EC Annual Report, December 11, 2004
教 師 專 業 發 展 Professional Development 22張投影片 網上PowerPoint 80Website of Ko Sir貼於2018.12.16 教 師 專 業 發 展 Professional Development 師訓及師資諮詢委員會主席 程介明 Kai-ming Cheng Chairman, Advisory Committee on Teacher Education and Qualifications
學生學習素質 繫於教師! 優秀教師善於學習! Quality Teacher for Quality Learning! Quality Teachers are Learning Teachers!
教師專業素養 Teachers’ Capacity 學科知識 “Subject matter” 自學能力 Capacity of Lifelong Learning 基本素質 Basic intellectual attributes 教學專業認知 Science & art of learning and teaching 學生成長認知 Knowledge of student development 變革能力 Capacity to change 專業態度道德 Professional attitudes and values 人際交往能力 Capacity of social interactions 持續學習創新 Continuous learning, adaptation and innovations 學習 Learning! 學術學位 A Degree 學習 Learning! 專業資格 Professional Qualification 專業見習 Workplace Internship 學習 Learning! 學習 Learning! 專業持續發展 Continuing Professional Development
Teachers’ Professional Development 教師專業發展階段 Teachers’ Professional Development Initial Education Intern-ship Continuing Professional Development 職前 初職 在職
Teacher’s Competencies Framework 教師專業能力理念框架 Intern-ship Initial Education Continuing Professional Development Teacher’s Competencies Framework
教師專業能力理念框架 Teacher’s Competencies Framework Basic Values Professional Community School Develop- ment Teaching & Learning Student 學校發展範疇 專業群體及服務範疇 學生發展範疇 教與學的範疇 專業基本價值
Teacher Competencies Framework Teaching and Learning Domain Student Development Domain School Development Domain Professional Relationships and Services Subject Matter Knowledge command of subject matter knowledge updating of subject matter knowledge and search for new subject knowledge sharing and exchange of subject teaching practice Curriculum and Pedagogical Content Knowledge command and application of pedagogical content knowledge curriculum design, implementation and improvement updating and sharing of pedagogical content knowledge Teaching Strategies and Skills, Use of Language and Mulit-Media knowledge and application of teaching strategies and skills language proficiency motivation of student learning through different teaching methods and multi-media research and dissemination on teaching strategies and skills Assessment and Evaluation student assessment methods and procedures use of student assessment results evaluation and review of teaching and learning programmes Students’ Diverse Needs in School understanding students’ diverse needs identifying and supporting students’ diverse needs collegial collaboration in identifying and supporting students’ diverse needs Rapport with Students awareness of the importance of establishing rapport with students building trust and rapport with students Pastoral Care for Students providing pastoral care for students collegial collaboration in providing pastoral care Students’ Different Learning Experiences participation and implementation planning and organization whole person development of students School’s Vision and Mission, Culture and Ethos adaptation to school vision and mission, culture and ethos actualisation of school beliefs, vision and mission cultivation of a caring and inviting school climate contribution to reviewing school vision and mission, as well as promoting school culture and school image Policies, Procedures and Practices understanding school goals and policies implementation of school policies, procedures and practices formulation of school policies, review of procedures and practices for continuous school development Home-School Collaboration understanding students’ family background communication with parents involvement in parent-related activities building trust with parents for further school development Responsiveness to Societal Values and Changes awareness and knowledge of societal changes in relation to their impact on school responsiveness to societal changes and issues related to social values Collaborative Relationships within School working relationships with individuals working relationships with groups working relationships within formal structures Teachers’ Professional Development sharing of knowledge and good practices with others contribution to teachers’ professional development Involvement in Policies Related to Education awareness and knowledge of policies related to education responsiveness to policies related to education contribution to policies related to education Education-related Community Services and Voluntary Work interaction with the broader community participation in education-related community services and voluntary work SIX CORE VALUES THAT UNDERPIN THE WHOLE FRAMEWORK belief that all students can learn andhave a right to realize their potential love and care for students respect for diversity diligence, commitment and dedication to the profession collaboration, sharing and teamspirit passion for continuous learning, self‑reflection and excellence BASIC PREMISE: THE PERSONAL GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF TEACHERS A
Teacher Competency Framework 教師專業能力理念框架 Teacher Competency Framework 作為理念根據 as a framework 作為「地圖」 as a map 作為規劃參考 as a tool for long-term planning
Towards a Learning Profession (2003) Continuing Professional Development持續專業發展 文件 (2003) 《專業的學習、學習的專業》 Towards a Learning Profession (2003) 三年試行 3 year trial 軟指標150 小時 Soft target: 150 hrs/3 yr 兼顧進修實踐 Study/Practice 學校為本要求 School-appropriate
初步反應 Initial responses Continuing Professional Development持續專業發展 《專業的學習、學習的專業》 Towards a Learning Profession (2003) 初步反應 Initial responses 建立不靠指標文化 No hard audit 初步調查超過指標 Initial survey encouraging 時數不是努力方向 Hours not a major concern 以素質、效果為重 Quality & Effectiveness
Towards a Learning Profession (2003) Continuing Professional Development持續專業發展 《專業的學習、學習的專業》 Towards a Learning Profession (2003) 專業發展活動 CPD Activities 學術課程 Academic programmes 校際交流 Interschool sharing 專業研討 Seminars/Talks/workshops 校內進修 Staff Development 研究發展 Research & Development …………
學術課程 Academic Programmes Continuing Professional Development 學術課程 Academic Programmes
Continuing Professional Development 研討會Seminars/Talks
Inter-School Activities Continuing Professional Development 校際交流 Inter-School Activities
Continuing Professional Development 同儕分享Sharing
專業會議Professional Conferences Continuing Professional Development 專業會議Professional Conferences
研究與規劃Research & Planning Continuing Professional Development 研究與規劃Research & Planning
指導小組 Steering Committee Continuing Professional Development持續專業發展 《專業的學習、學習的專業》 Towards a Learning Profession (2003) 指導小組 Steering Committee 監察全港進展 Overseeing and steering developments 發掘成功案例 Identification of Success Stories 推廣交流經驗 Dissemination of Good Practices 發展多元模式 Demonstration of multiple models 營造專業文化 Facilitation of a professional culture
How do we prepare teachers for new challenges? Initial Education Initial Education 如何為新教師準備未來挑戰? How do we prepare teachers for new challenges? 研究 Research 教師觀感 Teachers’ perceptions of the present 發展前瞻 Delphi study of the future 先例研究 Case study of advanced cases 指導小組 Steering Committee 專業諮詢 Consultative Committee
How to adapt new teachers to the school reality? Intern-ship 如何讓新教師融入學校現實? How to adapt new teachers to the school reality? 初步設想 Initial thinking 一年為期, 註冊前提 One year leading to Registration 工作記錄, 導師輔導 Portfolio facilitated by Mentors 專設組織, 全盤監察 Monitored by external authority 基本結構工作組 Task Force for Infrastructure 專業要求工作組 Task Force for Professional Criteria
完 學生學習素質 繫於教師! 優秀教師善於學習! Quality Teacher for Quality Learning! Quality Teachers are Learning Teachers!