Virginia Henderson The Nature of Nursing (護理的本質)


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Presentation transcript:

Virginia Henderson The Nature of Nursing (護理的本質)

Health care should be an available human right to all peoples of the world

Different definitions of nursing Treating nurse as a noun Giving suckling an infant Caring for the sick Being a nursemaid Meaning of “to nurse”, “nursing”, and “nursed”, the verb, follow the meaning assigned the noun. Caring for “tenderly” and “cherishing” The turns “nurse” and “nursing” have many meanings and conjure up different pictures in people’s minds, even the minds of nurses themselves.

Different functions of nurses Nursing is a profession (ICN). The ratio of nurses to doctors and to other health providers affects what nurses do and therefore the concept they and the public have of their roles. The public image is influenced by the fact that most nurses are women, the majority are not well-educated, are not from the most privileged social class and are not well-paid (e.g., domestic service). Each person doing the rating of the status of the nurse is influenced by whether he or she has had a good or bad experience with nursing.

Legal barriers It is hard to get rid of the concept of nursing as dependent upon medicine (instead of working with them collaboratively). Nurses are the category of worker available on a 24-hour,7-days-a-week basis. If there is a university concept of nursing it embodies the characteristics of a service that is intimate, constant, and comforting.

What are some of the more significant definitions of nursing? Nursing activity Nursing is a process through which care is provided to individuals, families, or community groups primarily around circumstances and situations that arise from health-related problem. Medical practice, on the other hand, is primarily cause- and cure-oriented. Nurses are independent, professional practitioners whose field of work is health care.

Briefly, the definitions of nursing The nurse variously as helping nature cure the patient, helping the physician cure the patient, acting as a professional mother, giving psychological support, meeting a persons health needs, nourishing and giving physical care, attaining, retaining and regaining health, helping the patient pursue behavioral integrity and caring for the and rehabilitating the sick.

Nurses unique function Basic Principles of Nursing Care Nurses must know to assess the client's or patient’s need for help with the following daily functions or daily activities: (p322) Breathing Eating, Eliminating, Resting, Sleeping and moving, Keeping the body clean, Warm and clothed, Making life more than a vegetative process by communicating with others, Maintaining human relationships, Learning, Working and playing, Recreating

生理的部份(九項) 正常呼吸─不用靠外力如:呼吸器即可自行呼吸 適當飲食─可自行進食,不靠其他輔助 適當排泄─能自行順暢排泄出代謝廢物 移動和維持適當姿勢─ 可自行活動不靠輔助器及她人協助,包括:坐、臥、翻身、走路等 睡眠和休息─能有充足的睡眠及休息 選擇合適的衣服─能選擇自己喜好的穿著 藉著調整穿著和環境來保持正常體溫─ 能依季節選擇適當的衣物 保持身體的清潔和儀容─ 能自行執行沐浴及口腔清潔,注意自己外觀儀容 避免環境危險和避免傷害他人

心理的部份(五項) 與他人溝通, 表達情緒的需要或感受 依個人信仰崇拜 從事能產生成就感的工作或職業 有參與各類休閒活動 藉著學習發展或滿足好奇心的過程以達到正常發育及 健康的目標,使用有效的健康資源

14項基本護理活動: 概念架構圖 生理 心理 護理活動 護理活動 14項基本需要 護理活動 護理活動 社會 靈性

What kind of education will most likely produce effective nurses? Humanities Language, Ethics, Philosophy, Logic, Religion, History, and Music appreciation Biological and Physical Sciences Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology, Chemistry and Microbiology Social Sciences Sociology and Anthropology Medical and Nursing Arts (different titles)

Proposals for a basic nursing programme Interdisciplinary education An adequate background in the humanities An understanding of government of economics Lifetime study habits Tutoring of students in clinical practice Studying basic human needs Focusing on symptomatic nursing Studying the specific help needs Opportunity to see effective care in a variety of setting Studying the care of some patients in depth (up-to-date descriptions of care; problem-oriented approach) Reality shock: new graduate nurses Satisfaction that comes with seeing the results of nurses’ efforts expresses in the patient’s recovery

概念間關係 (1/2) 護理人員是健康照護成組的一員,護理功能 具備其獨特的一面 護理人員在護理過程中,協助個人達到14項 基本護理需要 護理人員是健康照護成組的一員,護理功能 具備其獨特的一面 護理人員在護理過程中,協助個人達到14項 基本護理需要 14項基本護理需要包含了個人的身、心、靈、 社會的需要依照重要性而依序排列 ‧護理人員必須具備科學、社會學、人類學、心理學等方面的知識

概念間關係 (2/2) 護理的功能常因為不同的國家和社會文化而導致需要及功能的不同來做調整。 護理功能在於維持及促進個人健康,協助個人恢復健康和協助個人安享的死去。

理論的護理玄理念︰ 人、環境、健康、護理 人:是生物、心理、社會和靈性的綜合體。 14項基本需要即是針對以上生物、心理、社會和靈性 的需要而訂定,包括病人和健康的人在內。 環境:強調護理人員在護理病人時,應考慮到因文化背景 的不同,病人也會有不同的需要。 健康:健康是維持人類功能的基礎。 人若達到14項基本需要,即可維持健康。 護理:有增進及恢復人們健康的功能。護理人員評 估案主的需要,以引導及協助案主達到14項 基本需要。護理人員是各代替者也是各幫助 者。

理論評值 理論分析: 理論所提到十四項基本需要是每個人所需要的生存條件 ,適用於不同種族、地區的護理。 Virginia Henderson 的理論用詞簡單容易理解、所使用的名詞是護理人員所熟悉的,所以容易被接受。理論內容包含所有的護理人員和個人(包括有疾病和無疾病的人)間的各種狀況,所以本理論可運用在各科臨床護理上。 理論所提到十四項基本需要是每個人所需要的生存條件 ,適用於不同種族、地區的護理。 本理論很廣泛地被各國家的護理所接受及應用。