祝贺AI论坛 第七届全国人工授精 关键技术研讨会召开.


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Presentation transcript:

祝贺AI论坛 第七届全国人工授精 关键技术研讨会召开

Boarnutritionandmaximizethesemenvalue 国家生猪产业技术体系 公猪营养与公猪价值最大化 Boarnutritionandmaximizethesemenvalue TerryChen 陈清森 博士、总监、站长 广西扬翔股份有限公司 2013.4.8 南昌

自我介绍 Resume 扬翔,2009- 正大,2007-2009 美国,Dr. Hodson, CPGroup CRGroup 扬翔,2009- 正大,2007-2009 美国,Dr. Hodson, CEO, SGI, USA, 2002-2006

主要内容 Topics 1、公猪营养需要 Feedrequirementsforboar 2、饲养标准 NutritionStandard (一)公猪营养概况 Introductionofboarnutrition (二)常见的饲料配方 Formulationofboardiet (三)公猪的价值最大化 Maximumvalueofsemen (四)小结 Conclusion 1、公猪营养需要 Feedrequirementsforboar 2、饲养标准 NutritionStandard 3、营养与公猪生殖性能 Nutritionandfertility

1、公猪营养需要 Feed Requirements of Boars 维持需要 weight of the boar determines the maintenance energy requirement; 适度增重 desired growth rate; 日粮能量水平 energy level of the diet; 下料量 accuracy of the feed delivery system 采精生产活动 Semenproduction Mike Tokach,2009

(1)维持需要营养分配的变化 Changeinfeedformaintenance 体重阶段 kg Bodywight 总采食量 kg Feedintake 维持需要用料 kg Feedformaintenance 射精与生精用料比例Percentageofmattingandsperm 维持用料比例 Percentageofmaintenance 60 1.75 0.7 3% 40% 90 2.5 1.1 3.2% 44% 120 2.9 1.35 3.4% 47% 200 3.0(2.5-0.1) 3.8% 75% 300 3.5(2.5-0.1) 4.6% 90%

(2)增重的营养需要 BoarageandBW 1磅=0.45359千克 Mike Tokach,2009

增重曲线 Predicted ADG of working boars Mike Tokach,2009

预测体重 Boarbodysizeandweight Mike Tokach,2009

2、饲养标准 NutritionStandard (1)公猪分段饲养 Phasefeedingprogram (2)公猪据体重饲养 Control feeding program

(1)公猪分段饲养方案 Phasefeedingprogram 始重Initial BW,kg 末重Final BW,kg Day ADG,kg ME,mcal/kg Feed intake,kg 136 181 90 0.504 2.96 2.77 227 120 0.378 2.94 2.86 272 180 0.252 2.95 318 360 0.126 3.04

用料有可能不对 NotFedboarsrightactually. 分段饲养较好满足生产生理需求 By dividing this weight, boars can be phase fed based on time to closely meet their energy requirements. 常用的一些做法会导致营养不足 Feedisnotenoughforboars, actually.

如何规范用料 Steps to Implement the Feeding Programe 根据日粮能量水平用料 Determine energy density of the diet 精确下料 Determine accuracy of the feed drops 控体重而不是控膘情 Determine the weight of boars

精确喂料与卡片管理 自动料盒有12%的误差,结合卡片进行调校 boxes drop 12 percent more or less than the setting on the box indicates Mike Tokach,2009

(2)公猪看膘饲养 Control feeding program. Mike Tokach,2009

看膘饲养 前期太多、后期太少 Boars fed based on body condition tended to be overfed when initially placed in the stud and underfed during later periods.

前低后高与前高后低 Feed moreorless Kempandsoede, 2001

体重控制、背膘控制 ControltheweightortheBF 更量化 更直接 体型大小、品种特点、个体差异 设备差异、操作差异

3、营养与公猪生殖性能 Nutritionandfertility 分段饲养比看膘饲养的公猪性欲更好,73%比42%。 a higher proportion of active boars (73 vs. 42 per cent) in boars fed the planned feeding programe Mike Tokach,2009

高营养高产出 Research indicates that top-quality rations will lead to improved libido, sperm production in boars.

主要内容 Topics 1、蛋白提高 Increasetheprotein 2、添加剂 Additive 3、生产公猪营养要点 (一)公猪营养概况 Introductionofboarnutrition (二)营养要点与饲料配方 Keypointandformulationofboardiet (三)公猪的价值最大化 Maximumvalueofsemen (四)小结 Conclusion 1、蛋白提高 Increasetheprotein 2、添加剂 Additive 3、生产公猪营养要点 Keypoint fortheboar

1、蛋白提高 Increasetheprotein Calculated analysis Low energy High energy Lysine, % 1.01 1.07 Met:lysine ratio, % 30 29 Met & Cys:lysine ratio, % 65 64 Threonine:lysine ratio, % 76 75 Tryptophan:lysine ratio, % 25 23 ME, kcal/kg 3,054 3,263 Protein, % 19.1 19.8 Calcium, % 0.9 Phosphorus, % 0.8 Available phosphorus, % 0.53 0.5 1998:Average crude protein for boars should range 14-16%. Lysine should range .55%-1.1%. Energy levels depend on the grain source but run from upper 22 Mcal/kg to the lower 3 Mcal/kg. Fiber content should be about 4.5% of the diet. calcium, .9%; phosphorous, .8% and zinc, 100 ppm.

