千古保障 O God, Our Help in Ages Past 080 Y Issac Watts


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Presentation transcript:

千古保障 O God, Our Help in Ages Past 080 Y Issac Watts

是我將來盼望 每遇風波是避難處 是我安宅保障! O God, our help in ages past, (vs1/2)上主是我昔日幫助, O God, our help in ages past, 是我將來盼望 Our hope for years to come. 每遇風波是避難處 Our shelter from the stormy blast, 是我安宅保障! And our eternal home! Bill: One time through 1 of 8 CCLI #1133585

在主寶座蔭庇之下, 聖徒常得安住 我主膀臂能力極大, 時常將我保護。 Under the shadow of Thy throne Still may we dwell secure. 我主膀臂能力極大, Sufficient is Thine arm alone, 時常將我保護。 And our defense is sure. Bill: One time through 2 of 8 CCLI #1133585

Hallelujah, Hallelujah (C) 哈利路亞,哈利路亞, Hallelujah, Hallelujah 主是一生幫助! O God, O God, our help! Bill: One time through 3 of 8 CCLI #1133585

山川尚未安定 無始以來神是無比, 直到永世無盡。 Before the hills in order stood, (vs3/4)太初之時天地未闢, Before the hills in order stood, 山川尚未安定 Or earth received her frame. 無始以來神是無比, From everlasting Thou art God, 直到永世無盡。 To endless years the same. Bill: One time through 4 of 8 CCLI #1133585

似箭光陰如川不息, 世人瞬間即逝 猶如曉夢醒時難覓, 不復為人所識。 A thousand ages in Thy sight Are like an evening gone. 猶如曉夢醒時難覓, Short as the watch that ends the night, 不復為人所識。 Before the rising sun. Bill: One time through 5 of 8 CCLI #1133585

Hallelujah, Hallelujah (C) 哈利路亞,哈利路亞, Hallelujah, Hallelujah 主是一生幫助! O God, O God, our help! Bill: One time through 6 of 8 CCLI #1133585

是我將來盼望 我若遇難求主保護, 作我安宅保障! O God, our help in ages past, (v5) 恩主是我昔日幫助, O God, our help in ages past, 是我將來盼望 Our hope for years to come. 我若遇難求主保護, Be Thou our guide while life shall last, 作我安宅保障! And our eternal home! Bill: One time through 7 of 8 CCLI #1133585

Hallelujah, Hallelujah (C) 哈利路亞,哈利路亞, Hallelujah, Hallelujah 主是一生幫助! O God, O God, our help! 哈利路亞,哈利路亞, Bill: One time through 8 of 8 CCLI #1133585