Part one (II)& Notes to the Text 2) Words to know 1) virtual classroom/institution 虚拟教室/虚拟大学 2) log in 在网络上连接主机 (服务器)进行操作 3) enroll 注册;入学
5) distant education/cause 远程教育 6) remote learning 远程教育/远程学习 4) advanced degrees 高级学位 5) distant education/cause 远程教育 6) remote learning 远程教育/远程学习 7) Internet 因特网 8) teleconference 远程讨论/ 电话会议 9) information-based economy 信息经济
12) face-to-face instruction 面授 13) emulation 竞争;竞赛 10) on-campus master’s programs 在校硕士课程 11) E-mail posting 电子邮件 12) face-to-face instruction 面授 13) emulation 竞争;竞赛 14) guinea pigs 供科学实验的人或物 15) accreditation 批准;认可
3.Questions 1) Why are virtual institutions thought of as best graduate school? ----They are the best graduate schools for those who have their career and family. When they pursue advanced degrees, they don’t have to stop onto a university campus. 2) Why is the huge upsurge of interest in remote learning? ----It is very convenient for anyone to learn at anytime or anyplace. Therefore it is the best way for working adults to keep on learning. 3) Will the distant education substitute the traditional education? Explain. ----No, it won’t. these two modes of instruction are equivalent and complementary as far as student learning is concerned.
4) What’s the advantage of remote learning? ----A large number of people who have difficulty in suspending their career and family can pursue advanced degrees without stepping onto a university campus or moving and commuting to get their degrees. 5) What’s the opposite idea about remote learning? ----Someone argues there’s a large gap between distance education and traditional education, and education requires a relationship between people because it is a process of identity formation, validation, encouragement, emulation and inspiration. This only happens face to face. In other words, they value face-to-face instruction and relationship. 6) What are the factors you should consider before you choose a distant education school? ----They are the accreditation, program history, cost, academic field, residency, and technology.
Lesson Five Is Harvard Worth It? I. 报刊内容与版面编排《纽约时报》等 见教材P41 II. Text 1. Introduction 2. Language Study 3. Questions
Introduction 家长都希望自己的孩子进最好的大学,可是大学学费越来越高,一流的私立大学更是贵得令人瞠目。花上几十万美元给孩子争取一个上名牌大学的机会到底值不值呢?很多经济学家就这一美国人普遍关注的问题进行了调查研究。“上哈佛,值吗?”一文的作者集中对其中两种调查的方法和结果进行了讨论。虽然两种调查方法略有不同,对于学校的选择是否影响学生未来收入这一问题的结论也有差异,两组经济学家却都承认,学校的学费越高,该校学生的未来收入也越高。看来家长们还是要把钱准备好,给孩子买一张名牌大学的录取通知书。
2. Language Study 1) Difficult Sentences See 学习辅导 P17 Part one (II) & Notes to the Text 2) Words to know seniors freshman an elite college prestigious education selective college a private college
educational environment on-campus recruiting opportunities Ivy League public college selectivity test prep course resume alumni connections educational environment on-campus recruiting opportunities Ivy League Ivy Leaguers gilt-edged diploma
extracurricular activities recommendation interview counterpart an undergraduate degree a diploma SAT scores lifetime earnings successful career admission office extracurricular activities recommendation interview counterpart
the educational food chain freeder school yardstick cost-benefit ratio trait confer the class slacker specialize fill scholarship the educational food chain freeder school yardstick cost-benefit ratio
Answer to questions. 1) No, they don’t. according to Alan Krueger and Stacy Berg Dale, college selectivity does not affect future earnings of the students very much, especially students with affluent backgrounds; but Caroline Hoxby’s research shows that the choice of different colleges makes a great difference to the students’ future income. 2) No. Some state-run university are more competitive than some private universities, such as the University of Michigan, Ohio’s Miami University and the University of North Carolina. 3) According to the research of Krueger and Dale, a candidate’s future earnings will be not affected. His
good qualities will be carried to the workplace and he will be duly paid. 4) Yes. That’s because at an elite university he will have better access to the network with affluent students and alumni, and this will influence their future job hunting. 5) The top universities, because that is where the majority of talented students graduate. 6) The internet. 7) He keeps an fairly objective point of view. In regard to the correlation between college selectivity and future income, he makes three points: a) An elite education gives students----especially less affluent ones---- better access to certain kinds of elite jobs;b) There is no economic advantage to choosing an expensive, mediocre private school over a top public one; c) Talented students rise to the top everywhere.