低蛋白低性欲 restricting protein intake (.31% lysine) reduced boar libido 高蛋白日粮提高血液中性激素水平,从而性欲更强High protein diets tend to produce boars that create higher levels of estrogen in the bloodstream and those boars have been shown to mount quicker and were much quicker to collect Wilson,1998

Suggested Board Stud Diets Ingredient, % Low energy High energy Corn 58.4 65.6 Soybean meal, 46.5% CP 25 30 脱水苜蓿草粉Dehydrated alfalfa meal, 17% CP 12.5 __ Monocalcium phosphate, 21% P 2.1 2 Limestone 0.65 1.1 Salt 0.5 Vitamin premix 0.35 Sow add pack Trace mineral premix 0.15 Bob Goodband, Mike Tokach, Steve Dritz, and Jim Nelssen,Ca2012

2、添加剂:鱼油omega-3 Additive % of total fat Boar Ram Bull Omega-6 33 6 14 Omega-3 32 62 56 Feeding the boar for optimal semen production,2006

增加了精子omega-3含量12% total omega-3 levels in spermatozoa rise from about 32% to a maximum of 44%. 增中膜完整性与顶体质量 increased proportion of membrane intact spermatozoa and greater resistance of the acrosome

增加精液中抗氧化剂,有助生产储藏increased content of antioxidants, ensuring the protection of the aforementioned lipids as well as spermatozoa integrity during storage. 增加精子数 increased total sperm number

Darby Genetics of South Korea 韩国1000头母猪试验表明,添加鱼油与抗氧化剂的公猪的精液提高分娩率6.4%,活仔数0.7头,总仔数1.19头。 semen from boars fed a specific fish oil supplement coupled with antioxidants. Farrowing rates increased by 6.4 % with an extra 0.7 piglets born alive; this corresponds to an extra 119 piglets per 100 services.

各地研究结果 Country Increase of FR Increase of BR Increase of BA / 100 services Number of sows UK 6% 0.3 81 4629 Spain 6.20% 79 550 Germany 2.30% 0.4 58 160 Poland 4.70% 77 120 FR: Farrowing rate, BA: Born alive

公猪营养 永无止境 therefore suggesting a global inadequacy in the feeding regime of breeding boars

3、生产公猪营养要点 Keypoint fortheboar 本交公猪feed them the gestation sow diet and that will be good enough. Wilson,1998

公猪站产精量很重要 Drop in semen production becomes unacceptable in boar studs 尤其是商业化商品场公猪站 Wilson,1998

关注查情公猪的营养 Nativeboarforheattesting 营养不够Those cheaper rations may harm libido, and in turn, reduce their ability to detect females in heat. Wilson,1998

遗传特性与营养 营养敏感,生长更快he line of boars that showed significant response to higher feeding levels also gained the most body weight. The line which did not see a response showed no weight gain differences regardless of low or high feeding levels. Wilson,1998

营养刺激要持久9周以上 The boars were given 12 lb,5.4kg 8.5 lb,3.85kg there were no differences in weekly sperm production out to six weeks Upto 9 to 12 weeks, there were major differences in sperm output in favor of the high-energy group. Wilson,1998

粗纤维2周有效 fiber some fiber. The result was an increase in sperm production in just two weeks changed the formulation of the ration such that the extra energy produced a change in hormonal expression Wilson,1998

主要内容 Topics 1、育种价值 Geneticsvalue 2、产精能力 Outputofsperm 3、兑现能力 (一)公猪营养概况 Introductionofboarnutrition (二)营养要点与饲料配方 Keypointandformulationofboardiet (三)公猪的价值最大化 Maximumvalueofsemen (四)小结 Conclusion 1、育种价值 Geneticsvalue 2、产精能力 Outputofsperm 3、兑现能力 Abilityforcash

1、育种价值 Geneticsvalue 自身需要驱动型 最大的育种群体 育种群体差异大 海量的测定数据 综合的选种方法

Replacement boars 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 70% 70% 65% 61% 67% 57%

2、产精能力 Outputofsperm

L D Y 2007 2081 1903 2137 2006 2152 1980 2060 2005 2123 1798 2014

3、兑现能力 Abilityforcash 本月实际销量 本月高档猪精销售净收入 销售净单价 910 25620 28.15384615 1088 24030 22.08639706 540 11420 21.14814815 105 2500 23.80952381 4336 20 2096 381 9090 23.85826772 1169 13300 11.37724551 405 13850 34.19753086 103 2530 24.5631068 94 2120 22.55319149 619 15440 24.94345719 478 10560 22.09205021 781 6850 8.770806658 496 10070 20.30241935 198 5900 29.7979798 390 9590 24.58974359 212 6430 30.33018868 216 4720 21.85185185 181 4240 23.42541436 254 5280 20.78740157 186 3720 19 650 34.21052632 28 850 30.35714286

(四)小结 Conclusion 找科技走程序控好重,思创新改俗套产多精 建平台搭体系育新种,高投入多产仔悠挣钱

欢迎到广西、到贵港、到扬翔。 WelcometoYangxiangGroup,Guangxi TerryChen Tel:18776639739 Email:cqs126@126.com