物主代词 Possessive Pronouns.


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Presentation transcript:

物主代词 Possessive Pronouns

物主代词 (Possessive Pronouns) 请说出形容词性物主代词: 词义 类型 我的 你的 他 的 我们的 你们的 他们的 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 她的 它的 my your his her its our your their

我的名字是杰克。____________________ ● 形容词性物主代词只能作定语,放在名词前。 My name is Jack. 我的名字是杰克。____________________ 他们的职业是什么?____________________ What are their jobs? This is her purse. 这是她的钱包。____________________ Is your father a teacher? 你爸爸是个老师吗?____________________

× √ 我爸爸 I father my father your mother 你妈妈__________ his sister ●在汉语中有些表示所有关系的会省略“的”,大家在翻译成英语时要注意,不要误把它们翻译成人称代词。 × √ 我爸爸 I father my father your mother 你妈妈__________ his sister 他妹妹___________

Please help Liu Tao with his English. 请帮助刘涛学英语。 ● 在汉语中“我的”,“你的”这类词有时可以省掉,而在英语中物主代词一般是不省略的,试比较下面的句子: Please help Liu Tao with his English. 请帮助刘涛学英语。 We should wash our hands before eating. 我们应该在吃东西前洗手。

Can you try? 我们正在做作业。 ________________________. We are doing our homework 她洗脸刷牙,然后吃早饭。 __________________________________________________________. She washes her face, brushes her teeth, and then has breakfast 穿绿色毛衣的男孩正在摇头。 _______________________________________. The boy in the green sweater is shaking his head

请根据表格用适当的形容词性物主代词填空。 Name Nancy Mike Favourite subject English Maths Favourite holiday Christmas Christmas presents 1. What’s ______ name? She’s Nancy. 2. What’s ______ favourite subject? He likes Maths best. 3. Nancy often helps Mike with _____ English and Mike helps Nancy with ______ Maths. 4. Christmas is _______ favourite holiday. They’re talking about ________ presents. her his his her their their

Whose presents? Whose mirror is it? It’s your mirror. It’s yours. 你的(东西) Whose skateboard is it? It’s my skateboard. It’s mine. 我的(东西)

Whose presents? They‘re our presents. They’re ours. 我们的(东西)

They’re_______. 用适当的物主代词回答: Whose… is it/are they? It’s her mirror. hers 她的(东西) It’s his skateboard. 他的(东西) It’s _____. his They’re their presents. They’re_______. theirs 他们的(东西)

It’s its present. It’s _____. its 它的(东西)

物主代词 (Possessive Pronouns) 请说出名词性物主代词: 词义 类型 我的 你的 我们的 你们的 他们的 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 他的 她的 它的 my your his her its our your their mine yours s his hers s its ours s yours s theirs s

This is ______kite. It’s ______. ( , ) mine my ● 名词性物主代词可以作表语。 This is ______kite. It’s ______. ( , ) mine my That is ______dog. It’s ______. ( , ) yours your This is ______purse. It’s ______. ( , ) her hers That is ______ball. It’s ______. ( , ) his his These are _______apples. They’re_______. ( , ) theirs their

________________________ his book Whose book is this? It’s his. ● 名词性物主代词可以作表语。 1、 这是谁的书?是他的。 ________________________ his book Whose book is this? It’s his. your umbrella 2、这把伞是你的,那把是她的。 This umbrella is _____, that one is _____. yours hers her umbrella my coat 3、哪件外套是我的? 蓝色的那一件。 Which coat is _____? The blue one. mine Tips: 名词性物主代词相当于一个名词,即“形容词性物主代词+名词”,起到避免重复的作用。

主格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 I My calculator is red Mine is red. you Your watch ● 名词性物主代词可以作主语。 主格 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 I My calculator is red Mine is red. you Your watch is big. Yours is big. is old. he His wallet His is old. she Her teapot is here. Hers is here. we Our rulers are new. Ours are new. Their presents they are nice. Theirs are nice.

_____ _________is on the first floor. ______ ____ on the second. ● 名词性物主代词可以作主语。 1、我们的教室在一楼,他们的在二楼。 _____ _________is on the first floor. ______ ____ on the second. Our classroom Theirs is their classroom 2、这些是你的鞋子吗? 不,我的是黑色的。 Are these ____ _____? No, ____ ____ black. my shoes your shoes mine are Tips: 名词性物主代词作主语时,要注意它指代的名词是单数还是复数,从而使用正确的be动词形式与之搭配。

_______________________ ● 名词性物主代词可以作宾语。 请帮我打开我的(礼物)。 _______________________ I can’t find my pen. May I use yours? 我找不到我的钢笔。我能用一下你的吗? Open mine for me, please. ● 名词性物主代词与of连用作定语。 Here’s a photo of my family for you. May I have one of yours?这儿有张我的全家照给你。我能要张你的吗? 他是我的一个朋友。_____________________ He is a friend of mine.

用适当的物主代词填空。 1.This is ____(my)book. ______(your)is in the bag. 2.The classroom is          (our). 3. Are these watches ____(her)? No. ____(her)watches are at home. 4. They aren’t ____(his)teapots. They are ______(their). 5. This is my present. Can you show _____(your) to me? 6.That is not ____(my) comb. It’s ____(her). 7.Is this calculator _____(your)? Yes, it’s _____(my). 8. May I have a family photo of ______(your)? my Yours ours hers her his theirs yours my hers yours mine yours

阅读对话,找出文中意思相同的句子。 Gao Shan: Hey, my friends, let’s show the Christmas presents. Nancy: OK. Look, this is my present. It’s a new pencil box. Gao Shan: It’s pretty. Look, this present is mine. Helen: What is it? Gao Shan: It’s a storybook. I like it very much. Helen: I like it, too. Look, this Christmas card is mine. Jack made it. Nancy: Wow, it’s so beautiful. This is my Christmas card.

形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词同义句转换: This jacket is his. This is his jacket. → These toys are hers. These are her toys. → Those photos are ours. Those are our photos. → That is my umbrella. → That umbrella is mine. These are their pencils. These pencils are theirs. → This is your mirror. This mirror is yours. →