(1) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座


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Presentation transcript:

(1) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座 Jesus, our Lord, with what joy we adore Thee, Chanting our praise to Thyself on the throne! Blest in Thy presence, we worship before Thee, Own Thou art worthy, and worthy alone. 哦,主耶穌我的心向著寶座, 何等喜樂, 來唱你的讚美! 因著蒙福, 我敬拜我也述說, 承認你配, 惟有你真是配. (1) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座

(C) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座 Lord, Thou art worthy, Lord, Thou art worthy, Lord, Thou art worthy, and worthy alone; Blest in Thy presence we worship before Thee, Own Thou art worthy and worthy alone! 主, 你真是配!主, 你真是配! 讚美, 因為惟有你真是配! 因著蒙福, 我敬拜我也述說, 你的榮耀, 因為你真是配. (C) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座

(2) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座 Verily God, yet become truly human, Lower than angels to die in our stead; How hast thou, long promised "Seed of the woman,” Trod on the serpent and bruised his head! 你這神人, 是真神, 又是真人, 低於天使, 為我們作犧牲! 女人後裔, 曾如何親臨囂塵, 敗壞古蛇, 傷其頭, 踏其身! (2) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座

(C) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座 Lord, Thou art worthy, Lord, Thou art worthy, Lord, Thou art worthy, and worthy alone; Blest in Thy presence we worship before Thee, Own Thou art worthy and worthy alone! 主, 你真是配!主, 你真是配! 讚美, 因為惟有你真是配! 因著蒙福, 我敬拜我也述說, 你的榮耀, 因為你真是配. (C) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座

(3) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座 How didst Thou, humble Thyself to be taken, Led by Thy creatures, and nailed to the cross! Hated of men, and of God, too, forsaken, Shunning not darkness, the curse, and the loss! 創造的主竟然, 被受造的人釘十字架, 你是如何降卑! 你不自救, 被神棄, 又被人恨! 你不退縮, 經黑暗, 喝苦杯! (3) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座

(C) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座 Lord, Thou art worthy, Lord, Thou art worthy, Lord, Thou art worthy, and worthy alone; Blest in Thy presence we worship before Thee, Own Thou art worthy and worthy alone! 主, 你真是配!主, 你真是配! 讚美, 因為惟有你真是配! 因著蒙福, 我敬拜我也述說, 你的榮耀, 因為你真是配. (C) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座

(4) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座 How hast Thou triumphed, and triumphed with glory, Battled death's forces, rolled back ev’ry wave! Can we refrain then, from telling the story? Lord, Thou art Victor o'er death and the grave! 接戰死亡, 你如何退其狂瀾, 榮耀得勝, 全得勝, 大得勝! 思念及此, 怎能不歌頌彌漫! 陰府的門, 到如今全潰崩. (4) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座

(C) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座 Lord, Thou art worthy, Lord, Thou art worthy, Lord, Thou art worthy, and worthy alone; Blest in Thy presence we worship before Thee, Own Thou art worthy and worthy alone! 主, 你真是配!主, 你真是配! 讚美, 因為惟有你真是配! 因著蒙福, 我敬拜我也述說, 你的榮耀, 因為你真是配. (C) Jesus, with what joy we adore Thee 哦!主耶穌,我的心向著寶座