Unit 6 Key points summary.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 6 Key points summary

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 2): Semantic adjustment made in transfer—Specific meaning Vs. generic meaning (1) Some of the most common shifts in meaning found in the transfer process are modifications which involve specific (个别意义)and generic (一般意义)meanings. Such shifts may go in either direction, from generic to specific , or from specific to generic.

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 2): Semantic adjustment —Specific meaning Vs Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 2): Semantic adjustment —Specific meaning Vs. generic meaning (2) uncle 姑父、姨夫、伯父 ticket 车票、机票、船票 maxim 格言、箴言、准则 咖啡 Cappuccino, Espresso, Latte 帽子 bonnet, cap, hat 杯子 cup, glass, mug

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 2): Semantic adjustment —Analytic process Vs Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 2): Semantic adjustment —Analytic process Vs. synthetic process(1) In the transfer process, sometimes the semantic contents of a word or a group of words need to be redistributed through either an analytical or synthetic process. The former involves expanding the semantic content of a word over a number of words; and the latter groups the semantic contents of several words into one single word.

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 2): Semantic adjustment —Analytic process Vs Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 2): Semantic adjustment —Analytic process Vs. synthetic process(2) He cooks to perfection. 他煎炒烹炸样样拿手。 He preferred the products of old brand to the new flashy. 他宁可要老牌产品,而不要质量差的新产品。 But my mother had not passed this way for years. And the slimness and the stride were long past, too. 但是母亲已经好多年没有走这条路了,她那苗条的身段和矫健的步伐也已一去经年。

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 3): Structural adjustment (1) There are numerous features of the sentence structure which must be adjusted in the process of transfer from one language to another. Such features, among others, concern word and phrase order, gender, class and number concord, active and passive constructions and ellipsis.

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 3): Structural adjustment (2)—Word and phrase order Congress made public a survey of human rights in 105 countries that receive U.S. aid. 国会公布了接受美国援助的105个国家的人权情况的调查报告。 At eight o’clock on the morning of July 25,1975, the train started back to New York. 1975年7月25日早上8点钟火车开始返回纽约。 . He will come to see you before he leaves Changsha. 他离开长沙前会来看你。

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 3): Structural adjustment (3)—Gender and number concord He teaches math in a middle school. 他在一所中学教数学。 These little guests were hugged by both the host and hostess. 男主人和女主人都拥抱了这些小客人。 The President has decided to postpone his visit to the Middle East. 总统已决定推迟对中东地区的访问。

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 3): Structural adjustment (4)—Active and passive constructions For the structural differences in active and passive constructions between English and Chinese sentences, please refer to Slides 14 to 19.

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 3): Structural adjustment (5)—Ellipsis For the structural differences in ellipsis between English and Chinese sentences, please refer to Slides 20 to 22.

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 3): Discourse adjustment (1) An English discourse generally starts with a topic sentence followed by the explanatory statements or supportive examples and ends up with a conclusion. The sentences in the discourse are often logically connected with each other by such cohesive markers as “first of all”, “furthermore”, “in addition”, “however”, “therefore”, “to sum up”, etc. The sentences in a Chinese discourse, though not always bound up together through formally distinct devices, actually all center around the theme of the text.

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 3): Discourse adjustment (2) Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First of all, gold has a lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable for jewelry, coins and ornamental purposes. Gold never needs to be polished and will remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as untarnished today as they day it was minted twenty-three centuries ago. Another important characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. … In conclusion, gold is treasures not only for its beauty, but also for its utility.

Point 1 (Activity 1, Task 3): Discourse adjustment (3) 自1984年鸦片战争使中国蒙受历史性屈辱以来,从林则徐、魏源、龚自珍到孙中山,历代志士仁人憎为中国的救亡和发展,前赴后继,英勇奋斗,但由于缺乏科学理论的指导而饮恨九泉 。实践告诉我们……在历史的比较中我们认识到……马克思主义一经传入中国……从此,开始了马克思列宁主义在中国的实践和发展历程。

Point 2 (Activity 2, Tasks 1,2,3,4,5): English passive constructions Vs. Chinese passive constructions (1) Passive constructions are more widely used in English than in Chinese, especially in formal writing and scientific writing. They are often used in English on four occasions (Please refer to Page 129 of the textbook.).

Point 2 (Activity 2, Tasks 1,2,3,4,5): English passive constructions Vs. Chinese passive constructions (2)—无需说明施动者 Such books are written for children. We haven’t been told about it. The English evening has been put off till Saturday.

