《每日电讯报》 &语法特征
发展历史 由斯雷上校创立于1855年6月29日,由Joseph Moses Levy将报纸付诸印刷。售价2便士。不久转手于斯雷债权人利维(J.Lery)。
发展历史 爱德华.利维.劳森 (Edward Levy Lawson) 1855年9月17日改为便士报。 (1)十分重视人才 (2)扩大新闻报道面 (3)改革版面编排 The largest, best and cheapest newspaper in the world.
发展历史 贝瑞兄弟(Berry) 1928年,贝瑞兄弟收购该报。在哥哥W.贝瑞主持下,报纸格调较过去庄重些,开始脱离大众报纸行列,演变为相对“高级”的报纸。 1937年同英格兰最早的报纸《晨邮报》合并,称《每日电讯和晨邮报》,后又改用原名,属独立的每日电讯报公司。
发展历史 康德拉·布莱克(C.Black) 1985年被布莱克购入霍林格报业集团。读者主要是中产阶级,言论上倾向于保守。报纸被视为高级报纸,但与《泰晤士报》、《卫报》有些不同,严格说起来,它是居于“高级”和“大众”报纸之间的。 1993年,《泰晤士报》与《每日电讯报》的价格战
《泰晤士报》与《每日电讯报》的价格战 1993年9月 《泰晤士报》把报纸从45p降到30p。发行量上升了24%,达到43.9万份。 1994年4月 《泰晤士报》发行量上升为45.4万份。 《每日电讯报》价格不变,发行量仅下降1.9%,仍维持在100万份以上。 《每日电讯报》价格不变,发行量为102万份。
《泰晤士报》与《每日电讯报》的价格战 1994年6月 《泰晤士报》发行量上升为51.3万份。 6月24日,《泰晤士报》继续降价,从30p降到20p。 《每日电讯报》价格不变,发行量低于100万份。 6月23日,《每日电讯报》将价格从48p降到30p。 到1995年1月,双方价格都下降到5p,相当于原来报价的1/10。《每日电讯报》发行量上升到102万份,而《泰晤士报》达到了57万份。
《泰晤士报》与《每日电讯报》的价格战 1995年7月 《泰晤士报》把报价提高到25p。 《每日电讯报》随后也把报价提高到25p。 到1996年底的时候,两份报纸的价格又回到了价格竞争之前的水平。1997年《泰晤士报》发行量达到79.2万份,而《每日电讯报》则是109.8万份。
《每日电讯报》的转型 办公室的格局变化——2006年 英国《每日电讯报》首创的“中央辐射型”办公室,报纸总编辑、网络总编辑和其他部门的主任都位于中央核心区域的决策区,将各媒介的记者和编辑放在同一区域办公,呈辐射状依次在四周排开。内容在中央平台上聚集,总编辑们在中央决策区统筹内容分配,决定内容的播放载体和层次,各媒介在针对各自媒体的优势和受众特点,对内容进行重新组合和深度加工,形成形态各异的媒介产品。辐射状散开的每一条直线上的工作人员负责一个新闻版块,比如国际新闻、经济新闻、体育新闻等,而同心圆上的每一条弧线上的工作人员负责一个生产环节,比如内容、设计、生产等。
网络版 1994年11月15日,每日电讯报推出电子报纸,成为欧洲第一家网上报纸。
大厅上方巨大的电子屏上实时显示网站上所有文章的受欢迎程度,基于实时的数据排行,直观醒目,成为记者们努力工作的重要动力。 上午印刷版投递至用户,目前的发行量约91万份;下午网站上发行主要针对青少年的在线下午报,用户可以自己打印,也可以在线阅读。 网站即使更新。早晨版是时政等严肃新闻为主,中午版就是以体育和文化为主的轻松内容,晚上版则会强化娱乐新闻的播放,实现了网络媒体与传统媒体在新闻信息整合与形态转换的有益实践。
2013年成立了活动公关公司,独立核算。 近两年,网站、平板电脑,每天都有约20个广告。手机广告增长尤其快。
语法特征 灵活采用省略句式 (1)省略介词on The family of Neil Armstrong, the first man to walk on the moon, says he has died Saturday, Aug.25,2012, at age 82. (from Associated Press, Aug.25,2012)
语法特征 (2)省略引导宾语从句的连词that They said that day would never come. They said our sight were set too high. They said this country was too divided, too disillusioned to ever come together around a common purpose. (From The Guardian, Jan.5,2008)
语法特征 (3)省略名词 China Earthquake Death Toll Tops 55,000 China Earthquake Death Toll Tops 55,000. The charity said 3 million babies, infants and teenagers were the worst affected by the 7.9 magnitude quake that struck the southwestern Chinese province on May 12. More than 10,000 were killed when their schools collapsed, or buried beneath… (From The Guardian, May,13,2008)
语法特征 酌情镶嵌插入语 Washington Hotel, part of Washington’s exclusive and notorious Watergate complex, has been sold to the investment bank Blackstone Group. The mum and pop operation—they have two employees besides themselves—is growing at a rate about 15% a year and last year had sales of $350,000.
