Lesson 16 Dating Lillian Zhang.


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Presentation transcript:

Lesson 16 Dating Lillian Zhang

Textbook page 170

V + 得 + Descriptive Complement 我们玩儿得很高兴。 孩子笑得很可爱。 他打球打得很累。 他高兴得又唱又跳。

V + 得 + Descriptive Complement 他跑得___________ 他跳得___________ 她唱得___________

P177 Part B

就jiù: only/just Page 78 Part D

Textbook page 170-171 Dialogue

Potential Complements VS Resultative Complements 买到了票 没有买到票 买得到票 can get the ticket 买不到票 cannot get the ticket

P177 Part B

A: 你学会了吗? B:太难了,我学不会。 A: 晚上六点半能回来吗? B:我得开会,六点半回不来。

中文你看得懂吗? 中文你看得懂看不懂? 老师的声音,你听得清楚吗? 老师的声音,你听得清听不清? 每天的功课,你做得完吗? 每天的功课,你做得完做不完?

Potential Complements VS 能 他做不完 he cannot finish (he is not able to finish) 他不能做完 he cannot finish (he is not allowed to finish) P177 B

P177 Part C

Homework Character writing: 印、象、成、演、费、俩  印、象、成、演、费、俩 Write on the character practice sheet, ten times each (simplified only, traditional characters just for your reference). Make sure to look up the stroke order at this website (paste characters into the box and click the button): http://bishun.shufaji.com/ Due next Monday class (01/22) The Vocab quiz is next Wednesday (1/24).

Lesson 16 Dialogue 2 Turning down an Invitation

P184 Vocab. List

Page 181-182

走去 来 Vs 去 走来

来 Vs 去 下楼来

来 Vs 去 上楼去


下楼去 Workbook P132 Part C

Subject+ Verb (+ Object) + 来/去 Subject+ Verb + 来/去 (+ Object) 请你买一些水果来。 你给他送一点儿吃的东西去。 他买来了一些水果。 我送去了一点吃的东西。

Directional Complements 上 下 进 出 回 过 到 Subject +verb + + Place Word/ Noun 他走上楼。 老师走进教室。 他拿出一张纸。

Directional Complement 上 下 进 出 回 过 到 来 + 去 Subject +verb + + Place Word/ Noun 老师走进教室来/去。 弟弟跳上床來/去。 请你买回一些梨来。 她拿出一张纸来。

Directional Complements in Ba Structure 把 structure review: Subject + 把 + Object + Verb + Other Element e.g. 老师把书放到了桌子上。 If this disposal is combined with transfer of location, which you want to emphasize e.g. 老师把椅子搬到了前面 。 来 + 去 Workbook p133

P184 Vocab. List

Homework Character writing: 记、码、搬、扫、整、理、房、旅 Write on the character practice sheet, ten times each (simplified only, traditional characters just for your reference). Make sure to look up the stroke order at this website (paste characters into the box and click the button): http://bishun.shufaji.com/ Due next Monday class (01/29) The Vocab quiz is next Wednesday (1/31).