Point 2 (Activity 2, Tasks 1,2,3,4,5): English passive constructions Vs. Chinese passive constructions (3) —不便说明施动者 You are requested to give a performance. Youngsters under 18 are not allowed to drink alcohols. It is generally considered not advisable to act that way.

Point 2 (Activity 2, Tasks 1,2,3,4,5): English passive constructions Vs. Chinese passive constructions (4)—便于连接上下文 He appeared on the stage and was warmly applauded by the audience. Jack fought John in the men’s single last night and was beaten. The guest was picked up at the airport and sent to the hotel.

Point 2 (Activity 2, Tasks 1,2,3,4,5): English passive constructions Vs. Chinese passive constructions (5) —强调 The song was composed by a worker. The program will be designed by ourselves. The project is being carried out by a team.

Point 2 (Activity 2, Tasks 1,2,3,4,5): English passive constructions Vs. Chinese passive constructions (6) 汉语表示被动的语言手段有:受、挨、遭、由、被、给、叫、让、加以、予以、为…所,被…所,等等。 代表团受到热烈欢迎。 棉花被淋湿了。 去年他家遭火灾。 我们的计划给打乱了。 我们不要为表面现象所迷惑。

Point 3 (Activity 1, Tasks 1,2,3): Leaving out unnecessary words (1) Leaving out unnecessary (“省词译法”) words is a frequently-used skill in English-Chinese translation. As English is a language of hypotaxis, it depends on words of grammatical significance like articles, conjunctions, pronouns or prepositions for constructing different linguistic parts into a sentence. On the contrary, Chinese, being a language of parataxis, has the parts linked up with each other semantically or through the context. Therefore, when English is being translated into Chinese, some of the words mentioned above need to be omitted out of grammatical or rhetorical considerations.

Point 3 (Activity 1, Tasks 1,2,3): Leaving out unnecessary words (2)—省略冠词、代词、 连词、介词 The mother and the eldest daughter weeded the ridges, passing before the others. A younger son, of twelve years, brought see sand in a donkey’s creels from a far corner of the field. They mixed the sand with the black clay. The fourth child, still almost an infant, staggered about near his mother, plucking weeds slowly and offering them to his mother as gifts. 母亲和大女儿在除垄上的草,把旁人甩在后面。二儿子十二岁,从老远的地头把海滩上的沙子装进鱼篮,赶着毛驴托了回来。他们把黑土掺上了沙子。老四还是个小不点儿,在母亲身旁遥遥晃晃转悠着,慢吞吞地拔起杂草,当礼物送给母亲。

Point 3 (Activity 1, Tasks 1,2,3): Leaving out unnecessary words (3)—修辞 He was smooth and agreeable. 他待人处世,八面玲珑。 Standing as it does on a high hill, the church commands a new view. 教堂建在高山上,向下眺望,风景优美。 There are some things that I have happily seen of the wondrous way of the spider. 蜘蛛的奇异动态,我曾有幸目睹。 In actual fact, the united States is pursuing a policy of encouraging the aggressor. 实际上,美国在推行一种鼓励侵略者的政策。 The problem of alternative fuels of vehicle is one problem we shall approach. 车辆的代用燃料是我们将要研究的一个问题。 To learn is not an easy matter and to apply what one has learned is even harder. 学习不容易,运用更加不容易。

Point 4 (Activity 1, Tasks 1,2,): Use of four-character phrases (1) Four-character phrases are widely used in Chinese. This is a unique feature of the Chinese language. Generally speaking, four-character phrases have at least three advantages: succinct, neat and rhythmical. Proper use of four-character phrases (“四字格译法”) in the Chinese translation can add a lot of flavour to the receptor text.

Point 4 (Activity 1, Tasks 1,2,): Use of four-character phrases (2) The mayor of Toledo said in 1932: “I have seen thousands of these defeated, discouraged hopeless men and women, cringing and fawning as they come to ask for public aid. It is a spectacle of national degradation. ”

Point 4 (Activity 1, Tasks 1,2,): Use of four-character phrases (3) 托莱多市长在1932年说过:“我见到数千万遭受了挫折的,失去了信心和希望的男人和女人又奉承地又乞怜地前来请求救济。这么一个情景给国家丢了脸。” 托莱多市长在1932年说过:“ 我见到成千上万的山穷水尽、灰心绝望的男男女女前来请求救济。他们低声下气,苦苦哀求。此情此景,真是丢尽了美国的脸。”

Why not do the supplementary exercises for further practice Why not do the supplementary exercises for further practice? The keys and comments are also provided for your reference.