Translation of Technical Manuals


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Presentation transcript:

Translation of Technical Manuals Scientific and Technical Translation City University of Hong Kong Ivan Yeung

Technical Manuals functions of technical manuals information & education description of facts technical advice problem solving user instruction kinds of technical manuals brochures, pamphlets, handbook, fact sheets…… instruction manuals

Features of Technical Manuals a good technical manual should: explain why the phenomenon, issue, product, procedure is important; explain the key concepts; have the facts and numbers clearly stated; inform the readers how to perform the task(s); enable users to perform the tasks without seeking further consultation; how to troubleshoot common problems.

Examples of Technical Manuals fact sheets WWF Hong Kong instruction manuals US Environmental Protection Agency

Plants named after Hong Kong 以香港命名的植物 Polygala hongkongensis Hemsley 香港遠志 Polygalaceae 遠志科 J.G. Champion first discovered this species in Victoria Peak, Hong Kong Island between 1847 and 1850. 本種於1847至1850年間由J.G. Champion 在香港島扯旗山首次發現。

Plants named after Hong Kong 以香港命名的植物 It is an erect herb or subshrub growing in forest, 15 to 50 cm tall, with thin stems. Leaves alternate, oval in shape. 為生於林下的直立草本至亞灌木,高15至50厘米,莖枝細,葉互生,卵形。 Flowers are white or purple, with 3 petals. Capsule almost spherical, with wide wings. 花白色或紫色,3 瓣。蒴果近圓形,具闊翅。

Plants named after Hong Kong 以香港命名的植物 Recorded in Hong Kong Island, Ma On Shan and Tai Mo Shan. 香港島、馬鞍山及大帽山有記錄。 Distributed also in Jiangsu, Anhui, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hunan and Guangxi. 江蘇、安徽、浙江、江西、福建、湖南及廣西也有分布。 Besides, Polygala glomerata and four further species of Polygala have been recorded in Hong Kong. 此外,香港還有華南遠志及另外 4種遠志屬的植物記錄。

Plants named after Hong Kong 以香港命名的植物 Asarum hongkongense S.M. Hwang & T.P. Wong-Siu 香港細辛 Aristolochiaceae 馬兜鈴科 Time for fun~ This rare endemic species is the only representative of the genus Asarum in Hong Kong.

Plants named after Hong Kong 以香港命名的植物 Piper hongkongense Hatusima 毛蒟 Piperaceae 胡椒科 Time for fun~ Climbers to several metres long, usually climbing on trees or rocks in thickets or forests. Plants dioecious. Flowers unisexual. Drupe globose.

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 EARLY LITERATURE 早期文獻 OUR LIMITED KNOWLEDGE AND THE NEED FOR INFORMATION 增加海豚研究 The colour is variable and may be pink, white, grey or spotted with a light pink belly. The pectoral fins are small and rounded and the flukes are rounded and triangular. 海豚的顏色各有不同,有粉紅色、白色、灰色或帶有斑點,腹部淡粉紅色。胸鰭細圓,尾鰭呈均稱的三角形。* 海豚的顏色各有不同,有粉紅色、白色、灰色或帶有斑點,腹部淡粉紅色。胸鰭小型、角圓,尾鰭呈三角形,圓角。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Animals from the Indian Ocean have a hump on the back below the triangular dorsal fin but those from the Pacific have an indistinct or absent hump. 印度洋的海豚在三角形的背鰭後長有隆肉,但太平洋一帶的海豚的隆肉則不太明顯,甚至完全沒有隆肉。 The beak is slender, long and low. Size ranges from 70 cm at birth to 3 m at maturity and calves are born throughout the year with a peak in the summer months. 口喙修長且位置偏低,幼雛的身型約70 厘米*,長成時可達三米。繁殖期遍及全年,夏季是繁殖的高峰期。 口喙修長且位置偏低。幼豚體長約70 厘米,成年海豚體長可達三米。……

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 There were few records of these animals until WWF Hong Kong started to collate observations in 1990, when the location for Hong Kong's then new airport at Chek Lap Kok was announced. 以往,海豚的紀錄寥寥可數。直至1990 年港府宣佈赤鱲角成為新機場選址後,自然基金便開始在附近水域觀察紀錄。 Over this relatively short period, the vulnerability of these marine mammals has become apparent. 自機建工程展開不久,工程對這種海洋哺乳動物的威脅有目共睹,* 自工程展開的短期間,這種海洋哺乳動物受到的影響開始浮現。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 One example of the effects of the development can be found in a particular group of 8 - 12 dolphins which were sighted on a regular basis to south of the Brothers Islands both during the day and night. Certain individuals could be recognised and identified as belonging to this same pod. 以一群為數約八至十二條海豚的豚群為例,以往日夜也可見活躍於大小磨刀洲以南水域。另還有三數條個別海豚,相信屬於這個豚群。* 發展工程的影響,可以一群海豚爲例說明。豚群由八至十二條海豚組成,以往於大小磨刀洲以南水域活動,日夜可見其蹤跡。數條單獨活動的海豚,據鑑認亦屬於這個豚群。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Since the dredging and construction works began along the north Lantau coast and the leveling of the Brothers Islands is underway, this pod has disappeared. 可是自從大嶼山北岸的挖沙及發展工程及大小磨刀洲的整平工程展開後,這群海豚已消聲匿跡。* 可是自從大嶼山北岸的挖沙及發展工程,以及大小磨刀洲的整平工程展開後,這群海豚已消聲匿跡。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 THE THREATS 中華白海豚面對的威脅 The construction of the airport at Chek Lap Kok and the additional Port Development, has caused a serious decline in the population as a whole. 赤鱲角機場興建工程及相關的海港發展計劃導致海豚的數目大幅下降。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Time for fun~ Blasting The site formation for the airport project involved blasting to a scale that could have caused fatal damage to any dolphins in the immediate vicinity of the work.