One was Maria Antonietta Berna, 22 years old, daughter of the railroad stationmaster of Thiener, a city of 20,000 miles northwest of Venice. The director-general of World Health Organization, Mr.Halfdan Mahler, predicted that up to 100 million people worldwide may become infected with the AIDS virus in the next four or five years. The group of five Senators, led by Frank Church, Democrat of Idaho, the committee chairman, is on a six-day visit to China. Mr. Fernandez, the law professor, cites his hometown, San Fabian, a small community south of Manila, as an example.
语法特征 句型松散,富有弹性 Andrew P.O’Rourke, the Republican candidate for governor, said yesterday that he would withdraw from a televised debate with Governor Cuomo if the candidate of the New Alliance Party, which he accused of extremist views, participates. The Indian Army had warned earlier that its troops would shoot at anyone who tried to illegally enter Indian territory.
语法特征 巧用时态,不拘呼应 President George Bush wants the former attorney general, Dick Thornburgh, to take a new top post at the United Nations, overseeing the organization’s budget and administration, U.N. and U.S. officials say. Secretary-General Butros Butros-Ghali asked Mr.Bush to find an American to fill this job when he attended the summit meeting of the Security Council here last month and the president then offered the job to Mr.Thornburgh, the official said. The new post, undersecretary-general for administration and management, involves overall resposibility for budget and personnel matters and is one of eight deputy position created by Mr. Butros-Ghali in a restructuring of the Secretariat announced on Friday, the official said.
语法特征 前置定语,种类繁多 (1)副词+过去分词 (2)名词+过去分词 (3)名词+名词 (4)名词+现在分词 (5)名词+形容词 (6)名词+to+名词 (7)数词+名词 (8)形容词+过去分词 (9)形容词+名词 (10)形容词+现在分词 (11)前后由连词“and”连接的词组
语法特征 注明出处,形式多样 (1)具体确切的消息来源 The Organization of Islamic Conference (OIC) summit unanimously adopted a number of resolutions on the Palestine issue, the Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat said on Tuesday evening. Palestinian National Authority (PNA) President Yasser Arafat today condemned the US veto of the UN Security Council’s resolution calling on Israel to abandon building Jewish settlement in Arab East Jerusalem, Israel Radio reported.
(2)含蓄不露的消息来源 American hostage Mann Steen walked to freedom yesterday after 1,773 days(four tears, 313 days) in captivity, security sources said. An American soldier has pleaded guilty to espionage after providing Desert Storm information to a Jordanian intelligence officer, a spokesman for the US Army has announced.
(3)似真非真的消息来 The Project would involve partners from Japan, the United States and South Korea and would-be co-financed by the national export credit agencies of the other partner countries, according to an anonymous source. Reducing development cost by cutting land fees and taxes is crucial to boost the realty market. Currently China’s real estate industry accounts for only around for only around two percent of the GDP, it is authoritatively learned.