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Time for fun~ Damage to the lungs and subsequent internal bleeding resulting from transmitted shock waves, could be enough to kill outright.

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Time for fun~ The sound of the blast itself may be enough to deafen a dolphin or interfere with its sonar capabilities, both of which would result in death.

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Sewage Pollution 污水處理 Another area of concern is the proposed sewage outfall for the airport and the new town of Tung Chung, which will also receive sewage from Discovery Bay. 另一個關注焦點是污水排放問題。建議興建的排污渠道將接收赤鱲角機場、東涌新市鎮及愉景灣的污水。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Time for fun~ Initially, sewage treatment will only be preliminary with grit removal only but after intense WWF Hong Kong lobbying UV treatment will be added to ensure that the dolphins are not overly stressed.

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 No study has been undertaken to assess the effect of the chemical disinfectant, Racasan, which is used in aircraft toilets and will be dispersed directly into the marine environment. 至今仍未有就航機沿用的盥洗間消毒劑 Racasan 對環境造成的影響進行任何測試或研究。* 航機沿用的盥洗間消毒劑 Racasan,會對環境造成何種影響,至今仍未進行任何測試或研究。 The risk of disease from swimming and feeding in such areas would presumably be similar to that of any other mammals including human. 這種消毒劑排出機身後直接散佈於海洋環境,對在受污染水域游泳或覓食的哺乳動物,甚至人類構成危險。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Loss of habitat 生境地喪失 Chinese White Dolphins typically feed in shallow coastal areas up to a depth rarely exceeding 10 m. 中華白海豚一般在近岸水深不超過十米的淺水處覓食。 Time for fun~ Extensive reclamation for the airport platform and North Lantau Expressway removed these important areas forcing the dolphins to move further away.

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 We do not yet know the long-term impacts of these changes. 目前,我們尚未知曉轉變對海豚造成甚麼長遠影響。 轉變會對海豚造成甚麼長遠影響,我們尚不清楚。 Crustaceans, for example, are known to form part of the diet of these animals and an increase in sediment will threaten the food chain and in turn lower the amount of food available for the dolphins. 以海豚日常進食的甲殼動物為例,便因沖積物增加而受到威脅,食物鏈面臨瓦解,海豚的食物數量也相應減少。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Toxic mud dumping 傾卸有毒淤泥 Dredging for West Kowloon reclamation resulted in millions of tonnes of toxic mud needing a disposal site. Once again an important area for dolphins was chosen to dump the waste. 由於西九龍填海及挖沙工程產生數以百萬噸有毒淤泥,因此需另覓傾倒地點,最終選定的傾倒地點正是海豚的主要生境地之一。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Huge pits were formed and the toxic mud allowed to drop into them. Each remains open, and available to marine animals, until it is full when it is finally capped. 有關方面在傾卸地點挖掘大型坑道傾倒淤泥,待傾滿後再以泥覆蓋。在傾滿前,海洋生物可自由進出含有有毒淤泥的坑道覓食。 time for fun~ Animals feeding on the seabed form the base of a food chain and may eventually be consumed by dolphins along with the heavy metals and other pollutants accumulating in their bodies.

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 time for fun~ Increased Shipping Another possible complication is the increased number of vessels in the area off North Lantau, since dolphins rely on sonar for communication and spatial awareness, increased noise levels may cause confusion and much additional stress.

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Over-fishing 過度捕魚 A problem which is affecting fish stocks throughout the world but in Hong Kong there are no laws to limit the size of catches, nor restrictions on species captured. 過度捕魚正影響全球的魚類數量,目前本港並無任何法例監管捕魚量或限制魚種。 Fewer fish are being caught for human consumption, which also means less are available for the dolphins. 供人類進食的魚獲越少,表示海豚的食糧也越少。 人類漁穫減少,意即海豚的食物亦減少。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 Reports from fishermen in the area are of dolphins feeding further out into Chinese waters and rarely visiting their previous grounds. 據漁民所見,現時海豚的覓食地已伸展至中國水域,在以往的覓食地已甚少發現豚蹤; One dolphin even broke a fishing net, disregarding its fear of fishermen in an attempt to satisfy its hunger ! 據稱曾有一條海豚竟不顧危險,企圖衝破魚網覓食。

The Chinese White Dolphin - Sousa chinensis Factsheet No.14 WWF Hong Kong continues its effort to protect the Chinese White Dolphin. For HK$290 you can adopt one of these magnificent creatures and help preserve them for future generations. Please join the Adopt-A-Dolphin programme – our environment is not disposable! 自然基金致力推行中華白海豚存護工作。你只需捐款港幣290 元,便可助養一條可愛的中華白海豚,協助我們推行存護工作,讓下一代有機會一睹這種哺乳動物的風采!請支持海豚助養計劃,積極保護環境!

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